
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Context.inl.h: Defines inline functions of gl::Context class
// Has to be included after libANGLE/Context.h when using one
// of the defined functions


#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/GLES1Renderer.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/ContextImpl.h"


namespace gl
constexpr angle::PackedEnumMap<PrimitiveMode, GLsizei> kMinimumPrimitiveCounts =;

ANGLE_INLINE void MarkTransformFeedbackBufferUsage(const Context *context,
                                                   GLsizei count,
                                                   GLsizei instanceCount)

ANGLE_INLINE void MarkShaderStorageUsage(const Context *context)

// Return true if the draw is a no-op, else return false.
//  If there is no active program for the vertex or fragment shader stages, the results of vertex
//  and fragment shader execution will respectively be undefined. However, this is not
//  an error. ANGLE will treat this as a no-op.
//  A no-op draw occurs if the count of vertices is less than the minimum required to
//  have a valid primitive for this mode (0 for points, 0-1 for lines, 0-2 for tris).
ANGLE_INLINE bool Context::noopDraw(PrimitiveMode mode, GLsizei count) const

ANGLE_INLINE bool Context::noopMultiDraw(GLsizei drawcount) const

ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result Context::syncAllDirtyBits(Command command)

ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result Context::syncDirtyBits(const state::DirtyBits bitMask,
                                                  const state::ExtendedDirtyBits extendedBitMask,
                                                  Command command)

ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result Context::syncDirtyObjects(const state::DirtyObjects &objectMask,
                                                     Command command)

ANGLE_INLINE angle::Result Context::prepareForDraw(PrimitiveMode mode)

ANGLE_INLINE void Context::drawArrays(PrimitiveMode mode, GLint first, GLsizei count)

ANGLE_INLINE void Context::drawElements(PrimitiveMode mode,
                                        GLsizei count,
                                        DrawElementsType type,
                                        const void *indices)

ANGLE_INLINE void StateCache::onBufferBindingChange(Context *context)

ANGLE_INLINE void Context::bindBuffer(BufferBinding target, BufferID buffer)

}  // namespace gl