// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module cc.mojom;
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/local_surface_id.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/selection.mojom";
import "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/vertical_scroll_direction.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor4f.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// Contains information to assist in making a decision about forwarding
// pointerevents to viz for use in a delegated ink trail.
struct DelegatedInkBrowserMetadata {
// Flag used to indicate the state of the hovering on the pointerevent that
// the delegated ink metadata was created from. If this state does not match
// the point under consideration to send to viz, it won't be sent. As soon
// as it matches again the point will be sent, regardless of if the renderer
// has processed the point that didn't match yet or not. It is true when
// hovering, false otherwise.
bool delegated_ink_is_hovering;
// See cc/trees/render_frame_metadata.h
struct RenderFrameMetadata {
// The background color of a CompositorFrame. It can be used for filling the
// content area if the primary surface is unavailable and fallback is not
// specified.
skia.mojom.SkColor4f root_background_color;
// Scroll offset of the root layer. This optional parameter is only sent
// during tests.
gfx.mojom.PointF? root_scroll_offset;
// Indicates whether the scroll offset of the root layer is at top, i.e.,
// whether scroll_offset.y() == 0.
bool is_scroll_offset_at_top;
// Selection region relative to the current viewport. If the selection is
// empty or otherwise unused, the bound types will indicate such.
viz.mojom.Selection selection;
// Determines whether the page is mobile optimized or not, which means at
// least one of the following has to be true:
// - page has a width=device-width or narrower viewport.
// - page prevents zooming in or out (i.e. min and max page scale factors
// are the same).
bool is_mobile_optimized;
// Existence of this flag informs the browser process to start forwarding
// points to viz for use in a delegated ink trail. It contains more
// information to be used in making the forwarding decision. It exists the
// entire time points could be forwarded, and forwarding must stop as soon as
// it is null.
DelegatedInkBrowserMetadata? delegated_ink_metadata;
// The device scale factor used to generate CompositorFrame.
float device_scale_factor;
// The size of the viewport used to generate a CompositorFrame.
gfx.mojom.Size viewport_size_in_pixels;
// The last viz::LocalSurfaceId used to submit a CompositorFrame.
viz.mojom.LocalSurfaceId? local_surface_id;
// The page scale factor used on the content.
float page_scale_factor;
// The subframe page scale factor used on the content. This value will match
// |page_scale_factor|, which is only ever set for the main frame, and it is
// only used for setting raster scale in child renderers.
float external_page_scale_factor;
// Used to position the Android location top bar and page content, whose
// precise position is computed by the renderer compositor.
float top_controls_height;
float top_controls_shown_ratio;
viz.mojom.VerticalScrollDirection new_vertical_scroll_direction;
// Indicates the `item_sequence_number` for the primary main frame's
// `content::FrameNavigationEntry`. This is only set if the primary main frame
// is rendering to this compositor.
int64 primary_main_frame_item_sequence_number;
// Used to position Android/iOS bottom bar, whose position is computed by the
// renderer compositor.
float bottom_controls_height;
float bottom_controls_shown_ratio;
float top_controls_min_height_offset;
float bottom_controls_min_height_offset;
float min_page_scale_factor;
float max_page_scale_factor;
bool root_overflow_y_hidden;
gfx.mojom.SizeF scrollable_viewport_size;
gfx.mojom.SizeF root_layer_size;
bool has_transparent_background;
enum RootScrollOffsetUpdateFrequency {
// The client will only be notified of root scroll offsets via the regular
// RenderFrameMetadata updates. This is the default behavior. See
// `RenderFrameMetadataObserverImpl::ShouldSendRenderFrameMetadata()` for
// details on when the RenderFrameMetadata updates occur.
// The client will also be notified with an updated root scroll offset when a
// scroll ends in addition to offset updates sent via RenderFrameMetadata
// updates.
// The client will be notified of any change to the root scroll offset.
// This interface is provided by the renderer. It impacts the frequency with
// which a fully populated RenderFrameMetadata object (above) is delivered to
// the RenderFrameMetadataObserverClient.
interface RenderFrameMetadataObserver {
// When `frequency` is set to a value other than `kNone`, this notifies the
// client of changes to the root scroll offset. The client is notified in
// several ways:
// . OnRenderFrameMetadataChanged(), is sent if the client would normally be
// notified of the frame (for example, the viewport changed). If `frequency`
// is `kNone`, the client is not sent `OnRootScrollOffsetChanged()`.
// . OnRootScrollOffsetChanged() if the client is not notified of the frame
// change:
// - but `frequency` is `kOnScrollEnd` and a scroll has just ended.
// - but `frequency` is `kAllUpdates` and the scroll offset has changed.
// In other words, if this is sent, *only* the root-scroll-offset has changed
// and the client is not sent a OnRenderFrameMetadataChanged() for the frame.
// Used on Android for acessibility and GestureListenerManager.
RootScrollOffsetUpdateFrequency frequency);
// When |enabled| is set to true, this will send RenderFrameMetadata to
// the RenderFrameMetadataObserverClient for all frames. Only used for
// tests.
ReportAllFrameSubmissionsForTesting(bool enabled);
// This interface is provided by the browser. It is notified of changes to
// RenderFrameMetadata. It can be notified of all frame submissions, via
// RenderFrameMetadataObserver::ReportAllFrameSubmissionsForTesting, or of
// additional frames with root scroll offset changes via
// RenderFrameMetadataObserver::UpdateRootScrollOffsetUpdateFrequency.
interface RenderFrameMetadataObserverClient {
// Notified when RenderFrameMetadata has changed.
OnRenderFrameMetadataChanged(uint32 frame_token,
RenderFrameMetadata metadata);
// Notified on all frame submissions.
OnFrameSubmissionForTesting(uint32 frame_token);
// Only called if UpdateRootScrollOffsetUpdateFrequency() has been called.
OnRootScrollOffsetChanged(gfx.mojom.PointF root_scroll_offset);