
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Format:
//   A universal description of typed GPU storage. Across multiple
//   renderer back-ends, there are common formats and some distinct
//   permutations, this enum encapsulates them all. Formats apply to
//   textures, but could also apply to any typed data.


#include "libANGLE/renderer/FormatID_autogen.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/renderer_utils.h"

namespace angle
enum class FormatID;

extern const Format gFormatInfoTable[];

struct Format final : private angle::NonCopyable

constexpr GLuint GetChannelCount(GLuint redBits,
                                 GLuint greenBits,
                                 GLuint blueBits,
                                 GLuint alphaBits,
                                 GLuint luminanceBits,
                                 GLuint depthBits,
                                 GLuint stencilBits)

constexpr Format::Format(FormatID id,
                         GLenum glFormat,
                         GLenum fboFormat,
                         rx::MipGenerationFunction mipGen,
                         const rx::FastCopyFunctionMap &fastCopyFunctions,
                         rx::PixelReadFunction colorRead,
                         rx::PixelWriteFunction colorWrite,
                         GLenum componentType,
                         GLuint redBits,
                         GLuint greenBits,
                         GLuint blueBits,
                         GLuint alphaBits,
                         GLuint luminanceBits,
                         GLuint depthBits,
                         GLuint stencilBits,
                         GLuint pixelBytes,
                         GLuint componentAlignmentMask,
                         bool isBlock,
                         bool isFixed,
                         bool isScaled,
                         bool isSRGB,
                         bool isYUV,
                         gl::VertexAttribType vertexAttribType)

constexpr bool Format::hasDepthOrStencilBits() const

constexpr bool Format::hasDepthAndStencilBits() const

constexpr bool Format::isLUMA() const

constexpr bool Format::isBGRA() const

constexpr bool Format::isSint() const

constexpr bool Format::isUint() const

constexpr bool Format::isSnorm() const

constexpr bool Format::isUnorm() const

constexpr bool Format::isFloat() const

constexpr bool Format::isVertexTypeHalfFloat() const


}  // namespace angle