
// Copyright 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// formatutils.h: Queries for GL image formats.


#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <ostream>

#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "common/android_util.h"
#include "common/hash_containers.h"
#include "libANGLE/Caps.h"
#include "libANGLE/Config.h"
#include "libANGLE/Error.h"
#include "libANGLE/Version.h"
#include "libANGLE/VertexAttribute.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"

namespace gl
struct VertexAttribute;

struct FormatType final

struct Type

uint32_t GetPackedTypeInfo(GLenum type);

ANGLE_INLINE GLenum GetNonLinearFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool ColorspaceFormatOverride(const EGLenum colorspace, GLenum *rendertargetformat)

ANGLE_INLINE const Type GetTypeInfo(GLenum type)

// This helpers use tricks based on the assumption that the type has certain values.
ANGLE_INLINE GLuint GetDrawElementsTypeSize(DrawElementsType type)

ANGLE_INLINE GLuint GetDrawElementsTypeShift(DrawElementsType type)

// Information about an OpenGL internal format.  Can be keyed on the internalFormat and type
// members.
struct InternalFormat

// A "Format" wraps an InternalFormat struct, querying it from either a sized internal format or
// unsized internal format and type.
// TODO(geofflang): Remove this, it doesn't add any more information than the InternalFormat object.
struct Format

const InternalFormat &GetSizedInternalFormatInfo(GLenum internalFormat);
const InternalFormat &GetInternalFormatInfo(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum type);

// Strip sizing information from an internal format.  Doesn't necessarily validate that the internal
// format is valid.
GLenum GetUnsizedFormat(GLenum internalFormat);

// Return whether the compressed format requires whole image/mip level to be uploaded to texture.
bool CompressedFormatRequiresWholeImage(GLenum internalFormat);

// In support of GetImage, check for LUMA formats and override with real format
void MaybeOverrideLuminance(GLenum &format, GLenum &type, GLenum actualFormat, GLenum actualType);

const FormatSet &GetAllSizedInternalFormats();

const InternalFormatInfoMap &GetInternalFormatMap();

int GetAndroidHardwareBufferFormatFromChannelSizes(const egl::AttributeMap &attribMap);

GLenum GetConfigColorBufferFormat(const egl::Config *config);
GLenum GetConfigDepthStencilBufferFormat(const egl::Config *config);

ANGLE_INLINE int GetNativeVisualID(const InternalFormat &internalFormat)

// From the ESSL 3.00.4 spec:
// Vertex shader inputs can only be float, floating-point vectors, matrices, signed and unsigned
// integers and integer vectors. Vertex shader inputs cannot be arrays or structures.

enum AttributeType

AttributeType GetAttributeType(GLenum enumValue);


struct VertexFormat : private angle::NonCopyable

angle::FormatID GetVertexFormatID(VertexAttribType type,
                                  GLboolean normalized,
                                  GLuint components,
                                  bool pureInteger);

angle::FormatID GetVertexFormatID(const VertexAttribute &attrib, VertexAttribType currentValueType);
angle::FormatID GetCurrentValueFormatID(VertexAttribType currentValueType);
const VertexFormat &GetVertexFormatFromID(angle::FormatID vertexFormatID);
size_t GetVertexFormatSize(angle::FormatID vertexFormatID);
angle::FormatID ConvertFormatSignedness(const angle::Format &format);

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsS3TCFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsRGTCFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsBPTCFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsASTC2DFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsETC1Format(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsETC2EACFormat(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE constexpr bool IsPVRTC1Format(const GLenum format)

ANGLE_INLINE bool IsBGRAFormat(const GLenum internalFormat)

// Check if an internal format is ever valid in ES3.  Makes no checks about support for a specific
// context.
bool ValidES3InternalFormat(GLenum internalFormat);

// Implemented in format_map_autogen.cpp
bool ValidES3Format(GLenum format);
bool ValidES3Type(GLenum type);
bool ValidES3FormatCombination(GLenum format, GLenum type, GLenum internalFormat);

// Implemented in format_map_desktop.cpp
bool ValidDesktopFormat(GLenum format);
bool ValidDesktopType(GLenum type);
bool ValidDesktopFormatCombination(GLenum format, GLenum type, GLenum internalFormat);

// Implemented in es3_copy_conversion_table_autogen.cpp
bool ValidES3CopyConversion(GLenum textureFormat, GLenum framebufferFormat);

ANGLE_INLINE ComponentType GetVertexAttributeComponentType(bool pureInteger, VertexAttribType type)

constexpr std::size_t kMaxYuvPlaneCount =;

struct YuvFormatInfo

bool IsYuvFormat(GLenum format);
uint32_t GetPlaneCount(GLenum format);
uint32_t GetYPlaneBpp(GLenum format);
uint32_t GetChromaPlaneBpp(GLenum format);
void GetSubSampleFactor(GLenum format,
                        int *horizontalSubsampleFactor,
                        int *verticalSubsampleFactor);
}  // namespace gl