
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/cookies/cookie_util.h"

#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/features.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_constants.h"
#include "net/cookies/cookie_options.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/origin.h"

namespace net {

namespace {

struct RequestCookieParsingTest {};

void CheckParse(const std::string& str,
                const base::StringPairs& parsed_expected) {}

void CheckSerialize(const base::StringPairs& parsed,
                    const std::string& str_expected) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestDomainIsHostOnly) {}

// A cookie domain containing non-ASCII characters is not allowed, even if it
// matches the domain from the URL.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_NonASCII) {}

// An empty domain string results in the domain from the URL.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_Empty) {}

// A cookie domain string equal to the URL host, when that is an IP, results in
// the IP.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_IP) {}

// A cookie domain string equal to a dot prefixed to the URL host, when that is
// an IP, results in the IP, without the dot.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_DotIP) {}

// A cookie domain string containing %-encoding is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_PercentEncoded) {}

// A cookie domain string that cannot be canonicalized is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_UnCanonicalizable) {}

// A cookie domain that is an eTLD but matches the URL results in a host cookie
// domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_ETldMatchesUrl) {}

// A cookie domain that is an eTLD but matches the URL results in a host cookie
// domain, even if it is given with a dot prefix.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_ETldMatchesUrl_DotPrefix) {}

// A cookie domain that is an eTLD but matches the URL results in a host cookie
// domain, even if its capitalization is non-canonical.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_ETldMatchesUrl_NonCanonical) {}

// A cookie domain that is an eTLD but does not match the URL is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_ETldDifferentUrl) {}

// A cookie domain with a different eTLD+1 ("organization-identifying host")
// from the URL is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_DifferentOrgHost) {}

// A cookie domain that matches the URL results in a domain cookie domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_MatchesUrl) {}

// A cookie domain that matches the URL but has a `.` prefix results in a domain
// cookie domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_MatchesUrlWithDot) {}

// A cookie domain that is a subdomain of the URL host is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_Subdomain) {}

// A URL that is a subdomain of the cookie domain results in a domain cookie.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_UrlSubdomain) {}

// A URL of which the cookie domain is a substring, but not a dotted suffix,
// is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_SubstringButUrlNotSubdomain) {}

// A URL which has a different subdomain of the eTLD+1 than the cookie domain is
// not allowed, regardless of which hostname is longer.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_DifferentSubdomain) {}

// A URL without a host can set a "host" cookie with no cookie domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_NoUrlHost) {}

// A URL with two trailing dots (which is an invalid hostname per
// rfc6265bis-11#5.1.2 and will cause GetDomainAndRegistry to return an empty
// string) is not allowed.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_TrailingDots) {}

// A "normal" URL does not match with a cookie containing two trailing dots (or
// just one).
     GetCookieDomainWithString_TrailingDots_NotMatchingUrlHost) {}

// A URL containing an IP address is allowed, if that IP matches the cookie
// domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_UrlHostIP) {}

// A cookie domain with a dot-prefixed IP is allowed, if the IP matches
// the URL, but is transformed to a host cookie domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_UrlHostIP_DomainCookie) {}

// A URL containing a TLD that is unknown as a registry is allowed, if it
// matches the cookie domain.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, GetCookieDomainWithString_UnknownRegistry) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestCookieDateParsing) {}

// Tests parsing dates that are beyond 2038. 32-bit (non-Mac) POSIX systems are
// incapable of doing this, however the expectation is for cookie parsing to
// succeed anyway (and return the minimum value Time::FromUTCExploded() can
// parse on the current platform). Also checks a date outside the limit on
// Windows, which is year 30827.
TEST(CookieUtilTest, ParseCookieExpirationTimeBeyond2038) {}

// Tests parsing dates that are prior to (or around) 1970. Non-Mac POSIX systems
// are incapable of doing this, however the expectation is for cookie parsing to
// succeed anyway (and return a minimal base::Time).
TEST(CookieUtilTest, ParseCookieExpirationTimeBefore1970) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestRequestCookieParsing) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestRequestCookieParsing_Malformed) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, CookieDomainAndPathToURL) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, SimulatedCookieSource) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestGetEffectiveDomain) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestIsDomainMatch) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestIsOnPath) {}

TEST(CookieUtilTest, TestIsOnPathCaseSensitive) {}


MATCHER_P2(ContextTypeIsWithSchemefulMode, context_type, schemeful, "") {}

// Checks for the expected metadata related to context downgrades from
// cross-site redirects.
           "") {}

std::string UrlChainToString(const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain) {}

// Tests for the various ComputeSameSiteContextFor*() functions. The first
// boolean test param is whether the results of the computations are evaluated
// schemefully. The second boolean param is whether SameSite considers redirect
// chains.
class CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest
    : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<bool, bool>> {};

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, UrlAndSiteForCookiesCrossSite) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, SiteForCookiesNotSchemefullySame) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptGet) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptGet_SchemefulDowngrade) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptGet_WebSocketSchemes) {}

// Test cases where the URL chain has 1 member (i.e. no redirects).
TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForRequest) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForRequest_SchemefulDowngrade) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForRequest_WebSocketSchemes) {}

// Test cases where the URL chain contains multiple members, where the last
// member (current request URL) is same-site to kSiteUrl. (Everything is listed
// as same-site or cross-site relative to kSiteUrl.)
TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForRequest_Redirect) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptSet) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptSet_SchemefulDowngrade) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForScriptSet_WebSocketSchemes) {}

// Test cases where the URL chain has 1 member (i.e. no redirects).
TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForResponse) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForResponse_SchemefulDowngrade) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForResponse_WebSocketSchemes) {}

// Test cases where the URL chain contains multiple members, where the last
// member (current request URL) is same-site to kSiteUrl. (Everything is listed
// as same-site or cross-site relative to kSiteUrl.)
TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForResponse_Redirect) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForSubresource) {}

       ForSubresource_SchemefulDowngrade) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForSubresource_WebSocketSchemes) {}

TEST_P(CookieUtilComputeSameSiteContextTest, ForceIgnoreSiteForCookies) {}


TEST(CookieUtilTest, IsCookieAccessResultInclude) {}

}  // namespace

}  // namespace net