
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Trace events are for tracking application performance and resource usage.
// Macros are provided to track:
//    Begin and end of function calls
//    Counters
// Events are issued against categories. Whereas LOG's
// categories are statically defined, TRACE categories are created
// implicitly with a string. For example:
//   TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomeImportantEvent")
// Events can be INSTANT, or can be pairs of BEGIN and END in the same scope:
//   TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomethingCostly")
//   doSomethingCostly()
//   TRACE_EVENT_END("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "SomethingCostly")
// Note: our tools can't always determine the correct BEGIN/END pairs unless
// these are used in the same scope. Use ASYNC_BEGIN/ASYNC_END macros if you need them
// to be in separate scopes.
// A common use case is to trace entire function scopes. This
// issues a trace BEGIN and END automatically:
//   void doSomethingCostly() {
//     TRACE_EVENT("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "doSomethingCostly");
//     ...
//   }
// Additional parameters can be associated with an event:
//   void doSomethingCostly2(int howMuch) {
//     TRACE_EVENT("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "doSomethingCostly", "howMuch", howMuch);
//     ...
//   }
// The trace system will automatically add to this information the
// current process id, thread id, and a timestamp in microseconds.
// To trace an asynchronous procedure such as an IPC send/receive, use ASYNC_BEGIN and
//   [single threaded sender code]
//     static int send_count = 0;
//     ++send_count;
//     TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN("ipc", "message", send_count);
//     Send(new MyMessage(send_count));
//   [receive code]
//     void OnMyMessage(send_count) {
//       TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END("ipc", "message", send_count);
//     }
// The third parameter is a unique ID to match ASYNC_BEGIN/ASYNC_END pairs.
// ASYNC_BEGIN and ASYNC_END can occur on any thread of any traced process. Pointers can
// be used for the ID parameter, and they will be mangled internally so that
// the same pointer on two different processes will not match. For example:
//   class MyTracedClass {
//    public:
//     MyTracedClass() {
//       TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN("category", "MyTracedClass", this);
//     }
//     ~MyTracedClass() {
//       TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END("category", "MyTracedClass", this);
//     }
//   }
// Trace event also supports counters, which is a way to track a quantity
// as it varies over time. Counters are created with the following macro:
//   TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter", g_myCounterValue);
// Counters are process-specific. The macro itself can be issued from any
// thread, however.
// Sometimes, you want to track two counters at once. You can do this with two
// counter macros:
//   TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter0", g_myCounterValue[0]);
//   TRACE_COUNTER1("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter1", g_myCounterValue[1]);
// Or you can do it with a combined macro:
//   TRACE_COUNTER2("MY_SUBSYSTEM", "myCounter",
//       "bytesPinned", g_myCounterValue[0],
//       "bytesAllocated", g_myCounterValue[1]);
// This indicates to the tracing UI that these counters should be displayed
// in a single graph, as a summed area chart.
// Since counters are in a global namespace, you may want to disambiguate with a
// unique ID, by using the TRACE_COUNTER_ID* variations.
// By default, trace collection is compiled in, but turned off at runtime.
// Collecting trace data is the responsibility of the embedding
// application. In Chrome's case, navigating to about:tracing will turn on
// tracing and display data collected across all active processes.
// Memory scoping note:
// Tracing copies the pointers, not the string content, of the strings passed
// in for category, name, and arg_names. Thus, the following code will
// cause problems:
//     char* str = strdup("impprtantName");
//     free(str);                   // Trace system now has dangling pointer
// To avoid this issue with the |name| and |arg_name| parameters, use the
// TRACE_EVENT_COPY_XXX overloads of the macros at additional runtime overhead.
// Notes: The category must always be in a long-lived char* (i.e. static const).
//        The |arg_values|, when used, are always deep copied with the _COPY
//        macros.
// When are string argument values copied:
// const char* arg_values are only referenced by default:
//     TRACE_EVENT("category", "name",
//                  "arg1", "literal string is only referenced");
// Use TRACE_STR_COPY to force copying of a const char*:
//     TRACE_EVENT("category", "name",
//                  "arg1", TRACE_STR_COPY("string will be copied"));
// std::string arg_values are always copied:
//     TRACE_EVENT("category", "name",
//                  "arg1", std::string("string will be copied"));
// Thread Safety:
// A thread safe singleton and mutex are used for thread safety. Category
// enabled flags are used to limit the performance impact when the system
// is not enabled.
// TRACE_EVENT macros first cache a pointer to a category. The categories are
// statically allocated and safe at all times, even after exit. Fetching a
// category is protected by the TraceLog::lock_. Multiple threads initializing
// the static variable is safe, as they will be serialized by the lock and
// multiple calls will return the same pointer to the category.
// Then the category_enabled flag is checked. This is a unsigned char, and
// not intended to be multithread safe. It optimizes access to addTraceEvent
// which is threadsafe internally via TraceLog::lock_. The enabled flag may
// cause some threads to incorrectly call or skip calling addTraceEvent near
// the time of the system being enabled or disabled. This is acceptable as
// we tolerate some data loss while the system is being enabled/disabled and
// because addTraceEvent is threadsafe internally and checks the enabled state
// again under lock.
// Without the use of these static category pointers and enabled flags all
// trace points would carry a significant performance cost of aquiring a lock
// and resolving the category.


