
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/cert/asn1_util.h"

#include <optional>
#include <string_view>

#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/input.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/parse_certificate.h"
#include "third_party/boringssl/src/pki/parser.h"

namespace net::asn1 {

namespace {

// Parses input |in| which should point to the beginning of a Certificate, and
// sets |*tbs_certificate| ready to parse the Subject. If parsing
// fails, this function returns false and |*tbs_certificate| is left in an
// undefined state.
bool SeekToSubject(bssl::der::Input in, bssl::der::Parser* tbs_certificate) {}

// Parses input |in| which should point to the beginning of a Certificate, and
// sets |*tbs_certificate| ready to parse the SubjectPublicKeyInfo. If parsing
// fails, this function returns false and |*tbs_certificate| is left in an
// undefined state.
bool SeekToSPKI(bssl::der::Input in, bssl::der::Parser* tbs_certificate) {}

// Parses input |in| which should point to the beginning of a
// Certificate. If parsing fails, this function returns false, with
// |*extensions_present| and |*extensions_parser| left in an undefined
// state. If parsing succeeds and extensions are present, this function
// sets |*extensions_present| to true and sets |*extensions_parser|
// ready to parse the Extensions. If extensions are not present, it sets
// |*extensions_present| to false and |*extensions_parser| is left in an
// undefined state.
bool SeekToExtensions(bssl::der::Input in,
                      bool* extensions_present,
                      bssl::der::Parser* extensions_parser) {}

// Parse a DER-encoded, X.509 certificate in |cert| and find an extension with
// the given OID. Returns false on parse error or true if the parse was
// successful. |*out_extension_present| will be true iff the extension was
// found. In the case where it was found, |*out_extension| will describe the
// extension, or is undefined on parse error or if the extension is missing.
bool ExtractExtensionWithOID(std::string_view cert,
                             bssl::der::Input extension_oid,
                             bool* out_extension_present,
                             bssl::ParsedExtension* out_extension) {}

}  // namespace

bool ExtractSubjectFromDERCert(std::string_view cert,
                               std::string_view* subject_out) {}

bool ExtractSPKIFromDERCert(std::string_view cert, std::string_view* spki_out) {}

bool ExtractSubjectPublicKeyFromSPKI(std::string_view spki,
                                     std::string_view* spk_out) {}

bool HasCanSignHttpExchangesDraftExtension(std::string_view cert) {}

bool ExtractSignatureAlgorithmsFromDERCert(
    std::string_view cert,
    std::string_view* cert_signature_algorithm_sequence,
    std::string_view* tbs_signature_algorithm_sequence) {}

bool ExtractExtensionFromDERCert(std::string_view cert,
                                 std::string_view extension_oid,
                                 bool* out_extension_present,
                                 bool* out_extension_critical,
                                 std::string_view* out_contents) {}

}  // namespace net::asn1