
// Copyright 2002 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// utilities.h: Conversion functions and other utility routines.


#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h>

#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "angle_gl.h"

#include "common/PackedEnums.h"
#include "common/mathutil.h"
#include "common/platform.h"

namespace sh
struct ShaderVariable;

namespace gl

int VariableComponentCount(GLenum type);
GLenum VariableComponentType(GLenum type);
size_t VariableComponentSize(GLenum type);
size_t VariableInternalSize(GLenum type);
size_t VariableExternalSize(GLenum type);
int VariableRowCount(GLenum type);
int VariableColumnCount(GLenum type);
bool IsSamplerType(GLenum type);
bool IsSamplerCubeType(GLenum type);
bool IsSamplerYUVType(GLenum type);
bool IsImageType(GLenum type);
bool IsImage2DType(GLenum type);
bool IsAtomicCounterType(GLenum type);
bool IsOpaqueType(GLenum type);
bool IsMatrixType(GLenum type);
GLenum TransposeMatrixType(GLenum type);
int VariableRegisterCount(GLenum type);
int MatrixRegisterCount(GLenum type, bool isRowMajorMatrix);
int MatrixComponentCount(GLenum type, bool isRowMajorMatrix);
int VariableSortOrder(GLenum type);
GLenum VariableBoolVectorType(GLenum type);
std::string GetGLSLTypeString(GLenum type);

int AllocateFirstFreeBits(unsigned int *bits, unsigned int allocationSize, unsigned int bitsSize);

// Parse the base resource name and array indices. Returns the base name of the resource.
// If the provided name doesn't index an array, the outSubscripts vector will be empty.
// If the provided name indexes an array, the outSubscripts vector will contain indices with
// outermost array indices in the back. If an array index is invalid, GL_INVALID_INDEX is added to
// outSubscripts.
std::string ParseResourceName(const std::string &name, std::vector<unsigned int> *outSubscripts);

bool IsBuiltInName(const char *name);
ANGLE_INLINE bool IsBuiltInName(const std::string &name)

// Strips only the last array index from a resource name.
std::string StripLastArrayIndex(const std::string &name);

bool SamplerNameContainsNonZeroArrayElement(const std::string &name);

// Find the range of index values in the provided indices pointer.  Primitive restart indices are
// only counted in the range if primitive restart is disabled.
IndexRange ComputeIndexRange(DrawElementsType indexType,
                             const GLvoid *indices,
                             size_t count,
                             bool primitiveRestartEnabled);

// Get the primitive restart index value for the given index type.
GLuint GetPrimitiveRestartIndex(DrawElementsType indexType);

// Get the primitive restart index value with the given C++ type.
template <typename T>
constexpr T GetPrimitiveRestartIndexFromType()


bool IsTriangleMode(PrimitiveMode drawMode);
bool IsPolygonMode(PrimitiveMode mode);

namespace priv
extern const angle::PackedEnumMap<PrimitiveMode, bool> gLineModes;
}  // namespace priv

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsLineMode(PrimitiveMode primitiveMode)

bool IsIntegerFormat(GLenum unsizedFormat);

// Returns the product of the sizes in the vector, or 1 if the vector is empty. Doesn't currently
// perform overflow checks.
unsigned int ArraySizeProduct(const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes);
// Returns the product of the sizes in the vector except for the outermost dimension, or 1 if the
// vector is empty.
unsigned int InnerArraySizeProduct(const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes);
// Returns the outermost array dimension, or 1 if the vector is empty.
unsigned int OutermostArraySize(const std::vector<unsigned int> &arraySizes);

// Return the array index at the end of name, and write the length of name before the final array
// index into nameLengthWithoutArrayIndexOut. In case name doesn't include an array index, return
// GL_INVALID_INDEX and write the length of the original string.
unsigned int ParseArrayIndex(const std::string &name, size_t *nameLengthWithoutArrayIndexOut);

enum class SamplerFormat : uint8_t

struct UniformTypeInfo final : angle::NonCopyable

inline constexpr UniformTypeInfo::UniformTypeInfo(GLenum type,
                                                  GLenum componentType,
                                                  GLenum textureType,
                                                  GLenum transposedMatrixType,
                                                  GLenum boolVectorType,
                                                  SamplerFormat samplerFormat,
                                                  int rowCount,
                                                  int columnCount,
                                                  int componentCount,
                                                  size_t componentSize,
                                                  size_t internalSize,
                                                  size_t externalSize,
                                                  bool isSampler,
                                                  bool isMatrixType,
                                                  bool isImageType)

