
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cc/metrics/video_playback_roughness_reporter.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"


namespace cc {

class VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest : public ::testing::Test {};

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase24fps) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase24fpsOn120Hz) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase30fps) {}

// This cadence pattern was used in the small user study and was found
// to be perceived by participants as not as good as ideal 30fps playback but
// better than the pattern from UserStudyBad.
// The main characteristic of this test is that cadence breaks by having a frame
// shown only once, but the very next frame is being shown 3 times thus
// fixing the synchronization.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, UserStudyOkay) {}

// This cadence pattern was used in the small user study and was found
// to be perceived as worst of all options in the study.
// The main characteristic of this test is that cadence breaks by having a frame
// shown only once, and it takes 2 more frames for a frame that is shown 3 times
// thus fixing the synchronization.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, UserStudyBad) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, Glitchy24fps) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase60fps) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BestCase50fps) {}

// Test that we understand the roughness algorithm by checking that we can
// get any result we need.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, PredictableRoughnessValue) {}

// Test that the reporter indeed takes 95% worst window.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, TakingPercentile) {}

// Test that even if no windows can be reported due to unstable presentation
// feedback, the reporter still doesn't run out of memory.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, LongRunWithoutWindows) {}

// Test that the reporter is no spooked by FramePresented() on unknown frame
// tokens.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, PresentingUnknownFrames) {}

// Test that the reporter is ignoring frames with unreliable
// presentation timestamp.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, IgnoringUnreliableTimings) {}

// Test that Reset() causes reporting if there is sufficient number of windows
// accumulated.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, ReportingInReset) {}

// Test that a change of display refresh rate or frame size causes reporting
// iff there is sufficient number of windows accumulated.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, ReportingAfterParameterChange) {}

// Test that reporting works even if frame presentation signal come out of
// order.
TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, BatchPresentation) {}

TEST_F(VideoPlaybackRoughnessReporterTest, Freezing30fps) {}

}  // namespace cc