
// Copyright 2013 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// validationES2.cpp: Validation functions for OpenGL ES 2.0 entry point parameters

#include "libANGLE/validationES2_autogen.h"

#include <cstdint>

#include "common/BinaryStream.h"
#include "common/angle_version_info.h"
#include "common/mathutil.h"
#include "common/string_utils.h"
#include "common/utilities.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/ErrorStrings.h"
#include "libANGLE/Fence.h"
#include "libANGLE/Framebuffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/FramebufferAttachment.h"
#include "libANGLE/MemoryObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/Renderbuffer.h"
#include "libANGLE/Shader.h"
#include "libANGLE/Texture.h"
#include "libANGLE/Uniform.h"
#include "libANGLE/VertexArray.h"
#include "libANGLE/formatutils.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES2.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES3_autogen.h"

namespace gl


bool IsPartialBlit(const Context *context,
                   const FramebufferAttachment *readBuffer,
                   const FramebufferAttachment *writeBuffer,
                   GLint srcX0,
                   GLint srcY0,
                   GLint srcX1,
                   GLint srcY1,
                   GLint dstX0,
                   GLint dstY0,
                   GLint dstX1,
                   GLint dstY1)

bool IsValidCopyTextureSourceInternalFormatEnum(GLenum internalFormat)

bool IsValidCopySubTextureSourceInternalFormat(GLenum internalFormat)

bool IsValidCopyTextureDestinationInternalFormatEnum(GLint internalFormat)

bool IsValidCopySubTextureDestionationInternalFormat(GLenum internalFormat)

bool IsValidCopyTextureDestinationFormatType(const Context *context,
                                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                             GLint internalFormat,
                                             GLenum type)

bool IsValidCopyTextureDestinationTargetEnum(const Context *context, TextureTarget target)

bool IsValidCopyTextureDestinationTarget(const Context *context,
                                         TextureType textureType,
                                         TextureTarget target)

bool IsValidCopyTextureSourceTarget(const Context *context, TextureType type)

bool IsValidCopyTextureSourceLevel(const Context *context, TextureType type, GLint level)

bool IsValidCopyTextureDestinationLevel(const Context *context,
                                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                        TextureType type,
                                        GLint level,
                                        GLsizei width,
                                        GLsizei height,
                                        bool isSubImage)

bool IsValidStencilFunc(GLenum func)

bool IsValidStencilFace(GLenum face)

bool IsValidStencilOp(GLenum op)

static inline bool Valid1to4ComponentFloatColorBufferFormat(const Context *context, GLenum format)

static inline bool Valid2to4ComponentFloatColorBufferFormat(const Context *context, GLenum format)

static inline bool Valid3to4ComponentFloatColorBufferFormat(const Context *context, GLenum format)

static inline bool Valid4ComponentFloatColorBufferFormat(const Context *context, GLenum format)

bool ValidateES2CopyTexImageParameters(const Context *context,
                                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                       TextureTarget target,
                                       GLint level,
                                       GLenum internalformat,
                                       bool isSubImage,
                                       GLint xoffset,
                                       GLint yoffset,
                                       GLint x,
                                       GLint y,
                                       GLsizei width,
                                       GLsizei height,
                                       GLint border)

// ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage: INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Enable(), Disable() if <cap>
static bool IsCapBannedWithActivePLS(GLenum cap)

bool ValidCap(const PrivateState &state, ErrorSet *errors, GLenum cap, bool queryOnly)

// Return true if a character belongs to the ASCII subset as defined in GLSL ES 1.0 spec section
// 3.1.
bool IsValidESSLCharacter(unsigned char c)

bool IsValidESSLString(const char *str, size_t len)

bool ValidateWebGLNamePrefix(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateWebGLNameLength(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, size_t length)

bool ValidateSrcBlendFunc(const PrivateState &state,
                          ErrorSet *errors,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          GLenum val)

bool ValidateDstBlendFunc(const PrivateState &state,
                          ErrorSet *errors,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          GLenum val)

bool ValidateES2TexImageParameters(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   TextureTarget target,
                                   GLint level,
                                   GLenum internalformat,
                                   bool isCompressed,
                                   bool isSubImage,
                                   GLint xoffset,
                                   GLint yoffset,
                                   GLsizei width,
                                   GLsizei height,
                                   GLint border,
                                   GLenum format,
                                   GLenum type,
                                   GLsizei imageSize,
                                   const void *pixels)

