
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ResourceMap:
//   An optimized resource map which packs the first set of allocated objects into a
//   flat array, and then falls back to an unordered map for the higher handle values.


#include <mutex>
#include <type_traits>

#include "common/SimpleMutex.h"
#include "common/hash_containers.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"

namespace gl
// The resource map needs to be internally synchronized for maps that are placed in the share group
// (as opposed to being private to the context) and that are accessed without holding the share
// group lock.
using ResourceMapMutex = angle::SimpleMutex;

template <bool NeedsLock = true>
struct SelectResourceMapMutex

template <>
struct SelectResourceMapMutex<false>

// Analysis of ANGLE's traces as well as Chrome usage reveals the following:
// - Buffers: Typical applications use no more than 4000 ids.  Very few use over 6000.
// - Textures: Typical applications use no more than 1200 ids.  Very few use over 2000.
// - Samplers: Typical applications use no more than 50 ids.  Very few use over 100.
// - Shaders and Programs: Typical applications use no more than 500.  Very few use over 700.
// - Sync objects: Typical applications use no more than 500.  Very few use over 1500.
// For all the other shared types, the maximum used id is small (under 100).  For
// context-private parts (such as vertex arrays and queries), the id count can be in the
// thousands.
// The initial size of the flat resource map is based on the above, rounded up to a multiple of
// 1536.  Resource maps that need a lock (kNeedsLock == true) have the maximum flat size identical
// to initial flat size to avoid reallocation.  For others, the maps start small and can grow.
template <typename IDType>
struct ResourceMapParams
template <>
struct ResourceMapParams<BufferID>
template <>
struct ResourceMapParams<TextureID>
template <>
struct ResourceMapParams<ShaderProgramID>
template <>
struct ResourceMapParams<SyncID>
// For the purpose of unit testing, |int| is considered private (not needing lock), and
// |unsigned int| is considered shared (needing lock).
template <>
struct ResourceMapParams<unsigned int>

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
class ResourceMap final : angle::NonCopyable

// A helper to retrieve the resource map iterators while being explicit that this is not thread
// safe.  Usage of iterators are limited to clean up on destruction and capture/replay, neither of
// which can race with other threads in their access to the resource map.
template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
class UnsafeResourceMapIter

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::ResourceMap()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::~ResourceMap()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
ANGLE_INLINE bool ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::contains(IDType id) const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
bool ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::erase(IDType id, ResourceType **resourceOut)

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
void ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::assign(IDType id, ResourceType *resource)

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::begin()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::end() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::beginWithNull() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::endWithNull() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
bool UnsafeResourceMapIter<ResourceType, IDType>::empty() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
void ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::clear()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
GLuint ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::nextResource(size_t flatIndex, bool skipNulls) const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
// static
ResourceType *ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::InvalidPointer()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::Iterator(
    const ResourceMap &origin,
    GLuint flatIndex,
    typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::HashMap::const_iterator hashIndex,
    bool skipNulls)

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
bool ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator &other) const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
bool ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator &other) const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator &
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::operator++()

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
const typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::IndexAndResource *
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::operator->() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
const typename ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::IndexAndResource &
ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::operator*() const

template <typename ResourceType, typename IDType>
void ResourceMap<ResourceType, IDType>::Iterator::updateValue()

}  // namespace gl