
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_query.h"
#include "net/dns/dns_response.h"
#include "net/dns/record_parsed.h"

namespace net {

class DatagramServerSocket;
class NetLog;
class RecordParsed;

// Represents a one-time record lookup. A transaction takes one
// associated callback (see |MDnsClient::CreateTransaction|) and calls it
// whenever a matching record has been found, either from the cache or
// by querying the network (it may choose to query either or both based on its
// creation flags, see MDnsTransactionFlags). Network-based transactions will
// time out after a reasonable number of seconds.
class NET_EXPORT MDnsTransaction {};

// A listener listens for updates regarding a specific record or set of records.
// Created by the MDnsClient (see |MDnsClient::CreateListener|) and used to keep
// track of listeners.
// TODO([email protected]): Consider moving this inside MDnsClient to better
// organize the namespace and avoid confusion with
// net::HostResolver::MdnsListener.
class NET_EXPORT MDnsListener {};

// Creates bound datagram sockets ready to use by MDnsClient.
class NET_EXPORT MDnsSocketFactory {};

// Listens for Multicast DNS on the local network. You can access information
// regarding multicast DNS either by creating an |MDnsListener| to be notified
// of new records, or by creating an |MDnsTransaction| to look up the value of a
// specific records. When all listeners and active transactions are destroyed,
// the client stops listening on the network and destroys the cache.
class NET_EXPORT MDnsClient {};

// Gets the endpoint for the multicast group a socket should join to receive
// MDNS messages. Such sockets should also bind to the endpoint from
// GetMDnsReceiveEndPoint().
// This is also the endpoint messages should be sent to to send MDNS messages.
NET_EXPORT IPEndPoint GetMDnsGroupEndPoint(AddressFamily address_family);

// Gets the endpoint sockets should be bound to to receive MDNS messages. Such
// sockets should also join the multicast group from GetMDnsGroupEndPoint().
NET_EXPORT IPEndPoint GetMDnsReceiveEndPoint(AddressFamily address_family);

// Returns pairs of interface and address family to bind. Current
// implementation returns unique list of all available interfaces.
NET_EXPORT InterfaceIndexFamilyList GetMDnsInterfacesToBind();

// Create sockets, binds socket to MDns endpoint, and sets multicast interface
// and joins multicast group on for |interface_index|.
// Returns NULL if failed.
NET_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<DatagramServerSocket> CreateAndBindMDnsSocket(
    AddressFamily address_family,
    uint32_t interface_index,
    NetLog* net_log);

}  // namespace net