}  // anonymous namespace

bool ValidateES2TexImageParametersBase(const Context *context,
                                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                       TextureTarget target,
                                       GLint level,
                                       GLenum internalformat,
                                       bool isCompressed,
                                       bool isSubImage,
                                       GLint xoffset,
                                       GLint yoffset,
                                       GLsizei width,
                                       GLsizei height,
                                       GLint border,
                                       GLenum format,
                                       GLenum type,
                                       GLsizei imageSize,
                                       const void *pixels)

bool ValidateES2TexStorageParametersBase(const Context *context,
                                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                         TextureType target,
                                         GLsizei levels,
                                         GLenum internalformat,
                                         GLsizei width,
                                         GLsizei height)

bool ValidateDiscardFramebufferEXT(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   GLenum target,
                                   GLsizei numAttachments,
                                   const GLenum *attachments)

bool ValidateBindVertexArrayOES(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                VertexArrayID array)

bool ValidateDeleteVertexArraysOES(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   GLsizei n,
                                   const VertexArrayID *arrays)

bool ValidateGenVertexArraysOES(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                GLsizei n,
                                const VertexArrayID *arrays)

bool ValidateIsVertexArrayOES(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              VertexArrayID array)

bool ValidateProgramBinaryOES(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              ShaderProgramID program,
                              GLenum binaryFormat,
                              const void *binary,
                              GLint length)

bool ValidateGetProgramBinaryOES(const Context *context,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 ShaderProgramID program,
                                 GLsizei bufSize,
                                 const GLsizei *length,
                                 const GLenum *binaryFormat,
                                 const void *binary)

static bool ValidDebugSource(GLenum source, bool mustBeThirdPartyOrApplication)

static bool ValidDebugType(GLenum type)

static bool ValidDebugSeverity(GLenum severity)

bool ValidateDebugMessageControlKHR(const Context *context,
                                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                    GLenum source,
                                    GLenum type,
                                    GLenum severity,
                                    GLsizei count,
                                    const GLuint *ids,
                                    GLboolean enabled)

bool ValidateDebugMessageInsertKHR(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   GLenum source,
                                   GLenum type,
                                   GLuint id,
                                   GLenum severity,
                                   GLsizei length,
                                   const GLchar *buf)

bool ValidateDebugMessageCallbackKHR(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     GLDEBUGPROCKHR callback,
                                     const void *userParam)

bool ValidateGetDebugMessageLogKHR(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   GLuint count,
                                   GLsizei bufSize,
                                   const GLenum *sources,
                                   const GLenum *types,
                                   const GLuint *ids,
                                   const GLenum *severities,
                                   const GLsizei *lengths,
                                   const GLchar *messageLog)

bool ValidatePushDebugGroupBase(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                GLenum source,
                                GLuint id,
                                GLsizei length,
                                const GLchar *message)

bool ValidatePopDebugGroupBase(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidatePushDebugGroupKHR(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLenum source,
                               GLuint id,
                               GLsizei length,
                               const GLchar *message)

bool ValidatePopDebugGroupKHR(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

static bool ValidateObjectIdentifierAndName(const Context *context,
                                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                            GLenum identifier,
                                            GLuint name)

static bool ValidateLabelLength(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                GLsizei length,
                                const GLchar *label)

bool ValidateObjectLabelKHR(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLenum identifier,
                            GLuint name,
                            GLsizei length,
                            const GLchar *label)

bool ValidateGetObjectLabelKHR(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLenum identifier,
                               GLuint name,
                               GLsizei bufSize,
                               const GLsizei *length,
                               const GLchar *label)

static bool ValidateObjectPtrName(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  const void *ptr)

bool ValidateObjectPtrLabelKHR(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               const void *ptr,
                               GLsizei length,
                               const GLchar *label)

bool ValidateGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  const void *ptr,
                                  GLsizei bufSize,
                                  const GLsizei *length,
                                  const GLchar *label)

bool ValidateGetPointervKHR(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLenum pname,
                            void *const *params)

