
// Copyright 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// vk_format_utils:
//   Helper for Vulkan format code.


#include "common/SimpleMutex.h"
#include "common/vulkan/vk_headers.h"
#include "libANGLE/formatutils.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/Format.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/copyvertex.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/renderer_utils.h"
#include "platform/autogen/FeaturesVk_autogen.h"

#include <array>

namespace gl
struct SwizzleState;
class TextureCapsMap;
}  // namespace gl

namespace rx
class ContextVk;

namespace vk
class Renderer;

// VkFormat values in range [0, kNumVkFormats) are used as indices in various tables.
constexpr uint32_t kNumVkFormats =;

enum ImageAccess

struct ImageFormatInitInfo final

struct BufferFormatInitInfo final

VkFormat GetVkFormatFromFormatID(angle::FormatID actualFormatID);
angle::FormatID GetFormatIDFromVkFormat(VkFormat vkFormat);

// Returns buffer alignment for image-copy operations (to or from a buffer).
size_t GetImageCopyBufferAlignment(angle::FormatID actualFormatID);
size_t GetValidImageCopyBufferAlignment(angle::FormatID intendedFormatID,
                                        angle::FormatID actualFormatID);
bool HasEmulatedImageChannels(const angle::Format &intendedFormat,
                              const angle::Format &actualFormat);
// Returns true if the image has a different image format than intended.
bool HasEmulatedImageFormat(angle::FormatID intendedFormatID, angle::FormatID actualFormatID);

// Describes a Vulkan format. For more information on formats in the Vulkan back-end please see
class Format final : private angle::NonCopyable

bool operator==(const Format &lhs, const Format &rhs);
bool operator!=(const Format &lhs, const Format &rhs);

class FormatTable final : angle::NonCopyable

// Extra data required for a renderable external format, for EXT_yuv_target support.
// We have one of these structures per external format slot (angle::FormatID::EXTERNALn)
// and allocate them to particular actual external formats in the order we see them.
struct ExternalYuvFormatInfo

class ExternalFormatTable final : angle::NonCopyable

bool IsYUVExternalFormat(angle::FormatID formatID);

// This will return a reference to a VkFormatProperties with the feature flags supported
// if the format is a mandatory format described in section 31.3.3. Required Format Support
// of the Vulkan spec. If the vkFormat isn't mandatory, it will return a VkFormatProperties
// initialized to 0.
const VkFormatProperties &GetMandatoryFormatSupport(angle::FormatID formatID);

VkImageUsageFlags GetMaximalImageUsageFlags(Renderer *renderer, angle::FormatID formatID);
VkImageCreateFlags GetMinimalImageCreateFlags(Renderer *renderer,
                                              gl::TextureType textureType,
                                              VkImageUsageFlags usage);

}  // namespace vk

// Checks if a Vulkan format supports all the features needed to use it as a GL texture format.
bool HasFullTextureFormatSupport(vk::Renderer *renderer, angle::FormatID formatID);
// Checks if a Vulkan format supports all the features except rendering.
bool HasNonRenderableTextureFormatSupport(vk::Renderer *renderer, angle::FormatID formatID);
// Checks if it is a ETC texture format
bool IsETCFormat(angle::FormatID formatID);
// Checks if it is a BC texture format
bool IsBCFormat(angle::FormatID formatID);

angle::FormatID GetTranscodeBCFormatID(angle::FormatID formatID);

// Get Etc format cpu transcoding to Bc function.
LoadImageFunctionInfo GetEtcToBcTransCodingFunc(angle::FormatID formatID);

// Get the swizzle state based on format's requirements and emulations.
gl::SwizzleState GetFormatSwizzle(const angle::Format &angleFormat, const bool sized);

// Apply application's swizzle to the swizzle implied by format as received from GetFormatSwizzle.
gl::SwizzleState ApplySwizzle(const gl::SwizzleState &formatSwizzle,
                              const gl::SwizzleState &toApply);

}  // namespace rx