
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Defines GLES1 emulation shader.
// According to the GLES1 specification:
// We require simply that numbers' floating point parts contain enough bits and that their exponent
// fields are large enough so that individual results of floating-point operations are accurate to
// about 1 part in 10^5.  The maximum representable magnitude of a floating-point number used to
// represent positional or normal coordinates must be at least 2^32; the maximum representable
// magnitude for colors or texture coordinates must be at least 2^10.  The maximum representable
// magnitude for all other floating-point values must be at least 2^32 .
// Internal computations can use either fixed-point or floating-point arithmetic.  Fixed-point
// computations must be accurate to within ±2^-15.  The maximum representable magnitude for a
// fixed-point number used to represent positional or normal coordinates must be at least 2^15; the
// maximum representable magnitude for colors or texture coordinates must be at least 2^10.  The
// maximum representable magnitude for all other fixed-point values must be at least 2^15
// Accordingly, ANGLE uses highp floats for position and normal data, mediump for color and texture
// coordinates, and highp for everything else.

// The following variables are added in GLES1Renderer::initializeRendererProgram
// #define kTexUnits
// bool clip_plane_enables
// bool enable_alpha_test
// bool enable_clip_planes
// bool enable_color_material
// bool enable_draw_texture
// bool enable_fog
// bool enable_lighting
// bool enable_normalize
// bool enable_rescale_normal
// bool enable_texture_2d[kMaxTexUnits]
// bool enable_texture_cube_map[kMaxTexUnits]
// bool light_enables[kMaxLights]
// bool light_model_two_sided
// bool point_rasterization
// bool point_sprite_coord_replace
// bool point_sprite_enabled
// bool shade_model_flat
// uint texture_format[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint texture_env_mode[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint combine_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint combine_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src0_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src0_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src1_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src1_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src2_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint src2_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op0_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op0_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op1_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op1_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op2_rgb[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint op2_alpha[kMaxTexUnits];
// uint alpha_func;
// uint fog_mode;

constexpr char kGLES1TexUnitsDefine[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawVShaderHeader[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawVShader[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderVersion[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderHeader[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderUniformDefs[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderOutputDef[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderFramebufferFetchOutputDef[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderFramebufferFetchNonCoherentOutputDef[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderFunctions[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderLogicOpFramebufferFetchDisabled[] =;

// applyLogicOp takes logic-op information from a packed uniform and applies it to the color
// attachment using framebuffer fetch.  See the description of logic_op above for the format of the
// uniform.
// In particular, 4 bits in logic_op (at offset 16) contain the packed logical operation (of
// LogicalOperation type).  Based on the selected operation, the formula specified in the spec is
// applied (applied as bitwise operations on unorm values).
constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderLogicOpFramebufferFetchEnabled[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderMultitexturing[] =;

constexpr char kGLES1DrawFShaderMain[] =;