struct UniformTypeIndex
const UniformTypeInfo &GetUniformTypeInfo(GLenum uniformType);
UniformTypeIndex GetUniformTypeIndex(GLenum uniformType);
const UniformTypeInfo &GetUniformTypeInfoFromIndex(UniformTypeIndex index);

const char *GetGenericErrorMessage(GLenum error);

unsigned int ElementTypeSize(GLenum elementType);

bool IsMipmapFiltered(GLenum minFilterMode);

template <typename T>
T GetClampedVertexCount(size_t vertexCount)

enum class PipelineType

PipelineType GetPipelineType(ShaderType shaderType);

// For use with KHR_debug.
const char *GetDebugMessageSourceString(GLenum source);
const char *GetDebugMessageTypeString(GLenum type);
const char *GetDebugMessageSeverityString(GLenum severity);

// For use with EXT_texture_format_sRGB_override and EXT_texture_sRGB_decode
// A texture may be forced to decode to a nonlinear colorspace, to a linear colorspace, or to the
// default colorspace of its current format.
// Default corresponds to "the texture should use the imageview that corresponds to its format"
// Linear corresponds to "the texture has sRGB decoding disabled by extension, and should use a
// linear imageview even if it is in a nonlinear format" NonLinear corresponds to "the texture has
// sRGB override enabled by extension, and should use a nonlinear imageview even if it is in a
// linear format"
enum class SrgbOverride

// For use with EXT_sRGB_write_control
// A render target may be forced to convert to a linear colorspace, or may be allowed to do whatever
// colorspace conversion is appropriate for its format. There is no option to force linear->sRGB, it
// can only convert from sRGB->linear
enum class SrgbWriteControlMode

// For use with EXT_YUV_target
// A sampler of external YUV textures may either implicitly perform RGB conversion (regular
// samplerExternalOES) or skip the conversion and sample raw YUV values (__samplerExternal2DY2Y).
enum class YuvSamplingMode

ShaderType GetShaderTypeFromBitfield(size_t singleShaderType);
GLbitfield GetBitfieldFromShaderType(ShaderType shaderType);
bool ShaderTypeSupportsTransformFeedback(ShaderType shaderType);
// Given a set of shader stages, returns the last vertex processing stage.  This is the stage that
// interfaces the fragment shader.
ShaderType GetLastPreFragmentStage(ShaderBitSet shaderTypes);

}  // namespace gl

namespace egl
static const EGLenum FirstCubeMapTextureTarget =;
static const EGLenum LastCubeMapTextureTarget  =;
bool IsCubeMapTextureTarget(EGLenum target);
size_t CubeMapTextureTargetToLayerIndex(EGLenum target);
EGLenum LayerIndexToCubeMapTextureTarget(size_t index);
bool IsTextureTarget(EGLenum target);
bool IsRenderbufferTarget(EGLenum target);
bool IsExternalImageTarget(EGLenum target);

const char *GetGenericErrorMessage(EGLint error);
}  // namespace egl

namespace egl_gl
GLuint EGLClientBufferToGLObjectHandle(EGLClientBuffer buffer);

namespace gl_egl
EGLenum GLComponentTypeToEGLColorComponentType(GLenum glComponentType);
EGLClientBuffer GLObjectHandleToEGLClientBuffer(GLuint handle);
}  // namespace gl_egl

namespace angle

template <typename T>
constexpr size_t ConstStrLen(T s)

bool IsDrawEntryPoint(EntryPoint entryPoint);
bool IsDispatchEntryPoint(EntryPoint entryPoint);
bool IsClearEntryPoint(EntryPoint entryPoint);
bool IsQueryEntryPoint(EntryPoint entryPoint);

template <typename T>
void FillWithNullptr(T *array)
}  // namespace angle

void writeFile(const char *path, const void *data, size_t size);

// Get the underlying type. Useful for indexing into arrays with enum values by avoiding the clutter
// of the extraneous static_cast<>() calls.
template <typename E>
constexpr typename std::underlying_type<E>::type ToUnderlying(E e) noexcept