bool ValidateGetPointervRobustANGLERobustANGLE(const Context *context,
                                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                               GLenum pname,
                                               GLsizei bufSize,
                                               const GLsizei *length,
                                               void *const *params)

bool ValidateBlitFramebufferANGLE(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  GLint srcX0,
                                  GLint srcY0,
                                  GLint srcX1,
                                  GLint srcY1,
                                  GLint dstX0,
                                  GLint dstY0,
                                  GLint dstX1,
                                  GLint dstY1,
                                  GLbitfield mask,
                                  GLenum filter)

bool ValidateBlitFramebufferNV(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLint srcX0,
                               GLint srcY0,
                               GLint srcX1,
                               GLint srcY1,
                               GLint dstX0,
                               GLint dstY0,
                               GLint dstX1,
                               GLint dstY1,
                               GLbitfield mask,
                               GLenum filter)

bool ValidateClear(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLbitfield mask)

bool ValidateDrawBuffersEXT(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLsizei n,
                            const GLenum *bufs)

bool ValidateTexImage2D(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        TextureTarget target,
                        GLint level,
                        GLint internalformat,
                        GLsizei width,
                        GLsizei height,
                        GLint border,
                        GLenum format,
                        GLenum type,
                        const void *pixels)

bool ValidateTexImage2DRobustANGLE(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   TextureTarget target,
                                   GLint level,
                                   GLint internalformat,
                                   GLsizei width,
                                   GLsizei height,
                                   GLint border,
                                   GLenum format,
                                   GLenum type,
                                   GLsizei bufSize,
                                   const void *pixels)

bool ValidateTexSubImage2D(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           TextureTarget target,
                           GLint level,
                           GLint xoffset,
                           GLint yoffset,
                           GLsizei width,
                           GLsizei height,
                           GLenum format,
                           GLenum type,
                           const void *pixels)

bool ValidateTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(const Context *context,
                                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                      TextureTarget target,
                                      GLint level,
                                      GLint xoffset,
                                      GLint yoffset,
                                      GLsizei width,
                                      GLsizei height,
                                      GLenum format,
                                      GLenum type,
                                      GLsizei bufSize,
                                      const void *pixels)

bool ValidateTexSubImage3DOES(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              TextureTarget target,
                              GLint level,
                              GLint xoffset,
                              GLint yoffset,
                              GLint zoffset,
                              GLsizei width,
                              GLsizei height,
                              GLsizei depth,
                              GLenum format,
                              GLenum type,
                              const void *pixels)

bool ValidateCompressedTexImage2D(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  TextureTarget target,
                                  GLint level,
                                  GLenum internalformat,
                                  GLsizei width,
                                  GLsizei height,
                                  GLint border,
                                  GLsizei imageSize,
                                  const void *data)

bool ValidateCompressedTexImage2DRobustANGLE(const Context *context,
                                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                             TextureTarget target,
                                             GLint level,
                                             GLenum internalformat,
                                             GLsizei width,
                                             GLsizei height,
                                             GLint border,
                                             GLsizei imageSize,
                                             GLsizei dataSize,
                                             const void *data)

bool ValidateCompressedTexImage3DOES(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     TextureTarget target,
                                     GLint level,
                                     GLenum internalformat,
                                     GLsizei width,
                                     GLsizei height,
                                     GLsizei depth,
                                     GLint border,
                                     GLsizei imageSize,
                                     const void *data)

bool ValidateCompressedTexSubImage2DRobustANGLE(const Context *context,
                                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                                TextureTarget target,
                                                GLint level,
                                                GLint xoffset,
                                                GLint yoffset,
                                                GLsizei width,
                                                GLsizei height,
                                                GLenum format,
                                                GLsizei imageSize,
                                                GLsizei dataSize,
                                                const void *data)

bool ValidateCompressedTexSubImage2D(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     TextureTarget target,
                                     GLint level,
                                     GLint xoffset,
                                     GLint yoffset,
                                     GLsizei width,
                                     GLsizei height,
                                     GLenum format,
                                     GLsizei imageSize,
                                     const void *data)

