
// Generated by using data from gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml.
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// capture_gles_3_2_autogen.cpp:
//   Capture functions for the OpenGL ES 3.2 entry points.

#include "libANGLE/capture/capture_gles_3_2_autogen.h"

#include "common/gl_enum_utils.h"
#include "libANGLE/Context.h"
#include "libANGLE/capture/FrameCapture.h"
#include "libANGLE/validationES32.h"


namespace gl
CallCapture CaptureBlendBarrier(const State &glState, bool isCallValid)

CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationSeparatei(const State &glState,
                                          bool isCallValid,
                                          GLuint buf,
                                          GLenum modeRGB,
                                          GLenum modeAlpha)

CallCapture CaptureBlendEquationi(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, GLuint buf, GLenum mode)

CallCapture CaptureBlendFuncSeparatei(const State &glState,
                                      bool isCallValid,
                                      GLuint buf,
                                      GLenum srcRGB,
                                      GLenum dstRGB,
                                      GLenum srcAlpha,
                                      GLenum dstAlpha)

CallCapture CaptureBlendFunci(const State &glState,
                              bool isCallValid,
                              GLuint buf,
                              GLenum src,
                              GLenum dst)

CallCapture CaptureColorMaski(const State &glState,
                              bool isCallValid,
                              GLuint index,
                              GLboolean r,
                              GLboolean g,
                              GLboolean b,
                              GLboolean a)

CallCapture CaptureCopyImageSubData(const State &glState,
                                    bool isCallValid,
                                    GLuint srcName,
                                    GLenum srcTarget,
                                    GLint srcLevel,
                                    GLint srcX,
                                    GLint srcY,
                                    GLint srcZ,
                                    GLuint dstName,
                                    GLenum dstTarget,
                                    GLint dstLevel,
                                    GLint dstX,
                                    GLint dstY,
                                    GLint dstZ,
                                    GLsizei srcWidth,
                                    GLsizei srcHeight,
                                    GLsizei srcDepth)

CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageCallback(const State &glState,
                                        bool isCallValid,
                                        GLDEBUGPROC callback,
                                        const void *userParam)

CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageControl(const State &glState,
                                       bool isCallValid,
                                       GLenum source,
                                       GLenum type,
                                       GLenum severity,
                                       GLsizei count,
                                       const GLuint *ids,
                                       GLboolean enabled)

CallCapture CaptureDebugMessageInsert(const State &glState,
                                      bool isCallValid,
                                      GLenum source,
                                      GLenum type,
                                      GLuint id,
                                      GLenum severity,
                                      GLsizei length,
                                      const GLchar *buf)

CallCapture CaptureDisablei(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, GLenum target, GLuint index)

CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsBaseVertex(const State &glState,
                                          bool isCallValid,
                                          PrimitiveMode modePacked,
                                          GLsizei count,
                                          DrawElementsType typePacked,
                                          const void *indices,
                                          GLint basevertex)

CallCapture CaptureDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(const State &glState,
                                                   bool isCallValid,
                                                   PrimitiveMode modePacked,
                                                   GLsizei count,
                                                   DrawElementsType typePacked,
                                                   const void *indices,
                                                   GLsizei instancecount,
                                                   GLint basevertex)

CallCapture CaptureDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex(const State &glState,
                                               bool isCallValid,
                                               PrimitiveMode modePacked,
                                               GLuint start,
                                               GLuint end,
                                               GLsizei count,
                                               DrawElementsType typePacked,
                                               const void *indices,
                                               GLint basevertex)

CallCapture CaptureEnablei(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, GLenum target, GLuint index)

CallCapture CaptureFramebufferTexture(const State &glState,
                                      bool isCallValid,
                                      GLenum target,
                                      GLenum attachment,
                                      TextureID texturePacked,
                                      GLint level)

CallCapture CaptureGetDebugMessageLog(const State &glState,
                                      bool isCallValid,
                                      GLuint count,
                                      GLsizei bufSize,
                                      GLenum *sources,
                                      GLenum *types,
                                      GLuint *ids,
                                      GLenum *severities,
                                      GLsizei *lengths,
                                      GLchar *messageLog,
                                      GLuint returnValue)

CallCapture CaptureGetGraphicsResetStatus(const State &glState,
                                          bool isCallValid,
                                          GLenum returnValue)

CallCapture CaptureGetObjectLabel(const State &glState,
                                  bool isCallValid,
                                  GLenum identifier,
                                  GLuint name,
                                  GLsizei bufSize,
                                  GLsizei *length,
                                  GLchar *label)

