
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// histogram_macros.h:
//   Helpers for making histograms, to keep consistency with Chromium's
//   histogram_macros.h.


#include <platform/PlatformMethods.h>

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES(name, sample)

// Use this macro when times can routinely be much longer than 10 seconds.
#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES(name, sample)

// Use this macro when times can routinely be much longer than 10 seconds and
// you want 100 buckets.
#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES_100(name, sample)

// For folks that need real specific times, use this to select a precise range
// of times you want plotted, and the number of buckets you want used.
#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_COUNTS(name, sample, min, max, bucket_count)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, under_one_hundred)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, sample, boundary_value)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB(name, sample)

#define ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_MB(name, sample)


// Scoped class which logs its time on this earth as a UMA statistic. This is
// recommended for when you want a histogram which measures the time it takes
// for a method to execute. This measures up to 10 seconds.

// Similar scoped histogram timer, but this uses ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_LONG_TIMES_100,
// which measures up to an hour, and uses 100 buckets. This is more expensive
// to store, so only use if this often takes >10 seconds.

// This nested macro is necessary to expand __COUNTER__ to an actual value.

#define SCOPED_ANGLE_HISTOGRAM_TIMER_UNIQUE(name, is_long, key)