
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>

#include "common/string_utils.h"
#include "test_utils/angle_test_configs.h"
#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"
#include "util/EGLWindow.h"
#include "util/OSWindow.h"


class ProgramBinaryTest : public ANGLETest<>

// This tests the assumption that float attribs of different size
// should not internally cause a vertex shader recompile (for conversion).
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, FloatDynamicShaderSize)

// Tests that switching between signed and unsigned un-normalized data doesn't trigger a bug
// in the D3D11 back-end.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, DynamicShadersSignatureBug)

// This tests the ability to successfully save and load a program binary.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, SaveAndLoadBinary)

// This tests the ability to successfully save and load a program binary and then
// save and load from the same program that was loaded.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, SaveAndLoadBinaryTwice)

// Ensures that we init the compiler before calling ProgramBinary.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, CallProgramBinaryBeforeLink)

// Test that unlinked programs have a binary size of 0
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, ZeroSizedUnlinkedBinary)

// Use this to select which configurations (e.g. which renderer, which GLES major version) these
// tests should be run against.

class ProgramBinaryES3Test : public ProgramBinaryTest

class ProgramBinaryES31Test : public ANGLETest<>

void ProgramBinaryES3Test::testBinaryAndUBOBlockIndexes(bool drawWithProgramFirst)

// Tests that saving and loading a program perserves uniform block binding info.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, UniformBlockBindingWithDraw)

// Same as UniformBlockBindingWithDraw, but does not do an initial draw with the program. Covers an
// ANGLE crash.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, UniformBlockBindingNoDraw)

// Same as UniformBlockBindingWithDraw, but specifies the binding in the shader itself.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, UniformBlockBindingSpecifiedInShader)

// Ensure that uniform block bindings are reset to their original value on program binary
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, UniformBlockBindingResetOnReload)

// Test the shaders with arrays-of-struct uniforms are properly saved and restored
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, TestArrayOfStructUniform)

// Verify that saving/loading binary with detached shaders followed by indexed
// drawing works.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, SaveAndLoadDetachedShaders)

// Tests the difference between uniform static and active use
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, ActiveUniformShader)

// Test that uses many uniforms in the shaders
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, BinaryWithLargeUniformCount)

// Test that sampler texelFetch references are saved and loaded correctly
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTest, SRGBDecodeWithSamplerAndTexelFetchTest)

// Test that array of structs containing array of samplers work as expected.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES3Test, ArrayOfStructContainingArrayOfSamplers)


// Tests that saving and loading a program attached with computer shader.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, ProgramBinaryWithComputeShader)

// Tests saving and loading a separable program that has a computer shader using a uniform and a
// uniform block.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, SeparableProgramLinkedUniforms)

// Tests that saving and loading a program attached with computer shader.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, ProgramBinaryWithAtomicCounterComputeShader)

// Tests that image texture works correctly when loading a program from binary.
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryES31Test, ImageTextureBinding)


class ProgramBinaryTransformFeedbackTest : public ANGLETest<>

// This tests the assumption that float attribs of different size
// should not internally cause a vertex shader recompile (for conversion).
TEST_P(ProgramBinaryTransformFeedbackTest, GetTransformFeedbackVarying)


// For the ProgramBinariesAcrossPlatforms tests, we need two sets of params:
// - a set to save the program binary
// - a set to load the program binary
// We combine these into one struct extending PlatformParameters so we can reuse existing ANGLE test
// macros
struct PlatformsWithLinkResult : PlatformParameters

// Provide a custom gtest parameter name function for PlatformsWithLinkResult
// to avoid returning the same parameter name twice. Such a conflict would happen
// between ES2_D3D11_to_ES2D3D11 and ES2_D3D11_to_ES3D3D11 as they were both
// named ES2_D3D11
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const PlatformsWithLinkResult &platform)

class ProgramBinariesAcrossPlatforms : public testing::TestWithParam<PlatformsWithLinkResult>

// Tries to create a program binary using one set of platform params, then load it using a different
// sent of params
TEST_P(ProgramBinariesAcrossPlatforms, CreateAndReloadBinary)

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