
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <pthread.h>

#include "nacl_io/filesystem.h"
#include "nacl_io/pepper_interface.h"
#include "nacl_io/typed_fs_factory.h"
#include "sdk_util/simple_lock.h"

namespace nacl_io {

class Node;

class Html5Fs : public Filesystem {
  virtual Error OpenWithMode(const Path& path,
                             int open_flags,
                             mode_t mode,
                             ScopedNode* out_node);
  virtual Error Unlink(const Path& path);
  virtual Error Mkdir(const Path& path, int permissions);
  virtual Error Rmdir(const Path& path);
  virtual Error Remove(const Path& path);
  virtual Error Rename(const Path& path, const Path& newpath);

  PP_Resource filesystem_resource() { return filesystem_resource_; }

  virtual void OnNodeCreated(Node* node);
  virtual void OnNodeDestroyed(Node* node);

  static const int REMOVE_DIR = 1;
  static const int REMOVE_FILE = 2;
  static const int REMOVE_ALL = REMOVE_DIR | REMOVE_FILE;


  virtual Error Init(const FsInitArgs& args);
  virtual void Destroy();

  virtual Error RemoveInternal(const Path& path, int remove_type);
  Error BlockUntilFilesystemOpen();

  static void FilesystemOpenCallbackThunk(void* user_data, int32_t result);
  void FilesystemOpenCallback(int32_t result);
  Path GetFullPath(const Path& path);

  CoreInterface* core_iface_;
  FileSystemInterface* filesystem_iface_;
  FileRefInterface* file_ref_iface_;
  FileIoInterface* file_io_iface_;

  PP_Resource filesystem_resource_;
  bool filesystem_open_has_result_;  // protected by lock_.
  Error filesystem_open_error_;      // protected by lock_.

  pthread_cond_t filesystem_open_cond_;
  sdk_util::SimpleLock filesysem_open_lock_;
  std::string prefix_;

  friend class TypedFsFactory<Html5Fs>;

}  // namespace nacl_io