
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// renderer_utils:
//   Helper methods pertaining to most or all back-ends.


#include <cstdint>

#include <limits>
#include <map>

#include "GLSLANG/ShaderLang.h"
#include "common/angleutils.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/ImageIndex.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"

namespace angle
struct FeatureSetBase;
struct Format;
struct ImageLoadContext;
enum class FormatID;
}  // namespace angle

namespace gl
struct FormatType;
struct InternalFormat;
class ProgramExecutable;
class State;
}  // namespace gl

namespace egl
class AttributeMap;
struct DisplayState;
}  // namespace egl

namespace rx
class ContextImpl;

// The possible rotations of the surface/draw framebuffer, particularly for the Vulkan back-end on
// Android.
enum class SurfaceRotation

bool IsRotatedAspectRatio(SurfaceRotation rotation);


void RotateRectangle(const SurfaceRotation rotation,
                     const bool flipY,
                     const int framebufferWidth,
                     const int framebufferHeight,
                     const gl::Rectangle &incoming,
                     gl::Rectangle *outgoing);



class FastCopyFunctionMap

struct PackPixelsParams

void PackPixels(const PackPixelsParams &params,
                const angle::Format &sourceFormat,
                int inputPitch,
                const uint8_t *source,
                uint8_t *destination);

angle::Result GetPackPixelsParams(const gl::InternalFormat &sizedFormatInfo,
                                  GLuint outputPitch,
                                  const gl::PixelPackState &packState,
                                  gl::Buffer *packBuffer,
                                  const gl::Rectangle &area,
                                  const gl::Rectangle &clippedArea,
                                  rx::PackPixelsParams *paramsOut,
                                  GLuint *skipBytesOut);



struct LoadImageFunctionInfo


bool ShouldUseDebugLayers(const egl::AttributeMap &attribs);

void CopyImageCHROMIUM(const uint8_t *sourceData,
                       size_t sourceRowPitch,
                       size_t sourcePixelBytes,
                       size_t sourceDepthPitch,
                       PixelReadFunction pixelReadFunction,
                       uint8_t *destData,
                       size_t destRowPitch,
                       size_t destPixelBytes,
                       size_t destDepthPitch,
                       PixelWriteFunction pixelWriteFunction,
                       GLenum destUnsizedFormat,
                       GLenum destComponentType,
                       size_t width,
                       size_t height,
                       size_t depth,
                       bool unpackFlipY,
                       bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
                       bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha);

// Incomplete textures are 1x1 textures filled with black, used when samplers are incomplete.
// This helper class encapsulates handling incomplete textures. Because the GL back-end
// can take advantage of the driver's incomplete textures, and because clearing multisample
// textures is so difficult, we can keep an instance of this class in the back-end instead
// of moving the logic to the Context front-end.

// This interface allows us to call-back to init a multisample texture.
class MultisampleTextureInitializer

class IncompleteTextureSet final : angle::NonCopyable

// Helpers to set a matrix uniform value based on GLSL or HLSL semantics.
// The return value indicate if the data was updated or not.
template <int cols, int rows>
struct SetFloatUniformMatrixGLSL

template <int cols, int rows>
struct SetFloatUniformMatrixHLSL

// Helper method to de-tranpose a matrix uniform for an API query.
void GetMatrixUniform(GLenum type, GLfloat *dataOut, const GLfloat *source, bool transpose);

template <typename NonFloatT>
void GetMatrixUniform(GLenum type, NonFloatT *dataOut, const NonFloatT *source, bool transpose);

const angle::Format &GetFormatFromFormatType(GLenum format, GLenum type);

angle::Result ComputeStartVertex(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                 const gl::IndexRange &indexRange,
                                 GLint baseVertex,
                                 GLint *firstVertexOut);

angle::Result GetVertexRangeInfo(const gl::Context *context,
                                 GLint firstVertex,
                                 GLsizei vertexOrIndexCount,
                                 gl::DrawElementsType indexTypeOrInvalid,
                                 const void *indices,
                                 GLint baseVertex,
                                 GLint *startVertexOut,
                                 size_t *vertexCountOut);

gl::Rectangle ClipRectToScissor(const gl::State &glState, const gl::Rectangle &rect, bool invertY);

// Helper method to intialize a FeatureSet with overrides from the DisplayState
void ApplyFeatureOverrides(angle::FeatureSetBase *features,
                           const angle::FeatureOverrides &overrides);

template <typename In>
uint32_t LineLoopRestartIndexCountHelper(GLsizei indexCount, const uint8_t *srcPtr)

inline uint32_t GetLineLoopWithRestartIndexCount(gl::DrawElementsType glIndexType,
                                                 GLsizei indexCount,
                                                 const uint8_t *srcPtr)