bool ValidateCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(const Context *context,
                                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                        TextureTarget target,
                                        GLint level,
                                        GLint xoffset,
                                        GLint yoffset,
                                        GLint zoffset,
                                        GLsizei width,
                                        GLsizei height,
                                        GLsizei depth,
                                        GLenum format,
                                        GLsizei imageSize,
                                        const void *data)

bool ValidateGetBufferPointervOES(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  BufferBinding target,
                                  GLenum pname,
                                  void *const *params)

bool ValidateMapBufferOES(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          BufferBinding target,
                          GLenum access)

bool ValidateUnmapBufferOES(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            BufferBinding target)

bool ValidateMapBufferRangeEXT(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               BufferBinding target,
                               GLintptr offset,
                               GLsizeiptr length,
                               GLbitfield access)

bool ValidateMapBufferBase(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           BufferBinding target)

bool ValidateFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(const Context *context,
                                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                       BufferBinding target,
                                       GLintptr offset,
                                       GLsizeiptr length)

bool ValidateBindUniformLocationCHROMIUM(const Context *context,
                                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                         ShaderProgramID program,
                                         UniformLocation location,
                                         const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateCoverageModulationCHROMIUM(const PrivateState &state,
                                        ErrorSet *errors,
                                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                        GLenum components)

bool ValidateCopyTextureCHROMIUM(const Context *context,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 TextureID sourceId,
                                 GLint sourceLevel,
                                 TextureTarget destTarget,
                                 TextureID destId,
                                 GLint destLevel,
                                 GLint internalFormat,
                                 GLenum destType,
                                 GLboolean unpackFlipY,
                                 GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
                                 GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha)

bool ValidateCopySubTextureCHROMIUM(const Context *context,
                                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                    TextureID sourceId,
                                    GLint sourceLevel,
                                    TextureTarget destTarget,
                                    TextureID destId,
                                    GLint destLevel,
                                    GLint xoffset,
                                    GLint yoffset,
                                    GLint x,
                                    GLint y,
                                    GLsizei width,
                                    GLsizei height,
                                    GLboolean unpackFlipY,
                                    GLboolean unpackPremultiplyAlpha,
                                    GLboolean unpackUnmultiplyAlpha)

bool ValidateCompressedCopyTextureCHROMIUM(const Context *context,
                                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                           TextureID sourceId,
                                           TextureID destId)

bool ValidateCreateShader(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, ShaderType type)

bool ValidateBufferData(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        BufferBinding target,
                        GLsizeiptr size,
                        const void *data,
                        BufferUsage usage)

bool ValidateBufferSubData(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           BufferBinding target,
                           GLintptr offset,
                           GLsizeiptr size,
                           const void *data)

bool ValidateRequestExtensionANGLE(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateDisableExtensionANGLE(const Context *context,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateActiveTexture(const PrivateState &state,
                           ErrorSet *errors,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           GLenum texture)

bool ValidateAttachShader(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID program,
                          ShaderProgramID shader)

bool ValidateBindAttribLocation(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                ShaderProgramID program,
                                GLuint index,
                                const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateBindFramebuffer(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLenum target,
                             FramebufferID framebuffer)

bool ValidateBindRenderbuffer(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              GLenum target,
                              RenderbufferID renderbuffer)

static bool ValidBlendEquationMode(const PrivateState &state, ErrorSet *errors, GLenum mode)

static bool ValidAdvancedBlendEquationMode(const PrivateState &state, GLenum mode)

bool ValidateBlendColor(const PrivateState &state,
                        ErrorSet *errors,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        GLfloat red,
                        GLfloat green,
                        GLfloat blue,
                        GLfloat alpha)

bool ValidateBlendEquation(const PrivateState &state,
                           ErrorSet *errors,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           GLenum mode)

bool ValidateBlendEquationSeparate(const PrivateState &state,
                                   ErrorSet *errors,
                                   angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                   GLenum modeRGB,
                                   GLenum modeAlpha)

bool ValidateBlendFunc(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum sfactor,
                       GLenum dfactor)

bool ValidateBlendFuncSeparate(const PrivateState &state,
                               ErrorSet *errors,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLenum srcRGB,
                               GLenum dstRGB,
                               GLenum srcAlpha,
                               GLenum dstAlpha)

bool ValidateGetString(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum name)