#include <string>

#include "common/event_tracer.h"

// By default, const char* argument values are assumed to have long-lived scope
// and will not be copied. Use this macro to force a const char* to be copied.
#define TRACE_STR_COPY(str)

// Records a pair of begin and end events called "name" for the current
// scope, optionally with associated arguments.
// Each argument must have a name and a value.
// If the category is not enabled, then this does nothing.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_EVENT(platform, category, name, ...)

// Deprecated, use `TRACE_EVENT` instead
#define TRACE_EVENT0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT2(category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Records a single event called "name" immediately, optionally with associated arguments.
// Each argument must have a name and a value.
// If the category is not enabled, then this does nothing.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT(platform, category, name, ...)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT(platform, category, name, ...)

// Deprecated, use `TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT` instead
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Deprecated, use `TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT` instead
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_INSTANT2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \

// Records a single BEGIN event called "name" immediately, optionally with associated arguments.
// Each argument must have a name and a value.
// If the category is not enabled, then this does nothing.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN(platform, category, name, ...)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN(platform, category, name, ...)

// Deprecated, use TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Deprecated, use TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_BEGIN2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name,        \

// Records a single END event for "name" immediately. If the category
// is not enabled, then this does nothing.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_EVENT_END(platform, category, name, ...)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END(platform, category, name, ...)

// Deprecated, use TRACE_EVENT_END
#define TRACE_EVENT_END0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_END1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_END2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Deprecated, use TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END0(platform, category, name)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END1(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_END2(platform, category, name, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Records the value of a counter called "name" immediately. Value
// must be representable as a 32 bit integer.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_COUNTER1(platform, category, name, value)
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER1(platform, category, name, value)

// Records the values of a multi-parted counter called "name" immediately.
// The UI will treat value1 and value2 as parts of a whole, displaying their
// values as a stacked-bar chart.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
#define TRACE_COUNTER2(platform, category, name, value1_name, value1_val, value2_name, value2_val)
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER2(platform, category, name, value1_name, value1_val, value2_name,    \

// Records the value of a counter called "name" immediately. Value
// must be representable as a 32 bit integer.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
// - |id| is used to disambiguate counters with the same name. It must either
//   be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If it's a pointer, the bits
//   will be xored with a hash of the process ID so that the same pointer on
//   two different processes will not collide.
#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID1(platform, category, name, id, value)
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID1(platform, category, name, id, value)

// Records the values of a multi-parted counter called "name" immediately.
// The UI will treat value1 and value2 as parts of a whole, displaying their
// values as a stacked-bar chart.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
// - |id| is used to disambiguate counters with the same name. It must either
//   be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If it's a pointer, the bits
//   will be xored with a hash of the process ID so that the same pointer on
//   two different processes will not collide.
#define TRACE_COUNTER_ID2(platform, category, name, id, value1_name, value1_val, value2_name, \
#define TRACE_COPY_COUNTER_ID2(platform, category, name, id, value1_name, value1_val, value2_name, \

// Records a single ASYNC_BEGIN event called "name" immediately, with 0, 1 or 2
// associated arguments. If the category is not enabled, then this
// does nothing.
// - category and name strings must have application lifetime (statics or
//   literals). They may not include " chars.
// - |id| is used to match the ASYNC_BEGIN event with the ASYNC_END event. ASYNC
//   events are considered to match if their category, name and id values all
//   match. |id| must either be a pointer or an integer value up to 64 bits. If
//   it's a pointer, the bits will be xored with a hash of the process ID so
//   that the same pointer on two different processes will not collide.
// An asynchronous operation can consist of multiple phases. The first phase is
// defined by the ASYNC_BEGIN calls. Additional phases can be defined using the
// ASYNC_STEP_BEGIN macros. When the operation completes, call ASYNC_END.
// An async operation can span threads and processes, but all events in that
// operation must use the same |name| and |id|. Each event can have its own
// args.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN0(platform, category, name, id)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN2(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name,    \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN0(platform, category, name, id)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN1(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_BEGIN2(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val,          \
                                      arg2_name, arg2_val)