// Writes the line-strip vertices for a line loop to outPtr,
// where outLimit is calculated as in GetPrimitiveRestartIndexCount.
template <typename In, typename Out>
void CopyLineLoopIndicesWithRestart(GLsizei indexCount, const uint8_t *srcPtr, uint8_t *outPtr)

void GetSamplePosition(GLsizei sampleCount, size_t index, GLfloat *xy);

angle::Result MultiDrawArraysGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                     const gl::Context *context,
                                     gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                     const GLint *firsts,
                                     const GLsizei *counts,
                                     GLsizei drawcount);
angle::Result MultiDrawArraysIndirectGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                             const gl::Context *context,
                                             gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                             const void *indirect,
                                             GLsizei drawcount,
                                             GLsizei stride);
angle::Result MultiDrawArraysInstancedGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                              const gl::Context *context,
                                              gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                              const GLint *firsts,
                                              const GLsizei *counts,
                                              const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
                                              GLsizei drawcount);
angle::Result MultiDrawElementsGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                       const gl::Context *context,
                                       gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                       const GLsizei *counts,
                                       gl::DrawElementsType type,
                                       const GLvoid *const *indices,
                                       GLsizei drawcount);
angle::Result MultiDrawElementsIndirectGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                               const gl::Context *context,
                                               gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                               gl::DrawElementsType type,
                                               const void *indirect,
                                               GLsizei drawcount,
                                               GLsizei stride);
angle::Result MultiDrawElementsInstancedGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                                const gl::Context *context,
                                                gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                                const GLsizei *counts,
                                                gl::DrawElementsType type,
                                                const GLvoid *const *indices,
                                                const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
                                                GLsizei drawcount);
angle::Result MultiDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstanceGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                                          const gl::Context *context,
                                                          gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                                          const GLint *firsts,
                                                          const GLsizei *counts,
                                                          const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
                                                          const GLuint *baseInstances,
                                                          GLsizei drawcount);
angle::Result MultiDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstanceGeneral(ContextImpl *contextImpl,
                                                                      const gl::Context *context,
                                                                      gl::PrimitiveMode mode,
                                                                      const GLsizei *counts,
                                                                      gl::DrawElementsType type,
                                                                      const GLvoid *const *indices,
                                                                      const GLsizei *instanceCounts,
                                                                      const GLint *baseVertices,
                                                                      const GLuint *baseInstances,
                                                                      GLsizei drawcount);

// RAII object making sure reset uniforms is called no matter whether there's an error in draw calls
class ResetBaseVertexBaseInstance : angle::NonCopyable

angle::FormatID ConvertToSRGB(angle::FormatID formatID);
angle::FormatID ConvertToLinear(angle::FormatID formatID);
bool IsOverridableLinearFormat(angle::FormatID formatID);

template <bool swizzledLuma = true>
const gl::ColorGeneric AdjustBorderColor(const angle::ColorGeneric &borderColorGeneric,
                                         const angle::Format &format,
                                         bool stencilMode);

template <typename LargerInt>
GLint LimitToInt(const LargerInt physicalDeviceValue)

bool TextureHasAnyRedefinedLevels(const gl::CubeFaceArray<gl::TexLevelMask> &redefinedLevels);
bool IsTextureLevelRedefined(const gl::CubeFaceArray<gl::TexLevelMask> &redefinedLevels,
                             gl::TextureType textureType,
                             gl::LevelIndex level);

enum class TextureLevelDefinition

enum class TextureLevelAllocation
// Returns true if the image should be released after the level is redefined, false otherwise.
bool TextureRedefineLevel(const TextureLevelAllocation levelAllocation,
                          const TextureLevelDefinition levelDefinition,
                          bool immutableFormat,
                          uint32_t levelCount,
                          const uint32_t layerIndex,
                          const gl::ImageIndex &index,
                          gl::LevelIndex imageFirstAllocatedLevel,
                          gl::CubeFaceArray<gl::TexLevelMask> *redefinedLevels);

void TextureRedefineGenerateMipmapLevels(gl::LevelIndex baseLevel,
                                         gl::LevelIndex maxLevel,
                                         gl::LevelIndex firstGeneratedLevel,
                                         gl::CubeFaceArray<gl::TexLevelMask> *redefinedLevels);

enum class ImageMipLevels

enum class PipelineType

// Return the log of samples.  Assumes |sampleCount| is a power of 2.  The result can be used to
// index an array based on sample count.
inline size_t PackSampleCount(int32_t sampleCount)

}  // namespace rx

// MultiDraw macro patterns
// These macros are to avoid too much code duplication as we don't want to have if detect for
// hasDrawID/BaseVertex/BaseInstance inside for loop in a multiDrawANGLE call Part of these are put
// in the header as we want to share with specialized context impl on some platforms for multidraw



#define ANGLE_NOOP_DRAW(_instanced)