# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script generates a test chain of (end-entity, intermediate, root)
# certificates used to run a test QUIC server.
try() {
"$@" || (e=$?; echo "$@" > /dev/stderr; exit $e)
try rm -rf out
try mkdir out
# Create the serial number files.
try /bin/sh -c "echo 01 > out/quic-test-root-serial"
try /bin/sh -c "echo 01 > out/quic-test-intermediate-serial"
# Create the signers' DB files.
touch out/quic-test-root-index.txt
touch out/quic-test-intermediate-index.txt
# Generate the keys
try openssl genrsa -out out/quic-test-root.key 2048
try openssl genrsa -out out/quic-test-intermediate.key 2048
try openssl genrsa -out out/quic-test-cert.key 2048
# Generate the root certificate
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=test-root \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key out/quic-test-root.key \
-out out/quic-test-root.csr \
-config quic-test.cnf
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=quic-test-root \
try openssl x509 \
-req -days 3650 \
-in out/quic-test-root.csr \
-out out/quic-test-root.pem \
-signkey out/quic-test-root.key \
-extfile quic-test.cnf \
-extensions ca_cert \
# Generate the intermediate
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Intermediate CA" \
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=quic-test-root \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key out/quic-test-intermediate.key \
-out out/quic-test-intermediate.csr \
-config quic-test.cnf
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Intermediate CA" \
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=quic-test-root \
try openssl ca \
-batch \
-in out/quic-test-intermediate.csr \
-out out/quic-test-intermediate.pem \
-config quic-test.cnf \
-extensions ca_cert
# Generate the leaf
CA_COMMON_NAME="test.example.com" \
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=quic-test-intermediate \
try openssl req \
-new \
-key out/quic-test-cert.key \
-out out/quic-test-cert.csr \
-config quic-test.cnf
CA_COMMON_NAME="Test Intermediate CA" \
HOST_NAME="test.example.com" \
CA_DIR=out \
CA_NAME=quic-test-intermediate \
try openssl ca \
-batch \
-in out/quic-test-cert.csr \
-out out/quic-test-cert.pem \
-config quic-test.cnf \
-extensions user_cert
# Copy to the file names that are actually checked in.
try openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -outform der -in out/quic-test-cert.key -out ../certificates/quic-leaf-cert.key -nocrypt
try cat out/quic-test-cert.pem out/quic-test-intermediate.pem > ../certificates/quic-chain.pem
try cp out/quic-test-root.pem ../certificates/quic-root.pem
try openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -inform der -outform pem -in ../certificates/quic-leaf-cert.key -out ../certificates/quic-leaf-cert.key.pkcs8.pem