
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "cc/paint/draw_image.h"

#include <utility>

namespace cc {
namespace {

// Helper funciton to extract a scale from the matrix. Returns true on success
// and false on failure.
bool ExtractScale(const SkM44& matrix, SkSize* scale) {}

}  // namespace


DrawImage::DrawImage(PaintImage image)

DrawImage::DrawImage(PaintImage image,
                     bool use_dark_mode,
                     const SkIRect& src_rect,
                     PaintFlags::FilterQuality filter_quality,
                     const SkM44& matrix,
                     std::optional<size_t> frame_index)

DrawImage::DrawImage(PaintImage image,
                     bool use_dark_mode,
                     const SkIRect& src_rect,
                     PaintFlags::FilterQuality filter_quality,
                     const SkM44& matrix,
                     std::optional<size_t> frame_index,
                     const TargetColorParams& target_color_params)

DrawImage::DrawImage(const DrawImage& other,
                     float scale_adjustment,
                     size_t frame_index,
                     const TargetColorParams& target_color_params)

DrawImage::DrawImage(const DrawImage& other) = default;
DrawImage::DrawImage(DrawImage&& other) = default;
DrawImage::~DrawImage() = default;

DrawImage& DrawImage::operator=(DrawImage&& other) = default;
DrawImage& DrawImage::operator=(const DrawImage& other) = default;

bool DrawImage::IsSameForTesting(const DrawImage& other) const {}

}  // namespace cc