# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Fuzzer dictionary of HTTP/2.0 messages
# Len = 5, Type = 0 (DATA), Flags = 0, Stream = 1, Payload = ABCDE
# Len = 5, Type = 0 (DATA), Flags = 8 (PADDED), Stream = 1, Pad = 2,
# Payload = AB, Padding = 00 00
# Headers. This is from |resp| in SpdyNetworkTransactionTest.Get
# |late_headers| from SpdyNetworkTransactionTest.ServerPushWithHeaders.
# Len = 5, Type = 2 (PRIORITY), Flags = 0, stream = 1 Dep = 00 00 00 00,
# weight = 128
# Len = 4, Type = 3 (RST_STREAM), Flags = 0, stream = 1, Code = 00 00 00 02
# Len = 0, Type = 4 (SETTINGS), Flags = 1 (ACK), stream = 1
# Len = 6, Type = 4 (SETTINGS), Flags = 0, stream = 1,
# ident = SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (0x5), val = 65535
# Push promise. This one is from |stream2_syn| in
# SpdyNetworkTransactionTest.ServerPushWithHeaders.
# Len = 8, Type = 6 (PING), Flags = 0, stream = 1, data = "ABCDEFGH"
# Len = 8, TYPE = 7 (GOAWAY), Flags = 0, stream = 0, last stream = 1, error = 2
# Len = 4, TYPE = 8 (WINDOW_UPDATE), Flags = 0, stream = 1, size = 65536
# Continuation frame (type = 9), taken from
# SpdyFramerTest.ContinuationWithStreamIdZero, except with stream set to 1.
# AltSvc (type = A), taken from SpdyFramerTest.CreateAltSvc