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  <h2>Status: <code id="statusField">NO-STATUS</code></h2>
    This example shows how to pass a Chrome FileSystem to the Native Client
    module. The standard Pepper FileSystem (see examples/api/file_io) only
    allows you to write to a sandboxed filesystem, but the Chrome FileSystem
    allows you to write directly to a directory on the user's filesystem.
  <p>The Chrome FileSystem is only supported for Chrome Apps.</p>
    Click the button below and choose a directory. A new FileSystem will be
    created which contains that directory. It will then be passed to the Native
    Client module, where it will be used to write a file in that directory
    called hello_from_nacl.txt.
   <input type="button" id="choosedir" value="Choose Directory">
  <pre id="log"></pre>
  <div id="listener"></div>