bool ValidateLineWidth(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLfloat width)

bool ValidateDepthRangef(const PrivateState &state,
                         ErrorSet *errors,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLfloat zNear,
                         GLfloat zFar)

bool ValidateRenderbufferStorage(const Context *context,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 GLenum target,
                                 GLenum internalformat,
                                 GLsizei width,
                                 GLsizei height)

bool ValidateRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(const Context *context,
                                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                                 GLenum target,
                                                 GLsizei samples,
                                                 GLenum internalformat,
                                                 GLsizei width,
                                                 GLsizei height)

bool ValidateCheckFramebufferStatus(const Context *context,
                                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                    GLenum target)

bool ValidateClearColor(const PrivateState &state,
                        ErrorSet *errors,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        GLfloat red,
                        GLfloat green,
                        GLfloat blue,
                        GLfloat alpha)

bool ValidateClearDepthf(const PrivateState &state,
                         ErrorSet *errors,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLfloat depth)

bool ValidateClearStencil(const PrivateState &state,
                          ErrorSet *errors,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          GLint s)

bool ValidateColorMask(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLboolean red,
                       GLboolean green,
                       GLboolean blue,
                       GLboolean alpha)

bool ValidateCompileShader(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           ShaderProgramID shader)

bool ValidateCreateProgram(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateCullFace(const PrivateState &state,
                      ErrorSet *errors,
                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                      CullFaceMode mode)

bool ValidateDeleteProgram(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           ShaderProgramID program)

bool ValidateDeleteShader(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID shader)

bool ValidateDepthFunc(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum func)

bool ValidateDepthMask(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLboolean flag)

bool ValidateDetachShader(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID program,
                          ShaderProgramID shader)

bool ValidateDisableVertexAttribArray(const Context *context,
                                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                      GLuint index)

bool ValidateEnableVertexAttribArray(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     GLuint index)

bool ValidateFinish(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateFlush(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateFrontFace(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum mode)

bool ValidateGetActiveAttrib(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             ShaderProgramID program,
                             GLuint index,
                             GLsizei bufsize,
                             const GLsizei *length,
                             const GLint *size,
                             const GLenum *type,
                             const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateGetActiveUniform(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              ShaderProgramID program,
                              GLuint index,
                              GLsizei bufsize,
                              const GLsizei *length,
                              const GLint *size,
                              const GLenum *type,
                              const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateGetAttachedShaders(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                ShaderProgramID program,
                                GLsizei maxcount,
                                const GLsizei *count,
                                const ShaderProgramID *shaders)

bool ValidateGetAttribLocation(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               ShaderProgramID program,
                               const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateGetBooleanv(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLenum pname,
                         const GLboolean *params)

bool ValidateGetError(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateGetFloatv(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum pname,
                       const GLfloat *params)

bool ValidateGetIntegerv(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLenum pname,
                         const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetProgramInfoLog(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               ShaderProgramID program,
                               GLsizei bufsize,
                               const GLsizei *length,
                               const GLchar *infolog)

bool ValidateGetShaderInfoLog(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              ShaderProgramID shader,
                              GLsizei bufsize,
                              const GLsizei *length,
                              const GLchar *infolog)

bool ValidateGetShaderPrecisionFormat(const Context *context,
                                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                      GLenum shadertype,
                                      GLenum precisiontype,
                                      const GLint *range,
                                      const GLint *precision)

bool ValidateGetShaderSource(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             ShaderProgramID shader,
                             GLsizei bufsize,
                             const GLsizei *length,
                             const GLchar *source)

bool ValidateGetUniformLocation(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                ShaderProgramID program,
                                const GLchar *name)

bool ValidateHint(const PrivateState &state,
                  ErrorSet *errors,
                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                  GLenum target,
                  GLenum mode)

bool ValidateIsBuffer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, BufferID buffer)

bool ValidateIsFramebuffer(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           FramebufferID framebuffer)

bool ValidateIsProgram(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       ShaderProgramID program)

bool ValidateIsRenderbuffer(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            RenderbufferID renderbuffer)

bool ValidateIsShader(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, ShaderProgramID shader)

bool ValidateIsTexture(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureID texture)

