#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generates a variety of chains where the target certificate varies in its key
type and key usages."""
import sys
sys.path += ['../..']
import gencerts
# Self-signed root certificate (used as trust anchor).
root = gencerts.create_self_signed_root_certificate('Root')
# Intermediate certificate.
intermediate = gencerts.create_intermediate_certificate('Intermediate', root)
# Use either an RSA key, or an EC key for the target certificate. Generate the
# possible keys ahead of time so as not to duplicate the work.
KEYS = {
'rsa': gencerts.get_or_generate_rsa_key(
2048, gencerts.create_key_path('Target-rsa')),
'ec': gencerts.get_or_generate_ec_key(
'secp384r1', gencerts.create_key_path('Target-ec'))
KEY_USAGES = [ 'decipherOnly',
'keyEncipherment' ]
# The proper key usage depends on the key purpose (serverAuth in this case),
# and the key type. Generate a variety of combinations.
for key_type in sorted(KEYS.keys()):
for key_usage in KEY_USAGES:
# Target certificate.
target = gencerts.create_end_entity_certificate('Target', intermediate)
target.get_extensions().set_property('extendedKeyUsage', 'serverAuth')
'critical,%s' % (key_usage))
# Set the key.
# Write the chain.
chain = [target, intermediate, root]
description = ('Certificate chain where the target certificate uses a %s '
'key and has the single key usage %s') % (key_type.upper(),
gencerts.write_chain(description, chain,
'%s-%s.pem' % (key_type, key_usage))