
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// IndexBufferOffsetTest.cpp: Test glDrawElements with an offset and an index buffer

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"
#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"
#include "util/test_utils.h"

enum class UpdateType

class IndexBufferOffsetTest : public ANGLETest<>

class IndexBufferOffsetTestES3 : public IndexBufferOffsetTest

// Test using an offset for an UInt8 index buffer
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt8Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt16 index buffer
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt16Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt32 index buffer
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt32Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt8 index buffer with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt8IndexSmallUpdates)

// Test using an offset for an UInt16 index buffer with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt16IndexSmallUpdates)

// Test using an offset for an UInt32 index buffer with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, UInt32IndexSmallUpdates)

// Test using an offset for an UInt8 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt8Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt16 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt16Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt32 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt32Index)

// Test using an offset for an UInt8 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use,
// with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt8IndexSmallUpdates)

// Test using an offset for an UInt16 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use,
// with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt16IndexSmallUpdates)

// Test using an offset for an UInt32 index buffer after uploading data to a buffer that is in use,
// with small buffer updates
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTestES3, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenUInt32IndexSmallUpdates)

// Uses index buffer offset and 2 drawElement calls one of the other, makes sure the second
// drawElement call will use the correct offset.
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawAtDifferentOffsets)

// Uses index buffer offset and 2 drawElement calls one of the other, one has aligned
// offset and one doesn't
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawAtDifferentOffsetAlignments)

// Draw with the same element buffer, but with two different types of data.
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawWithSameBufferButDifferentTypes)

// Draw with GL_LINE_LOOP and followed by GL_TRIANGLES, all using the same element buffer.
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawWithSameBufferButDifferentModes)

// Draw with GL_LINE_LOOP and followed by GL_TRIANGLES, all using the same element buffer.
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawArraysLineLoopFollowedByDrawElementsTriangle)

// Uses index buffer offset and 2 drawElement calls one of the other with different counts,
// makes sure the second drawElement call will have its data available.
TEST_P(IndexBufferOffsetTest, DrawWithDifferentCountsSameOffset)