
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// feature_support_util.h: Internal-to-ANGLE header file for feature-support utilities.


#include "export.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * The following is the "version 2" private API for the Android EGL loader:

// Typedefs for handles:

// Callers of the ANGLE feature-support-utility API (e.g. the Android EGL loader) will call this
// function in order to determine what version of the API it can use (if any).
// The caller supplies the highest version of the API that it knows about.  If that version is
// supported by the feature-support-utility, true is returned and the version isn't changed.  If
// the supplied version is higher than supported by the feature-support-utility, true is
// returned and the version is changed to the highest supported by the feature-support-utility.
// If the supplied version is lower than supported by the feature-support-utility, false is
// returned.
// Parameters:
// - versionToUse (IN/OUT) - The application supplies the highest version of the interface that
//                           it knows about.  If successful, the output value is either
//                           unchanged or is the highest supported by the interface.
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEGetFeatureSupportUtilAPIVersion(unsigned int *versionToUse);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to parse a rules file
// and create a set of rules, for which a handle is returned.
// Parameters:
// - rulesString   (IN) - Rules-file contents, as a non-zero length, null-terminated char*
//                        string
// - rulesHandle  (OUT) - Handle to the rules data structure
// - rulesVersion (OUT) - Version of the rules data structure (potentially because of schema
//                        changes) that should be passed to ANGLEShouldBeUsedForApplication()
// Return value:
// - bool - true if no errors, otherwise false
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEAndroidParseRulesString(const char *rulesString,
                                               RulesHandle *rulesHandle,
                                               int *rulesVersion);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to obtain a handle to
// the SystemInfo struct.
// Parameters:
// - systemInfoHandle (OUT) - handle to the SystemInfo structure
// Return value:
// - bool - true if no errors, otherwise false
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEGetSystemInfo(SystemInfoHandle *systemInfoHandle);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to add the device's manufacturer and
// model to the SystemInfo struct associated with the handle returned by ANGLEGetSystemInfo.
// Parameters:
// - deviceMfr   (IN) - Device manufacturer, from the
//                      "ro.product.manufacturer"" property
// - deviceModel (IN) - Device model, from the "ro.product.model"" property
// - systemInfoHandle (IN) - handle to the SystemInfo structure
// Return value:
// - bool - true if no errors, otherwise false
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEAddDeviceInfoToSystemInfo(const char *deviceMfr,
                                                 const char *deviceModel,
                                                 SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to determine whether
// to use ANGLE instead of a native OpenGL-ES (GLES) driver.
// Parameters:
// - rulesHandle      (IN) - Handle to the rules data structure
// - rulesVersion     (IN) - Version of the rules data structure (potentially because of schema
//                           changes) that was passed from AndroidParseRulesFile()
// - systemInfoHandle (IN) - Handle to the SystemInfo structure
// - appName          (IN) - Java name of the application (e.g. "")
// Return value:
// - bool - true if Android should use ANGLE for appName, otherwise false (i.e. use the native
//          GLES driver)
ANGLE_EXPORT bool ANGLEShouldBeUsedForApplication(const RulesHandle rulesHandle,
                                                  int rulesVersion,
                                                  const SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle,
                                                  const char *appName);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to free a rules handle.
// Parameters:
// - rulesHandle (IN) - Handle to the rules data structure
ANGLE_EXPORT void ANGLEFreeRulesHandle(const RulesHandle rulesHandle);

// The Android EGL loader will call this function in order to free a SystemInfo handle.
// Parameters:
// - systemInfoHandle (IN) - Handle to the SystemInfo structure
ANGLE_EXPORT void ANGLEFreeSystemInfoHandle(const SystemInfoHandle systemInfoHandle);

// The following are internal versions supported by the current  feature-support-utility API.

constexpr unsigned int kFeatureVersion_LowestSupported  =;
constexpr unsigned int kFeatureVersion_HighestSupported =;

#ifdef __cplusplus
}  // extern "C"