
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


// This file defines MIME utility functions. All of them assume the MIME type
// to be of the format specified by rfc2045. According to it, MIME types are
// case strongly insensitive except parameter values, which may or may not be
// case sensitive.
// These utilities perform a *case-sensitive* matching for  parameter values,
// which may produce some false negatives. Except that, matching is
// case-insensitive.
// All constants in must be written in lower case, except parameter
// values, which can be any case.

#include <stddef.h>

#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"

namespace net {

// Gets the mime type (if any) that is associated with the given file extension.
// Returns true if a corresponding mime type exists.
NET_EXPORT bool GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
                                         std::string* mime_type);

// Gets the mime type (if any) that is associated with the given file extension.
// Returns true if a corresponding mime type exists. In this method,
// the search for a mime type is constrained to a limited set of
// types known to the net library, the OS/registry is not consulted.
NET_EXPORT bool GetWellKnownMimeTypeFromExtension(
    const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
    std::string* mime_type);

// Gets the mime type (if any) that is associated with the given file.  Returns
// true if a corresponding mime type exists.
NET_EXPORT bool GetMimeTypeFromFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
                                    std::string* mime_type);

// Gets the preferred extension (if any) associated with the given mime type.
// Returns true if a corresponding file extension exists.  The extension is
// returned without a prefixed dot, ex "html".
NET_EXPORT bool GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(
    const std::string& mime_type,
    base::FilePath::StringType* extension);

// Returns true if this the mime_type_pattern matches a given mime-type.
// Checks for absolute matching and wildcards. MIME types are case insensitive.
NET_EXPORT bool MatchesMimeType(std::string_view mime_type_pattern,
                                std::string_view mime_type);

// Parses |type_str| for |mime_type| and any |params|. Returns false if mime
// cannot be parsed, and does not modify |mime_type| or |params|.
// Returns true when mime can be parsed and:
// If |mime_type| is non-NULL, sets it to parsed mime string.
// If |params| is non-NULL, clears it and sets it with name-value pairs of
// parsed parameters. Parsing of parameters is lenient, and invalid params are
// ignored.
NET_EXPORT bool ParseMimeType(const std::string& type_str,
                              std::string* mime_type,
                              base::StringPairs* params);

// Returns true if the |type_string| is a correctly-formed mime type specifier
// with no parameter, i.e. string that matches the following ABNF (see the
// definition of content ABNF in RFC2045 and media-type ABNF httpbis p2
// semantics).
//   token "/" token
// If |top_level_type| is non-NULL, sets it to parsed top-level type string.
// If |subtype| is non-NULL, sets it to parsed subtype string.
// This function strips leading and trailing whitespace from the MIME type.
// TODO: investigate if we should strip strictly HTTP whitespace.
NET_EXPORT bool ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(std::string_view type_string,
                                              std::string* top_level_type,
                                              std::string* subtype);

// Returns `std::optional` with value containing the extracted `type/sub_type`
// if `type_string` is a correctly-formed mime type specifier. Returns optional
// with empty otherwise.
// Set `accept_comma_separated` to accept a type_string like "text/html,
// text/xml". This behavior was inherited from Blink's
// platform/network/http_parsers. A string such as "text/html, text/xml" is
// possible when the response has multiple Content-Type headers. For instance:
// Content-Type: text/html
// Content-Type: text/xml
// becomes: text/html, text/xml
// While RFC 2616 does not allow it, other browsers allow multiple values in
// the HTTP media type header field, Content-Type. In such cases, the media
// type passed here may contain the multiple values separated by commas.
NET_EXPORT std::optional<std::string> ExtractMimeTypeFromMediaType(
    const std::string& type_string,
    bool accept_comma_separated);

// Returns true if the |type_string| is a top-level type of any media type
// registered with IANA media types registry at
// or an
// experimental type (type with x- prefix).
// This method doesn't check that the input conforms to token ABNF, so if input
// is experimental type strings, you need to check check that before using
// this method.
NET_EXPORT bool IsValidTopLevelMimeType(const std::string& type_string);

// Get the extensions associated with the given mime type.
// There could be multiple extensions for a given mime type, like "html,htm" for
// "text/html", or "txt,text,html,..." for "text/*".  Note that we do not erase
// the existing elements in the the provided vector.  Instead, we append the
// result to it.  The new extensions are returned in no particular order.
NET_EXPORT void GetExtensionsForMimeType(
    const std::string& mime_type,
    std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType>* extensions);

// Generates a random MIME multipart boundary.
// The returned string is guaranteed to be at most 70 characters long.
NET_EXPORT std::string GenerateMimeMultipartBoundary();

// Prepares one value as part of a multi-part upload request.
NET_EXPORT void AddMultipartValueForUpload(const std::string& value_name,
                                           const std::string& value,
                                           const std::string& mime_boundary,
                                           const std::string& content_type,
                                           std::string* post_data);

// Prepares one value as part of a multi-part upload request, with file name as
// an additional parameter.
NET_EXPORT void AddMultipartValueForUploadWithFileName(
    const std::string& value_name,
    const std::string& file_name,
    const std::string& value,
    const std::string& mime_boundary,
    const std::string& content_type,
    std::string* post_data);

// Adds the final delimiter to a multi-part upload request.
NET_EXPORT void AddMultipartFinalDelimiterForUpload(
    const std::string& mime_boundary,
    std::string* post_data);

}  // namespace net

#endif  // NET_BASE_MIME_UTIL_H__