// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Called by the common.js module.
function domContentLoaded(name, tc, config, width, height) {
var listener = document.getElementById('listener');
listener.addEventListener('loadstart', moduleDidStartLoad, true);
listener.addEventListener('progress', moduleLoadProgress, true);
listener.addEventListener('error', moduleLoadError, true);
listener.addEventListener('abort', moduleLoadAbort, true);
listener.addEventListener('load', moduleDidLoad, true);
listener.addEventListener('loadend', moduleDidEndLoad, true);
listener.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true);
common.createNaClModule(name, tc, config, width, height);
// Handler that gets called when the NaCl module starts loading. This
// event is always triggered when an <EMBED> tag has a MIME type of
// application/x-nacl.
function moduleDidStartLoad() {
// Progress event handler. |event| contains a couple of interesting
// properties that are used in this example:
// total The size of the NaCl module in bytes. Note that this value
// is 0 until |lengthComputable| is true. In particular, this
// value is 0 for the first 'progress' event.
// loaded The number of bytes loaded so far.
// lengthComputable A boolean indicating that the |total| field
// represents a valid length.
// event The ProgressEvent that triggered this handler.
function moduleLoadProgress(event) {
var loadPercent = 0.0;
var loadPercentString;
if (event.lengthComputable && event.total > 0) {
loadPercent = event.loaded / event.total * 100.0;
loadPercentString = loadPercent + '%';
common.logMessage('progress: ' + event.url + ' ' + loadPercentString +
' (' + event.loaded + ' of ' + event.total + ' bytes)');
} else {
// The total length is not yet known.
common.logMessage('progress: Computing...');
// Handler that gets called if an error occurred while loading the NaCl
// module. Note that the event does not carry any meaningful data about
// the error, you have to check lastError on the <EMBED> element to find
// out what happened.
function moduleLoadError() {
common.logMessage('error: ' + common.naclModule.lastError);
// Handler that gets called if the NaCl module load is aborted.
function moduleLoadAbort() {
// When the NaCl module has loaded indicate success.
function moduleDidLoad() {
// Handler that gets called when the NaCl module loading has completed.
// You will always get one of these events, regardless of whether the NaCl
// module loaded successfully or not. For example, if there is an error
// during load, you will get an 'error' event and a 'loadend' event. Note
// that if the NaCl module loads successfully, you will get both a 'load'
// event and a 'loadend' event.
function moduleDidEndLoad() {
var lastError = event.target.lastError;
if (lastError == undefined || lastError.length == 0) {
lastError = '<none>';
common.logMessage('lastError: ' + lastError);
// Handle a message coming from the NaCl module.
function handleMessage(message_event) {
common.logMessage('Received PostMessage: ' + message_event.data);