
// Copyright 2009 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "net/disk_cache/blockfile/bitmap.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>

#include "base/check_op.h"

namespace {
// Returns the index of the first bit set to |value| from |word|. This code
// assumes that we'll be able to find that bit.
int FindLSBNonEmpty(uint32_t word, bool value) {}

}  // namespace

namespace disk_cache {

Bitmap::Bitmap() = default;

Bitmap::Bitmap(int num_bits, bool clear_bits)

Bitmap::Bitmap(uint32_t* map, int num_bits, int num_words)

Bitmap::~Bitmap() = default;

void Bitmap::Resize(int num_bits, bool clear_bits) {}

void Bitmap::Set(int index, bool value) {}

bool Bitmap::Get(int index) const {}

void Bitmap::Toggle(int index) {}

void Bitmap::SetMapElement(int array_index, uint32_t value) {}

uint32_t Bitmap::GetMapElement(int array_index) const {}

void Bitmap::SetMap(const uint32_t* map, int size) {}

void Bitmap::SetRange(int begin, int end, bool value) {}

// Return true if any bit between begin inclusive and end exclusive
// is set.  0 <= begin <= end <= bits() is required.
bool Bitmap::TestRange(int begin, int end, bool value) const {}

bool Bitmap::FindNextBit(int* index, int limit, bool value) const {}

int Bitmap::FindBits(int* index, int limit, bool value) const {}

void Bitmap::SetWordBits(int start, int len, bool value) {}

}  // namespace disk_cache