// Records a single ASYNC_STEP event for |step| immediately. If the category
// is not enabled, then this does nothing. The |name| and |id| must match the
// ASYNC_BEGIN event above. The |step| param identifies this step within the
// async event. This should be called at the beginning of the next phase of an
// asynchronous operation.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP0(platform, category, name, id, step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_STEP1(platform, category, name, id, step, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_STEP0(platform, category, name, id, step)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_STEP1(platform, category, name, id, step, arg1_name, arg1_val)

// Records a single ASYNC_END event for "name" immediately. If the category
// is not enabled, then this does nothing.
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0(platform, category, name, id)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END1(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END2(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name,    \
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END0(platform, category, name, id)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END1(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val)
#define TRACE_EVENT_COPY_ASYNC_END2(platform, category, name, id, arg1_name, arg1_val, arg2_name, \

// Creates a scope of a sampling state with the given category and name (both must
// be constant strings). These states are intended for a sampling profiler.
// Implementation note: we store category and name together because we don't
// want the inconsistency/expense of storing two pointers.
// |thread_bucket| is [0..2] and is used to statically isolate samples in one
// thread from others.
// {  // The sampling state is set within this scope.
//    ...;
// }
#define TRACE_EVENT_SCOPED_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, category, name)

// Returns a current sampling state of the given bucket.
// The format of the returned string is "category\0name".

// Sets a current sampling state of the given bucket.
// |category| and |name| have to be constant strings.
#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, category, name)

// Sets a current sampling state of the given bucket.
// |categoryAndName| doesn't need to be a constant string.
// The format of the string is "category\0name".
#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_NONCONST_SAMPLING_STATE_FOR_BUCKET(bucket_number, categoryAndName)

// Syntactic sugars for the sampling tracing in the main thread.
#define TRACE_EVENT_SET_SAMPLING_STATE(category, name)

// Implementation specific tracing API definitions.

// Get a pointer to the enabled state of the given trace category. Only
// long-lived literal strings should be given as the category name. The returned
// pointer can be held permanently in a local static for example. If the
// unsigned char is non-zero, tracing is enabled. If tracing is enabled,
// TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT can be called. It's OK if tracing is disabled
// between the load of the tracing state and the call to
// TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT, because this flag only provides an early out
// for best performance when tracing is disabled.
// const unsigned char*
//     TRACE_EVENT_API_GET_CATEGORY_ENABLED(const char* category_name)

// Add a trace event to the platform tracing system.
//                    char phase,
//                    const unsigned char* category_enabled,
//                    const char* name,
//                    unsigned long long id,
//                    int num_args,
//                    const char** arg_names,
//                    const unsigned char* arg_types,
//                    const unsigned long long* arg_values,
//                    unsigned char flags)


// Implementation detail: trace event macros create temporary variables
// to keep instrumentation overhead low. These macros give each temporary
// variable a unique name based on the line number to prevent name collissions.
#define INTERNALTRACEEVENTUID(name_prefix)

// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category.
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_GET_CATEGORY_INFO(platform, category)

// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add
// event if the category is enabled.
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD(platform, phase, category, name, flags, ...)

// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add begin
// event if the category is enabled. Also adds the end event when the scope
// ends.
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_SCOPED(platform, category, name, ...)

// Implementation detail: internal macro to create static category and add
// event if the category is enabled.
#define INTERNAL_TRACE_EVENT_ADD_WITH_ID(platform, phase, category, name, id, flags, ...)

// Notes regarding the following definitions:
// New values can be added and propagated to third party libraries, but existing
// definitions must never be changed, because third party libraries may use old
// definitions.

// Phase indicates the nature of an event entry. E.g. part of a begin/end pair.

// Flags for changing the behavior of TRACE_EVENT_API_ADD_TRACE_EVENT.

// Type values for identifying types in the TraceValue union.

namespace gl

TraceEvent  // namespace TraceEvent

}  // namespace gl