bool ValidatePixelStorei(const PrivateState &state,
                         ErrorSet *errors,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLenum pname,
                         GLint param)

bool ValidatePolygonOffset(const PrivateState &state,
                           ErrorSet *errors,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           GLfloat factor,
                           GLfloat units)

bool ValidateReleaseShaderCompiler(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateSampleCoverage(const PrivateState &state,
                            ErrorSet *errors,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLfloat value,
                            GLboolean invert)

bool ValidateScissor(const PrivateState &state,
                     ErrorSet *errors,
                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                     GLint x,
                     GLint y,
                     GLsizei width,
                     GLsizei height)

bool ValidateShaderBinary(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          GLsizei n,
                          const ShaderProgramID *shaders,
                          GLenum binaryformat,
                          const void *binary,
                          GLsizei length)

bool ValidateShaderSource(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID shader,
                          GLsizei count,
                          const GLchar *const *string,
                          const GLint *length)

bool ValidateStencilFunc(const PrivateState &state,
                         ErrorSet *errors,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLenum func,
                         GLint ref,
                         GLuint mask)

bool ValidateStencilFuncSeparate(const PrivateState &state,
                                 ErrorSet *errors,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 GLenum face,
                                 GLenum func,
                                 GLint ref,
                                 GLuint mask)

bool ValidateStencilMask(const PrivateState &state,
                         ErrorSet *errors,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLuint mask)

bool ValidateStencilMaskSeparate(const PrivateState &state,
                                 ErrorSet *errors,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 GLenum face,
                                 GLuint mask)

bool ValidateStencilOp(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum fail,
                       GLenum zfail,
                       GLenum zpass)

bool ValidateStencilOpSeparate(const PrivateState &state,
                               ErrorSet *errors,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLenum face,
                               GLenum fail,
                               GLenum zfail,
                               GLenum zpass)

bool ValidateUniform1f(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLfloat x)

bool ValidateUniform1fv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLfloat *v)

bool ValidateUniform1i(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLint x)

bool ValidateUniform2fv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLfloat *v)

bool ValidateUniform2i(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLint x,
                       GLint y)

bool ValidateUniform2iv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLint *v)

bool ValidateUniform3f(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLfloat x,
                       GLfloat y,
                       GLfloat z)

bool ValidateUniform3fv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLfloat *v)

bool ValidateUniform3i(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLint x,
                       GLint y,
                       GLint z)

bool ValidateUniform3iv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLint *v)

bool ValidateUniform4f(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLfloat x,
                       GLfloat y,
                       GLfloat z,
                       GLfloat w)

bool ValidateUniform4fv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLfloat *v)

bool ValidateUniform4i(const Context *context,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       UniformLocation location,
                       GLint x,
                       GLint y,
                       GLint z,
                       GLint w)

bool ValidateUniform4iv(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        UniformLocation location,
                        GLsizei count,
                        const GLint *v)

bool ValidateUniformMatrix2fv(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              UniformLocation location,
                              GLsizei count,
                              GLboolean transpose,
                              const GLfloat *value)

bool ValidateUniformMatrix3fv(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              UniformLocation location,
                              GLsizei count,
                              GLboolean transpose,
                              const GLfloat *value)

bool ValidateUniformMatrix4fv(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              UniformLocation location,
                              GLsizei count,
                              GLboolean transpose,
                              const GLfloat *value)

bool ValidateValidateProgram(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             ShaderProgramID program)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib1f(const PrivateState &state,
                            ErrorSet *errors,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLuint index,
                            GLfloat x)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib1fv(const PrivateState &state,
                             ErrorSet *errors,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLuint index,
                             const GLfloat *values)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib2f(const PrivateState &state,
                            ErrorSet *errors,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLuint index,
                            GLfloat x,
                            GLfloat y)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib2fv(const PrivateState &state,
                             ErrorSet *errors,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLuint index,
                             const GLfloat *values)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib3f(const PrivateState &state,
                            ErrorSet *errors,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLuint index,
                            GLfloat x,
                            GLfloat y,
                            GLfloat z)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib3fv(const PrivateState &state,
                             ErrorSet *errors,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLuint index,
                             const GLfloat *values)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib4f(const PrivateState &state,
                            ErrorSet *errors,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLuint index,
                            GLfloat x,
                            GLfloat y,
                            GLfloat z,
                            GLfloat w)

