
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "cc/trees/clip_node.h"
#include "cc/trees/effect_node.h"
#include "cc/trees/property_tree.h"
#include "cc/trees/scroll_node.h"
#include "cc/trees/transform_node.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d_f.h"

namespace cc {

class Layer;
class LayerImpl;
class PictureLayer;
class PictureLayerImpl;

// Sets up properties that apply to the root layer.
void SetupRootProperties(Layer* root);
void SetupRootProperties(LayerImpl* root);

// Copies property tree indexes from |from| to |to|. For the |Layer| form, also
// copies |from|'s layer_host_host and property_tree_sequence_number to |to|.
void CopyProperties(Layer* from, Layer* to);
void CopyProperties(const LayerImpl* from, LayerImpl* to);

// Each of the following functions creates a property node for the layer,
// and sets the new node as the layer's property node of the type.
// The new property node's parent will be |parent_id| if it's specified.
// Otherwise the layer's current property node of the corresponding type will
// be the parent. The latter case is useful to create property nodes after
// CopyProperties() under the copied properties.
TransformNode& CreateTransformNode(Layer*,
                                   int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
TransformNode& CreateTransformNode(LayerImpl*,
                                   int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
ClipNode& CreateClipNode(Layer*, int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
ClipNode& CreateClipNode(LayerImpl*, int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
EffectNode& CreateEffectNode(Layer*, int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
EffectNode& CreateEffectNode(LayerImpl*,
                             int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
// The scroll node is not scrollable if |scroll_container_bounds| is empty.
ScrollNode& CreateScrollNode(Layer*,
                             const gfx::Size& scroll_container_bounds,
                             int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);
ScrollNode& CreateScrollNode(LayerImpl*,
                             const gfx::Size& scroll_container_bounds,
                             int parent_id = kInvalidPropertyNodeId);

// These functions create property nodes not associated with layers.
TransformNode& CreateTransformNode(PropertyTrees*, int parent_id);
ClipNode& CreateClipNode(PropertyTrees*, int parent_id, int transform_id);
EffectNode& CreateEffectNode(PropertyTrees*,
                             int parent_id,
                             int transform_id,
                             int clip_id);

// This creates a scroll node that looks like a scroller that wasn't composited
// (isn't connected to a Layer). This function will also create a matching
// transform node that is a child of the parent's transform node.
ScrollNode& CreateScrollNodeForNonCompositedScroller(
    PropertyTrees* property_trees,
    int parent_id,
    ElementId element_id,
    const gfx::Size& bounds,
    const gfx::Size& scroll_container_bounds);

void SetupMaskProperties(LayerImpl* masked_layer, PictureLayerImpl* mask_layer);
void SetupMaskProperties(Layer* masked_layer, PictureLayer* mask_layer);

PropertyTrees* GetPropertyTrees(Layer* layer);
const PropertyTrees* GetPropertyTrees(const Layer* layer);
PropertyTrees* GetPropertyTrees(LayerImpl* layer);
const PropertyTrees* GetPropertyTrees(const LayerImpl* layer);

template <typename LayerType>
TransformNode* GetTransformNode(LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
const TransformNode* GetTransformNode(const LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
ClipNode* GetClipNode(LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
const ClipNode* GetClipNode(const LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
EffectNode* GetEffectNode(LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
const EffectNode* GetEffectNode(const LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
ScrollNode* GetScrollNode(LayerType* layer) {}
template <typename LayerType>
const ScrollNode* GetScrollNode(const LayerType* layer) {}

void SetScrollOffset(Layer*, const gfx::PointF&);
void SetScrollOffset(LayerImpl*, const gfx::PointF&);
// Used to synchronize the main-thread scroll offset with the impl-side. The
// difference from SetScrollOffset() is this function doesn't schedule commit.
void SetScrollOffsetFromImplSide(Layer*, const gfx::PointF&);

template <typename LayerType>
void SetLocalTransformChanged(LayerType* layer) {}

template <typename LayerType>
void SetWillChangeTransform(LayerType* layer, bool will_change_transform) {}

template <typename LayerType>
void SetTransform(LayerType* layer, const gfx::Transform& transform) {}

template <typename LayerType>
void SetTransformOrigin(LayerType* layer, const gfx::Point3F& origin) {}

template <typename LayerType>
void SetPostTranslation(LayerType* layer,
                        const gfx::Vector2dF& post_translation) {}

// This will affect all layers associated with this layer's effect node.
template <typename LayerType>
void SetOpacity(LayerType* layer, float opacity) {}

// This will affect all layers associated with this layer's effect node.
template <typename LayerType>
void SetFilter(LayerType* layer, const FilterOperations& filters) {}

// This will affect all layers associated with this layer's effect node.
template <typename LayerType>
void SetRenderSurfaceReason(LayerType* layer, RenderSurfaceReason reason) {}

// This will affect all layers associated with this layer's effect node.
template <typename LayerType>
void SetBackdropFilter(LayerType* layer, const FilterOperations& filters) {}

// This will affect all layers associated with this layer's clip node.
template <typename LayerType>
void SetClipRect(LayerType* layer, const gfx::RectF& clip) {}

// Creates viewport layers and (in layer list mode) paint properties.
// Convenient overload of the method below that creates a scrolling layer as
// the outer viewport scroll layer. The inner viewport size will be
// root->bounds().
void SetupViewport(Layer* root,
                   const gfx::Size& outer_viewport_size,
                   const gfx::Size& content_size);
// Creates viewport layers and (in layer list mode) paint properties.
// Uses the given scroll layer as the content "outer viewport scroll layer".
void SetupViewport(Layer* root,
                   scoped_refptr<Layer> outer_viewport_scroll_layer,
                   const gfx::Size& outer_viewport_size);

// The impl-side counterpart of the first version of SetupViewport().
void SetupViewport(LayerImpl* root,
                   const gfx::Size& outer_viewport_size,
                   const gfx::Size& content_size);

// Returns the RenderSurfaceImpl into which the given layer draws.
RenderSurfaceImpl* GetRenderSurface(LayerImpl* layer);
const RenderSurfaceImpl* GetRenderSurface(const LayerImpl* layer);

gfx::PointF ScrollOffsetBase(const LayerImpl* layer);
gfx::Vector2dF ScrollDelta(const LayerImpl* layer);
gfx::PointF CurrentScrollOffset(const Layer* layer,
                                const PropertyTrees* property_trees = nullptr);

gfx::PointF CurrentScrollOffset(const LayerImpl* layer);
gfx::PointF MaxScrollOffset(const LayerImpl* layer);

}  // namespace cc