
// Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// vk_cache_utils.h:
//    Contains the classes for the Pipeline State Object cache as well as the RenderPass cache.
//    Also contains the structures for the packed descriptions for the RenderPass and Pipeline.


#include "common/Color.h"
#include "common/FixedVector.h"
#include "common/SimpleMutex.h"
#include "common/WorkerThread.h"
#include "libANGLE/Uniform.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/ShaderInterfaceVariableInfoMap.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_resource.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/vk_utils.h"

namespace gl
class ProgramExecutable;
}  // namespace gl

namespace rx
class ShaderInterfaceVariableInfoMap;
class UpdateDescriptorSetsBuilder;

// Some descriptor set and pipeline layout constants.
// The set/binding assignment is done as following:
// - Set 0 contains uniform blocks created to encompass default uniforms.  1 binding is used per
//   pipeline stage.  Additionally, transform feedback buffers are bound from binding 2 and up.
//   For internal shaders, set 0 is used for all the needed resources.
// - Set 1 contains all textures (including texture buffers).
// - Set 2 contains all other shader resources, such as uniform and storage blocks, atomic counter
//   buffers, images and image buffers.

enum class DescriptorSetIndex : uint32_t

namespace vk
class BufferHelper;
class DynamicDescriptorPool;
class SamplerHelper;
enum class ImageLayout;
class PipelineCacheAccess;
class RenderPassCommandBufferHelper;
class PackedClearValuesArray;
class AttachmentOpsArray;


// Packed Vk resource descriptions.
// Most Vk types use many more bits than required to represent the underlying data.
// Since ANGLE wants to cache things like RenderPasses and Pipeline State Objects using
// hashing (and also needs to check equality) we can optimize these operations by
// using fewer bits. Hence the packed types.
// One implementation note: these types could potentially be improved by using even
// fewer bits. For example, boolean values could be represented by a single bit instead
// of a uint8_t. However at the current time there are concerns about the portability
// of bitfield operators, and complexity issues with using bit mask operations. This is
// something we will likely want to investigate as the Vulkan implementation progresses.
// Second implementation note: the struct packing is also a bit fragile, and some of the
// packing requirements depend on using alignas and field ordering to get the result of
// packing nicely into the desired space. This is something we could also potentially fix
// with a redesign to use bitfields or bit mask operations.

// Enable struct padding warnings for the code below since it is used in caches.

enum class ResourceAccess

inline void UpdateAccess(ResourceAccess *oldAccess, ResourceAccess newAccess)
inline bool HasResourceWriteAccess(ResourceAccess access)

enum class RenderPassLoadOp
enum class RenderPassStoreOp

// There can be a maximum of IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS color and resolve attachments, plus -
// - one depth/stencil attachment
// - one depth/stencil resolve attachment
// - one fragment shading rate attachment
constexpr size_t kMaxFramebufferAttachments =;

constexpr size_t kMaxFramebufferNonResolveAttachments =;

class PackedAttachmentIndex;

class alignas(4) RenderPassDesc final

bool operator==(const RenderPassDesc &lhs, const RenderPassDesc &rhs);

constexpr size_t kRenderPassDescSize =;

enum class GraphicsPipelineSubset

enum class CacheLookUpFeedback

struct PackedAttachmentOpsDesc final


class AttachmentOpsArray final

bool operator==(const AttachmentOpsArray &lhs, const AttachmentOpsArray &rhs);


struct PackedAttribDesc final

constexpr size_t kPackedAttribDescSize =;

struct PackedVertexInputAttributes final

constexpr size_t kPackedVertexInputAttributesSize =;

struct PackedInputAssemblyState final

constexpr size_t kPackedInputAssemblyStateSize =;

struct PackedStencilOpState final

constexpr size_t kPackedStencilOpSize =;

struct PackedPreRasterizationAndFragmentStates final

constexpr size_t kPackedPreRasterizationAndFragmentStatesSize =;

struct PackedMultisampleAndSubpassState final

constexpr size_t kPackedMultisampleAndSubpassStateSize =;

struct PackedColorBlendAttachmentState final

constexpr size_t kPackedColorBlendAttachmentStateSize =;

struct PackedColorBlendState final

constexpr size_t kPackedColorBlendStateSize =;

struct PackedBlendMaskAndLogicOpState final

constexpr size_t kPackedBlendMaskAndLogicOpStateSize =;

// The vertex input subset of the pipeline.
struct PipelineVertexInputState final

// The pre-rasterization and fragment shader subsets of the pipeline.  This is excluding
// multisampled and render pass states which are shared with fragment output.
struct PipelineShadersState final

// Multisampled and render pass states.
struct PipelineSharedNonVertexInputState final

// The fragment output subset of the pipeline.  This is excluding multisampled and render pass
// states which are shared with the shader subsets.
struct PipelineFragmentOutputState final

constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineVertexInputStateSize =;
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineShadersStateSize =;
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineSharedNonVertexInputStateSize =;
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineFragmentOutputStateSize =;

constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDescSumOfSizes =;

// Number of dirty bits in the dirty bit set.
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes =;
constexpr static size_t kNumGraphicsPipelineDirtyBits =;

// Set of dirty bits. Each bit represents kGraphicsPipelineDirtyBitBytes in the desc.

GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits GetGraphicsPipelineTransitionBitsMask(GraphicsPipelineSubset subset);

// Disable padding warnings for a few helper structs that aggregate Vulkan state objects.  These are
// not used as hash keys, they just simplify passing them around to functions.

struct GraphicsPipelineVertexInputVulkanStructs

struct GraphicsPipelineShadersVulkanStructs

struct GraphicsPipelineSharedNonVertexInputVulkanStructs

struct GraphicsPipelineFragmentOutputVulkanStructs



enum class PipelineRobustness

enum class PipelineProtectedAccess

// State changes are applied through the update methods. Each update method can also have a
// sibling method that applies the update without marking a state transition. The non-transition
// update methods are used for internal shader pipelines. Not every non-transition update method
// is implemented yet as not every state is used in internal shaders.
class GraphicsPipelineDesc final

// Verify the packed pipeline description has no gaps in the packing.
// This is not guaranteed by the spec, but is validated by a compile-time check.
// No gaps or padding at the end ensures that hashing and memcmp checks will not run
// into uninitialized memory regions.
constexpr size_t kGraphicsPipelineDescSize =;

// Values are based on data recorded here ->
constexpr size_t kDefaultDescriptorSetLayoutBindingsCount =;
constexpr size_t kDefaultImmutableSamplerBindingsCount    =;

// A packed description of a descriptor set layout. Use similarly to RenderPassDesc and
// GraphicsPipelineDesc. Currently we only need to differentiate layouts based on sampler and ubo
// usage. In the future we could generalize this.
class DescriptorSetLayoutDesc final

// The following are for caching descriptor set layouts. Limited to max three descriptor set
// layouts. This can be extended in the future.
constexpr size_t kMaxDescriptorSetLayouts =;




class PipelineLayoutDesc final

// Verify the structure is properly packed.

enum class YcbcrLinearFilterSupport

class YcbcrConversionDesc final


// Packed sampler description for the sampler cache.
class SamplerDesc final


// Disable warnings about struct padding.

class PipelineHelper;

struct GraphicsPipelineTransition

ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition() = default;

ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition(
    const GraphicsPipelineTransition &other) = default;

ANGLE_INLINE GraphicsPipelineTransition::GraphicsPipelineTransition(
    GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bits,
    const GraphicsPipelineDesc *desc,
    PipelineHelper *pipeline)

ANGLE_INLINE bool GraphicsPipelineTransitionMatch(GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bitsA,
                                                  GraphicsPipelineTransitionBits bitsB,
                                                  const GraphicsPipelineDesc &descA,
                                                  const GraphicsPipelineDesc &descB)

// A class that encapsulates the vk::PipelineCache and associated mutex.  The mutex may be nullptr
// if synchronization is not necessary.
class PipelineCacheAccess

// Monolithic pipeline creation tasks are created as soon as a pipeline is created out of libraries.
// However, they are not immediately posted to the worker queue to allow pacing.  One each use of a
// pipeline, an attempt is made to post the task.
class CreateMonolithicPipelineTask : public Context, public angle::Closure

class WaitableMonolithicPipelineCreationTask

class PipelineHelper final : public Resource

class FramebufferHelper : public Resource

ANGLE_INLINE PipelineHelper::PipelineHelper(Pipeline &&pipeline, CacheLookUpFeedback feedback)

ANGLE_INLINE PipelineHelper &PipelineHelper::operator=(PipelineHelper &&other)

struct ImageSubresourceRange


inline bool operator==(const ImageSubresourceRange &a, const ImageSubresourceRange &b)

constexpr ImageSubresourceRange kInvalidImageSubresourceRange =;

struct ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial

inline bool operator==(const ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial &a,
                       const ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial &b)

constexpr ImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial kInvalidImageOrBufferViewSubresourceSerial =;

// Always starts with array element zero, with descriptorCount descriptors.
struct WriteDescriptorDesc


struct DescriptorInfoDesc


// Generic description of a descriptor set. Used as a key when indexing descriptor set caches. The
// key storage is an angle:FixedVector. Beyond a certain fixed size we'll end up using heap memory
// to store keys. Currently we specialize the structure for three use cases: uniforms, textures,
// and other shader resources. Because of the way the specialization works we can't currently cache
// programs that use some types of resources.
static constexpr size_t kFastDescriptorSetDescLimit =;

struct DescriptorDescHandles

class WriteDescriptorDescs

class DescriptorSetDesc

class DescriptorPoolHelper;