bool ValidateVertexAttrib4fv(const PrivateState &state,
                             ErrorSet *errors,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLuint index,
                             const GLfloat *values)

bool ValidateViewport(const PrivateState &state,
                      ErrorSet *errors,
                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                      GLint x,
                      GLint y,
                      GLsizei width,
                      GLsizei height)

bool ValidateGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(const Context *context,
                                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                                 GLenum target,
                                                 GLenum attachment,
                                                 GLenum pname,
                                                 const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetProgramiv(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID program,
                          GLenum pname,
                          const GLint *params)

bool ValidateCopyTexImage2D(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            TextureTarget target,
                            GLint level,
                            GLenum internalformat,
                            GLint x,
                            GLint y,
                            GLsizei width,
                            GLsizei height,
                            GLint border)

bool ValidateCopyTexSubImage2D(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               TextureTarget target,
                               GLint level,
                               GLint xoffset,
                               GLint yoffset,
                               GLint x,
                               GLint y,
                               GLsizei width,
                               GLsizei height)

bool ValidateCopyTexSubImage3DOES(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  TextureTarget target,
                                  GLint level,
                                  GLint xoffset,
                                  GLint yoffset,
                                  GLint zoffset,
                                  GLint x,
                                  GLint y,
                                  GLsizei width,
                                  GLsizei height)

bool ValidateDeleteBuffers(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           GLint n,
                           const BufferID *buffers)

bool ValidateDeleteFramebuffers(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                GLint n,
                                const FramebufferID *framebuffers)

bool ValidateDeleteRenderbuffers(const Context *context,
                                 angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                 GLint n,
                                 const RenderbufferID *renderbuffers)

bool ValidateDeleteTextures(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLint n,
                            const TextureID *textures)

bool ValidateDisable(const PrivateState &state,
                     ErrorSet *errors,
                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                     GLenum cap)

bool ValidateEnable(const PrivateState &state,
                    ErrorSet *errors,
                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                    GLenum cap)

bool ValidateFramebufferRenderbuffer(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     GLenum target,
                                     GLenum attachment,
                                     GLenum renderbuffertarget,
                                     RenderbufferID renderbuffer)

bool ValidateFramebufferTexture2D(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  GLenum target,
                                  GLenum attachment,
                                  TextureTarget textarget,
                                  TextureID texture,
                                  GLint level)

bool ValidateFramebufferTexture3DOES(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     GLenum target,
                                     GLenum attachment,
                                     TextureTarget textargetPacked,
                                     TextureID texture,
                                     GLint level,
                                     GLint zoffset)

bool ValidateGenBuffers(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        GLint n,
                        const BufferID *buffers)

bool ValidateGenFramebuffers(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLint n,
                             const FramebufferID *framebuffers)

bool ValidateGenRenderbuffers(const Context *context,
                              angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                              GLint n,
                              const RenderbufferID *renderbuffers)

bool ValidateGenTextures(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLint n,
                         const TextureID *textures)

bool ValidateGenerateMipmap(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            TextureType target)

bool ValidateGetBufferParameteriv(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  BufferBinding target,
                                  GLenum pname,
                                  const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetRenderbufferParameteriv(const Context *context,
                                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                        GLenum target,
                                        GLenum pname,
                                        const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetShaderiv(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         ShaderProgramID shader,
                         GLenum pname,
                         const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetTexParameterfv(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               TextureType target,
                               GLenum pname,
                               const GLfloat *params)

bool ValidateGetTexParameteriv(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               TextureType target,
                               GLenum pname,
                               const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetUniformfv(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID program,
                          UniformLocation location,
                          const GLfloat *params)

bool ValidateGetUniformiv(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          ShaderProgramID program,
                          UniformLocation location,
                          const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetVertexAttribfv(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLuint index,
                               GLenum pname,
                               const GLfloat *params)

bool ValidateGetVertexAttribiv(const Context *context,
                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                               GLuint index,
                               GLenum pname,
                               const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetVertexAttribPointerv(const Context *context,
                                     angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                     GLuint index,
                                     GLenum pname,
                                     void *const *pointer)

