
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "net/dns/dns_response.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/containers/span_writer.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_names_util.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_query.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_test_util.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_protocol.h"
#include "net/dns/record_rdata.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace net {

namespace {

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, Constructor) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadName) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadNameFail) {}

// Returns an RFC 1034 style domain name with a length of |name_len|.
// Also writes the expected dotted string representation into |dotted_str|,
// which must be non-null.
std::vector<uint8_t> BuildRfc1034Name(const size_t name_len,
                                      std::string* dotted_str) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadNameGoodLength) {}

// Tests against incorrect name length validation, which is anti-pattern #3 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadNameTooLongFail) {}

// Tests against incorrect name compression pointer validation, which is anti-
// pattern #6 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectsNamesWithLoops) {}

// Tests against incorrect name compression pointer validation, which is anti-
// pattern #6 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectsNamesPointingOutsideData) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ParsesValidPointer) {}

// Per RFC 1035, section 4.1.4, the first 2 bits of a DNS name label determine
// if it is a length label (if the bytes are 00) or a pointer label (if the
// bytes are 11). It is a common DNS parsing bug to treat 01 or 10 as pointer
// labels, but these are reserved and invalid. Such labels should always result
// in DnsRecordParser rejecting the name.
// Tests against incorrect name compression pointer validation, which is anti-
// pattern #6 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectsNamesWithInvalidLabelTypeAsPointer) {}

// Per RFC 1035, section 4.1.4, the first 2 bits of a DNS name label determine
// if it is a length label (if the bytes are 00) or a pointer label (if the
// bytes are 11). Such labels should always result in DnsRecordParser rejecting
// the name.
// Tests against incorrect name compression pointer validation, which is anti-
// pattern #6 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectsNamesWithInvalidLabelTypeAsLength) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadRecord) {}

TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, ReadsRecordWithLongName) {}

// Tests against incorrect name length validation, which is anti-pattern #3 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectRecordWithTooLongName) {}

// Test that a record cannot be parsed with a name extending past the end of the
// data.
// Tests against incorrect name length validation, which is anti-pattern #3 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectRecordWithNonendedName) {}

// Test that a record cannot be parsed with a name without final null
// termination. Parsing should assume the name has not ended and find the first
// byte of the TYPE field instead, making the remainder of the record
// unparsable.
// Tests against incorrect name null termination, which is anti-pattern #4 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectRecordNameMissingNullTermination) {}

// Test that no more records can be parsed once the claimed number of records
// have been parsed.
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectReadingTooManyRecords) {}

// Test that no more records can be parsed once the end of the buffer is
// reached, even if more records are claimed.
TEST(DnsRecordParserTest, RejectReadingPastEnd) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParse) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseInvalidFlags) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseRejectsResponseWithoutQuestions) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseRejectsResponseWithTooManyQuestions) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseWithoutQuery) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseWithoutQueryNoQuestions) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseWithoutQueryInvalidFlags) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseWithoutQueryTwoQuestions) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseWithoutQueryPacketTooShort) {}

TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseAllowsQuestionWithLongName) {}

// Tests against incorrect name length validation, which is anti-pattern #3 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseRejectsQuestionWithTooLongName) {}

// Test that `InitParse[...]()` rejects a response with a question name
// extending past the end of the response.
// Tests against incorrect name length validation, which is anti-pattern #3 from
// the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseRejectsQuestionWithNonendedName) {}

// Test that `InitParse[...]()` rejects responses that do not contain at least
// the claimed number of questions.
// Tests against incorrect record count field validation, which is anti-pattern
// #5 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsResponseTest, InitParseRejectsResponseWithMissingQuestions) {}

// Test that a parsed DnsResponse only allows parsing the number of records
// claimed in the response header.
// Tests against incorrect record count field validation, which is anti-pattern
// #5 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsResponseTest, ParserLimitedToNumClaimedRecords) {}

// Test that a parsed DnsResponse does not allow parsing past the end of the
// input, even if more records are claimed in the response header.
// Tests against incorrect record count field validation, which is anti-pattern
// #5 from the "NAME:WRECK" report:
TEST(DnsResponseTest, ParserLimitedToBufferSize) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, SingleARecordAnswer) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, SingleARecordAnswerWithFinalDotInName) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, SingleARecordAnswerWithQuestion) {}

     SingleAnswerWithQuestionConstructedFromSizeInflatedQuery) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, SingleQuadARecordAnswer) {}

     SingleARecordAnswerWithQuestionAndNsecAdditionalRecord) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, TwoAnswersWithAAndQuadARecords) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, AnswerWithAuthorityRecord) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, AnswerWithRcode) {}

// CNAME answers are always allowed for any question.
TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, AAAAQuestionAndCnameAnswer) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, WrittenResponseCanBeParsed) {}

TEST(DnsResponseWriteTest, CreateEmptyNoDataResponse) {}

}  // namespace

}  // namespace net