
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ETCTextureTest:
//   Tests for ETC lossy decode formats.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include "media/"



class ETCTextureTest : public ANGLETest<>

// Tests a texture with ETC1 lossy decode format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC1Validation)

// Tests a texture with ETC2 RGB8 lossy decode format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC2RGB8Validation)

// Tests a cube map array texture with compressed ETC2 RGB8 format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC2RGB8_CubeMapValidation)

// Tests a texture with ETC2 SRGB8 lossy decode format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC2SRGB8Validation)

// Tests a texture with ETC2 RGB8 punchthrough A1 lossy decode format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC2RGB8A1Validation)

// Tests a texture with ETC2 SRGB8 punchthrough A1 lossy decode format
TEST_P(ETCTextureTest, ETC2SRGB8A1Validation)

class ETCToBCTextureTest : public ANGLETest<>

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGB8 to BC1
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgb8UnormToBC1_2D)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGB8 to BC1 with cube texture type
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgb8UnormToBC1_Cube)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGB8 to BC1 with 2DArray texture type
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgb8UnormToBC1_2DArray)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGB8 to BC1 with partial updates
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgb8UnormToBC1_partial)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGBA8 to BC3
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgba8UnormToBC3)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_RGBA8 to BC3 texture with lod.
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgba8UnormToBC3_Lod)

// Tests GPU compute transcode ETC2_SRGB8_ALPHA8 to BC3
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2SrgbAlpha8UnormToBC3)

// Tests GPU compute transcode R11 Signed to BC4
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2R11SignedToBC4)

// Tests GPU compute transcode RG11 to BC5

// Tests GPU compute transcode RGB8A1 to BC1_RGBA
TEST_P(ETCToBCTextureTest, ETC2Rgb8a1UnormToBC1)

}  // anonymous namespace