
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ProgramNULL.cpp:
//    Implements the class methods for ProgramNULL.

#include "libANGLE/renderer/null/ProgramNULL.h"

#include "common/debug.h"

namespace rx
class LinkTaskNULL : public LinkTask
}  // anonymous namespace

ProgramNULL::ProgramNULL(const gl::ProgramState &state) :{}

ProgramNULL::~ProgramNULL() {}

angle::Result ProgramNULL::load(const gl::Context *context,
                                gl::BinaryInputStream *stream,
                                std::shared_ptr<LinkTask> *loadTaskOut,
                                egl::CacheGetResult *resultOut)

void ProgramNULL::save(const gl::Context *context, gl::BinaryOutputStream *stream) {}

void ProgramNULL::setBinaryRetrievableHint(bool retrievable) {}

void ProgramNULL::setSeparable(bool separable) {}

angle::Result ProgramNULL::link(const gl::Context *contextImpl,
                                std::shared_ptr<LinkTask> *linkTaskOut)

GLboolean ProgramNULL::validate(const gl::Caps &caps)

}  // namespace rx