
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// egl_stubs.cpp: Stubs for EGL entry points.

#include "libGLESv2/egl_stubs_autogen.h"

#include "common/angle_version_info.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/Display.h"
#include "libANGLE/EGLSync.h"
#include "libANGLE/Surface.h"
#include "libANGLE/Thread.h"
#include "libANGLE/queryutils.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationEGL.h"
#include "libGLESv2/global_state.h"
#include "libGLESv2/proc_table_egl.h"

namespace egl

bool CompareProc(const ProcEntry &a, const char *b)

void ClipConfigs(const std::vector<const Config *> &filteredConfigs,
                 EGLConfig *outputConfigs,
                 EGLint configSize,
                 EGLint *numConfigs)
}  // anonymous namespace

EGLBoolean BindAPI(Thread *thread, EGLenum api)

EGLBoolean BindTexImage(Thread *thread, Display *display, egl::SurfaceID surfaceID, EGLint buffer)

EGLBoolean ChooseConfig(Thread *thread,
                        Display *display,
                        const AttributeMap &attribMap,
                        EGLConfig *configs,
                        EGLint config_size,
                        EGLint *num_config)

EGLint ClientWaitSync(Thread *thread,
                      Display *display,
                      SyncID syncID,
                      EGLint flags,
                      EGLTime timeout)

EGLBoolean CopyBuffers(Thread *thread,
                       Display *display,
                       egl::SurfaceID surfaceID,
                       EGLNativePixmapType target)

EGLContext CreateContext(Thread *thread,
                         Display *display,
                         Config *configuration,
                         gl::ContextID sharedContextID,
                         const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLImage CreateImage(Thread *thread,
                     Display *display,
                     gl::ContextID contextID,
                     EGLenum target,
                     EGLClientBuffer buffer,
                     const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(Thread *thread,
                                         Display *display,
                                         EGLenum buftype,
                                         EGLClientBuffer buffer,
                                         Config *configuration,
                                         const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreatePbufferSurface(Thread *thread,
                                Display *display,
                                Config *configuration,
                                const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreatePixmapSurface(Thread *thread,
                               Display *display,
                               Config *configuration,
                               EGLNativePixmapType pixmap,
                               const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreatePlatformPixmapSurface(Thread *thread,
                                       Display *display,
                                       Config *configuration,
                                       void *pixmap,
                                       const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreatePlatformWindowSurface(Thread *thread,
                                       Display *display,
                                       Config *configuration,
                                       void *win,
                                       const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSync CreateSync(Thread *thread, Display *display, EGLenum type, const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLSurface CreateWindowSurface(Thread *thread,
                               Display *display,
                               Config *configuration,
                               EGLNativeWindowType win,
                               const AttributeMap &attributes)

EGLBoolean DestroyContext(Thread *thread, Display *display, gl::ContextID contextID)

EGLBoolean DestroyImage(Thread *thread, Display *display, ImageID imageID)

EGLBoolean DestroySurface(Thread *thread, Display *display, egl::SurfaceID surfaceID)

EGLBoolean DestroySync(Thread *thread, Display *display, SyncID syncID)

EGLBoolean GetConfigAttrib(Thread *thread,
                           Display *display,
                           Config *configuration,
                           EGLint attribute,
                           EGLint *value)

EGLBoolean GetConfigs(Thread *thread,
                      Display *display,
                      EGLConfig *configs,
                      EGLint config_size,
                      EGLint *num_config)

EGLContext GetCurrentContext(Thread *thread)

EGLDisplay GetCurrentDisplay(Thread *thread)

EGLSurface GetCurrentSurface(Thread *thread, EGLint readdraw)

EGLDisplay GetDisplay(Thread *thread, EGLNativeDisplayType display_id)

EGLint GetError(Thread *thread)

EGLDisplay GetPlatformDisplay(Thread *thread,
                              EGLenum platform,
                              void *native_display,
                              const AttributeMap &attribMap)

__eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType GetProcAddress(Thread *thread, const char *procname)

EGLBoolean GetSyncAttrib(Thread *thread,
                         Display *display,
                         SyncID syncID,
                         EGLint attribute,
                         EGLAttrib *value)

EGLBoolean Initialize(Thread *thread, Display *display, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor)

EGLBoolean MakeCurrent(Thread *thread,
                       Display *display,
                       egl::SurfaceID drawSurfaceID,
                       egl::SurfaceID readSurfaceID,
                       gl::ContextID contextID)

EGLenum QueryAPI(Thread *thread)

EGLBoolean QueryContext(Thread *thread,
                        Display *display,
                        gl::ContextID contextID,
                        EGLint attribute,
                        EGLint *value)

const char *QueryString(Thread *thread, Display *display, EGLint name)

EGLBoolean QuerySurface(Thread *thread,
                        Display *display,
                        egl::SurfaceID surfaceID,
                        EGLint attribute,
                        EGLint *value)

EGLBoolean ReleaseTexImage(Thread *thread,
                           Display *display,
                           egl::SurfaceID surfaceID,
                           EGLint buffer)

EGLBoolean ReleaseThread(Thread *thread)

EGLBoolean SurfaceAttrib(Thread *thread,
                         Display *display,
                         egl::SurfaceID surfaceID,
                         EGLint attribute,
                         EGLint value)

EGLBoolean SwapBuffers(Thread *thread, Display *display, egl::SurfaceID surfaceID)

EGLBoolean SwapInterval(Thread *thread, Display *display, EGLint interval)

EGLBoolean Terminate(Thread *thread, Display *display)

EGLBoolean WaitClient(Thread *thread)

EGLBoolean WaitGL(Thread *thread)

EGLBoolean WaitNative(Thread *thread, EGLint engine)

EGLBoolean WaitSync(Thread *thread, Display *display, SyncID syncID, EGLint flags)
}  // namespace egl