// SharedDescriptorSetCacheKey.
// Because DescriptorSet must associate with a pool, we need to define a structure that wraps both.
struct DescriptorSetDescAndPool
ANGLE_INLINE const SharedDescriptorSetCacheKey
CreateSharedDescriptorSetCacheKey(const DescriptorSetDesc &desc, DynamicDescriptorPool *pool)

constexpr VkDescriptorType kStorageBufferDescriptorType =;

// Manages a descriptor set desc with a few helper routines and also stores object handles.
class DescriptorSetDescBuilder final

// Specialized update for textures.
void UpdatePreCacheActiveTextures(const gl::ProgramExecutable &executable,
                                  const std::vector<gl::SamplerBinding> &samplerBindings,
                                  const gl::ActiveTextureMask &activeTextures,
                                  const gl::ActiveTextureArray<TextureVk *> &textures,
                                  const gl::SamplerBindingVector &samplers,
                                  DescriptorSetDesc *desc);

// In the FramebufferDesc object:
//  - Depth/stencil serial is at index 0
//  - Color serials are at indices [1, gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS]
//  - Depth/stencil resolve attachment is at index gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS+1
//  - Resolve attachments are at indices [gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS+2,
//                                        gl::IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS*2+1]
//    Fragment shading rate attachment serial is at index
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescDepthStencilIndex =;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescColorIndexOffset  =;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescDepthStencilResolveIndexOffset =;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescColorResolveIndexOffset =;
constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescFragmentShadingRateAttachmentIndexOffset =;

// Enable struct padding warnings for the code below since it is used in caches.

class FramebufferDesc

constexpr size_t kFramebufferDescSize =;

// Disable warnings about struct padding.

// SharedFramebufferCacheKey
ANGLE_INLINE const SharedFramebufferCacheKey
CreateSharedFramebufferCacheKey(const FramebufferDesc &desc)

// The SamplerHelper allows a Sampler to be coupled with a serial.
// Must be included before we declare SamplerCache.
class SamplerHelper final : angle::NonCopyable


class RenderPassHelper final : angle::NonCopyable

// Helper class manages the lifetime of various cache objects so that the cache entry can be
// destroyed when one of the components becomes invalid.
template <class SharedCacheKeyT>
class SharedCacheKeyManager

}  // namespace vk
}  // namespace rx

// Introduce std::hash for the above classes.
std  // namespace std

namespace rx
// Cache types for various Vulkan objects
enum class VulkanCacheType

// Base class for all caches. Provides cache hit and miss counters.
class CacheStats final : angle::NonCopyable

template <VulkanCacheType CacheType>
class HasCacheStats : angle::NonCopyable


// FramebufferVk Cache
class FramebufferCache final : angle::NonCopyable

// TODO(jmadill): Add cache trimming/eviction.
class RenderPassCache final : angle::NonCopyable

enum class PipelineSource

struct GraphicsPipelineDescCompleteHash
struct GraphicsPipelineDescVertexInputHash
struct GraphicsPipelineDescShadersHash
struct GraphicsPipelineDescFragmentOutputHash

struct GraphicsPipelineDescCompleteKeyEqual
struct GraphicsPipelineDescVertexInputKeyEqual
struct GraphicsPipelineDescShadersKeyEqual
struct GraphicsPipelineDescFragmentOutputKeyEqual

// Derive the KeyEqual and GraphicsPipelineSubset enum from the Hash struct
template <typename Hash>
struct GraphicsPipelineCacheTypeHelper

template <>
struct GraphicsPipelineCacheTypeHelper<GraphicsPipelineDescVertexInputHash>
template <>
struct GraphicsPipelineCacheTypeHelper<GraphicsPipelineDescShadersHash>
template <>
struct GraphicsPipelineCacheTypeHelper<GraphicsPipelineDescFragmentOutputHash>

// TODO(jmadill): Add cache trimming/eviction.
template <typename Hash>
class GraphicsPipelineCache final : public HasCacheStats<VulkanCacheType::GraphicsPipeline>


class DescriptorSetLayoutCache final : angle::NonCopyable

class PipelineLayoutCache final : public HasCacheStats<VulkanCacheType::PipelineLayout>

class SamplerCache final : public HasCacheStats<VulkanCacheType::Sampler>

// YuvConversion Cache
class SamplerYcbcrConversionCache final
    : public HasCacheStats<VulkanCacheType::SamplerYcbcrConversion>

// Descriptor Set Cache
class DescriptorSetCache final : angle::NonCopyable

// There is 1 default uniform binding used per stage.
constexpr uint32_t kReservedPerStageDefaultUniformBindingCount =;

class UpdateDescriptorSetsBuilder final : angle::NonCopyable

}  // namespace rx