
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "compiler/translator/HashNames.h"

#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h"
#include "compiler/translator/IntermNode.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Symbol.h"

namespace sh

constexpr const ImmutableString kHashedNamePrefix("webgl_");

ImmutableString HashName(const ImmutableString &name, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction)

void AddToNameMapIfNotMapped(const ImmutableString &name,
                             const ImmutableString &hashedName,
                             NameMap *nameMap)

}  // anonymous namespace

ImmutableString HashName(const ImmutableString &name,
                         ShHashFunction64 hashFunction,
                         NameMap *nameMap)

ImmutableString HashName(const TSymbol *symbol, ShHashFunction64 hashFunction, NameMap *nameMap)

}  // namespace sh