bool ValidateIsEnabled(const PrivateState &state,
                       ErrorSet *errors,
                       angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                       GLenum cap)

bool ValidateLinkProgram(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         ShaderProgramID program)

bool ValidateReadPixels(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        GLint x,
                        GLint y,
                        GLsizei width,
                        GLsizei height,
                        GLenum format,
                        GLenum type,
                        const void *pixels)

bool ValidateTexParameterf(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           TextureType target,
                           GLenum pname,
                           GLfloat param)

bool ValidateTexParameterfv(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            TextureType target,
                            GLenum pname,
                            const GLfloat *params)

bool ValidateTexParameteri(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           TextureType target,
                           GLenum pname,
                           GLint param)

bool ValidateTexParameteriv(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            TextureType target,
                            GLenum pname,
                            const GLint *params)

bool ValidateUseProgram(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        ShaderProgramID program)

bool ValidateDeleteFencesNV(const Context *context,
                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                            GLsizei n,
                            const FenceNVID *fences)

bool ValidateFinishFenceNV(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, FenceNVID fence)

bool ValidateGenFencesNV(const Context *context,
                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                         GLsizei n,
                         const FenceNVID *fences)

bool ValidateGetFenceivNV(const Context *context,
                          angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                          FenceNVID fence,
                          GLenum pname,
                          const GLint *params)

bool ValidateGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(const Context *context,
                                            angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                            ShaderProgramID shader,
                                            GLsizei bufsize,
                                            const GLsizei *length,
                                            const GLchar *source)

bool ValidateIsFenceNV(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, FenceNVID fence)

bool ValidateSetFenceNV(const Context *context,
                        angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                        FenceNVID fence,
                        GLenum condition)

bool ValidateTestFenceNV(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, FenceNVID fence)

bool ValidateTexStorage2DEXT(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             TextureType type,
                             GLsizei levels,
                             GLenum internalformat,
                             GLsizei width,
                             GLsizei height)

bool ValidateVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(const Context *context,
                                      angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                      GLuint index,
                                      GLuint divisor)

bool ValidateVertexAttribDivisorEXT(const Context *context,
                                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                    GLuint index,
                                    GLuint divisor)

bool ValidateTexImage3DOES(const Context *context,
                           angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                           TextureTarget target,
                           GLint level,
                           GLenum internalformat,
                           GLsizei width,
                           GLsizei height,
                           GLsizei depth,
                           GLint border,
                           GLenum format,
                           GLenum type,
                           const void *pixels)

bool ValidatePopGroupMarkerEXT(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint)

bool ValidateTexStorage1DEXT(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             GLenum target,
                             GLsizei levels,
                             GLenum internalformat,
                             GLsizei width)

bool ValidateTexStorage3DEXT(const Context *context,
                             angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                             TextureType target,
                             GLsizei levels,
                             GLenum internalformat,
                             GLsizei width,
                             GLsizei height,
                             GLsizei depth)

bool ValidateMaxShaderCompilerThreadsKHR(const Context *context,
                                         angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                         GLuint count)

bool ValidateMultiDrawArraysANGLE(const Context *context,
                                  angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                  PrimitiveMode mode,
                                  const GLint *firsts,
                                  const GLsizei *counts,
                                  GLsizei drawcount)

bool ValidateMultiDrawElementsANGLE(const Context *context,
                                    angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                    PrimitiveMode mode,
                                    const GLsizei *counts,
                                    DrawElementsType type,
                                    const GLvoid *const *indices,
                                    GLsizei drawcount)

bool ValidateFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(const Context *context,
                                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                                GLenum target,
                                                GLenum attachment,
                                                TextureTarget textarget,
                                                TextureID texture,
                                                GLint level,
                                                GLsizei samples)

bool ValidateRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(const Context *context,
                                               angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                               GLenum target,
                                               GLsizei samples,
                                               GLenum internalformat,
                                               GLsizei width,
                                               GLsizei height)

void RecordBindTextureTypeError(const Context *context,
                                angle::EntryPoint entryPoint,
                                TextureType target)

}  // namespace gl