CallCapture CaptureGetObjectPtrLabel(const State &glState,
                                     bool isCallValid,
                                     const void *ptr,
                                     GLsizei bufSize,
                                     GLsizei *length,
                                     GLchar *label)

CallCapture CaptureGetPointerv(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, GLenum pname, void **params)

CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIiv(const State &glState,
                                          bool isCallValid,
                                          SamplerID samplerPacked,
                                          GLenum pname,
                                          GLint *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetSamplerParameterIuiv(const State &glState,
                                           bool isCallValid,
                                           SamplerID samplerPacked,
                                           GLenum pname,
                                           GLuint *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIiv(const State &glState,
                                      bool isCallValid,
                                      TextureType targetPacked,
                                      GLenum pname,
                                      GLint *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetTexParameterIuiv(const State &glState,
                                       bool isCallValid,
                                       TextureType targetPacked,
                                       GLenum pname,
                                       GLuint *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformfv(const State &glState,
                                 bool isCallValid,
                                 ShaderProgramID programPacked,
                                 UniformLocation locationPacked,
                                 GLsizei bufSize,
                                 GLfloat *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformiv(const State &glState,
                                 bool isCallValid,
                                 ShaderProgramID programPacked,
                                 UniformLocation locationPacked,
                                 GLsizei bufSize,
                                 GLint *params)

CallCapture CaptureGetnUniformuiv(const State &glState,
                                  bool isCallValid,
                                  ShaderProgramID programPacked,
                                  UniformLocation locationPacked,
                                  GLsizei bufSize,
                                  GLuint *params)

CallCapture CaptureIsEnabledi(const State &glState,
                              bool isCallValid,
                              GLenum target,
                              GLuint index,
                              GLboolean returnValue)

CallCapture CaptureMinSampleShading(const State &glState, bool isCallValid, GLfloat value)

CallCapture CaptureObjectLabel(const State &glState,
                               bool isCallValid,
                               GLenum identifier,
                               GLuint name,
                               GLsizei length,
                               const GLchar *label)

CallCapture CaptureObjectPtrLabel(const State &glState,
                                  bool isCallValid,
                                  const void *ptr,
                                  GLsizei length,
                                  const GLchar *label)

CallCapture CapturePatchParameteri(const State &glState,
                                   bool isCallValid,
                                   GLenum pname,
                                   GLint value)

CallCapture CapturePopDebugGroup(const State &glState, bool isCallValid)

CallCapture CapturePrimitiveBoundingBox(const State &glState,
                                        bool isCallValid,
                                        GLfloat minX,
                                        GLfloat minY,
                                        GLfloat minZ,
                                        GLfloat minW,
                                        GLfloat maxX,
                                        GLfloat maxY,
                                        GLfloat maxZ,
                                        GLfloat maxW)

CallCapture CapturePushDebugGroup(const State &glState,
                                  bool isCallValid,
                                  GLenum source,
                                  GLuint id,
                                  GLsizei length,
                                  const GLchar *message)

CallCapture CaptureReadnPixels(const State &glState,
                               bool isCallValid,
                               GLint x,
                               GLint y,
                               GLsizei width,
                               GLsizei height,
                               GLenum format,
                               GLenum type,
                               GLsizei bufSize,
                               void *data)

CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIiv(const State &glState,
                                       bool isCallValid,
                                       SamplerID samplerPacked,
                                       GLenum pname,
                                       const GLint *param)

CallCapture CaptureSamplerParameterIuiv(const State &glState,
                                        bool isCallValid,
                                        SamplerID samplerPacked,
                                        GLenum pname,
                                        const GLuint *param)

CallCapture CaptureTexBuffer(const State &glState,
                             bool isCallValid,
                             TextureType targetPacked,
                             GLenum internalformat,
                             BufferID bufferPacked)

CallCapture CaptureTexBufferRange(const State &glState,
                                  bool isCallValid,
                                  TextureType targetPacked,
                                  GLenum internalformat,
                                  BufferID bufferPacked,
                                  GLintptr offset,
                                  GLsizeiptr size)

CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIiv(const State &glState,
                                   bool isCallValid,
                                   TextureType targetPacked,
                                   GLenum pname,
                                   const GLint *params)

CallCapture CaptureTexParameterIuiv(const State &glState,
                                    bool isCallValid,
                                    TextureType targetPacked,
                                    GLenum pname,
                                    const GLuint *params)

CallCapture CaptureTexStorage3DMultisample(const State &glState,
                                           bool isCallValid,
                                           TextureType targetPacked,
                                           GLsizei samples,
                                           GLenum internalformat,
                                           GLsizei width,
                                           GLsizei height,
                                           GLsizei depth,
                                           GLboolean fixedsamplelocations)

}  // namespace gl