
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "net/extras/preload_data/decoder.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"

namespace net::extras {

PreloadDecoder::BitReader::BitReader(const uint8_t* bytes, size_t num_bits)

// Next sets |*out| to the next bit from the input. It returns false if no
// more bits are available or true otherwise.
bool PreloadDecoder::BitReader::Next(bool* out) {}

// Read sets the |num_bits| least-significant bits of |*out| to the value of
// the next |num_bits| bits from the input. It returns false if there are
// insufficient bits in the input or true otherwise.
bool PreloadDecoder::BitReader::Read(unsigned num_bits, uint32_t* out) {}

namespace {

// Reads one bit from |reader|, shifts |*bits| left by 1, and adds the read bit
// to the end of |*bits|.
bool ReadBit(PreloadDecoder::BitReader* reader, uint8_t* bits) {}

}  // namespace

bool PreloadDecoder::BitReader::DecodeSize(size_t* out) {}

// Seek sets the current offest in the input to bit number |offset|. It
// returns true if |offset| is within the range of the input and false
// otherwise.
bool PreloadDecoder::BitReader::Seek(size_t offset) {}

PreloadDecoder::HuffmanDecoder::HuffmanDecoder(const uint8_t* tree,
                                               size_t tree_bytes)

bool PreloadDecoder::HuffmanDecoder::Decode(PreloadDecoder::BitReader* reader,
                                            char* out) const {}

PreloadDecoder::PreloadDecoder(const uint8_t* huffman_tree,
                               size_t huffman_tree_size,
                               const uint8_t* trie,
                               size_t trie_bits,
                               size_t trie_root_position)

PreloadDecoder::~PreloadDecoder() = default;

bool PreloadDecoder::Decode(const std::string& search, bool* out_found) {}

}  // namespace net::extras