
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# Fuzzer dictionary targetting HTTP/1.1 requests, to the extent that
# HttpServer parses those (not very much).

# Tokens the parser cares about.
" "




# Methods... The code doesn't actually care much about those
"GET "

# The server really wants one of these.

# Some characters for URLs.

# Want this accessible...

# Some stuff for headers
"Content-Length: 10"

# Things that WebSocket cares about.
"Connection: upgrade\x0D\x0Asec-websocket-version: 13\x0D\x0Asec-websocket-key: abcd"
# There is a separate fuzzer for this.
"sec-websocket-extensions: permessage-deflate"

# String terminator for FuzzedDataProvider::ConsumeRandomLengthString.
"\\ "

# There is a lot of use of ConsumeIntegralInRange clients, like ConsumeBool,
# so try make it easy to produce lots of inputs for these.