
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/log/test_net_log_util.h"

#include <cstddef>

#include "net/log/net_log_entry.h"

namespace net {

namespace {

// Takes the list of entries and an offset, and returns an index into the array.
// If |offset| is positive, just returns |offset|.  If it's negative, it
// indicates a position relative to the end of the array.
size_t GetIndex(const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries, int offset) {}

}  // namespace

::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEvent(
    const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
    int offset,
    NetLogEventType expected_event,
    NetLogEventPhase expected_phase) {}

::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsBeginEvent(
    const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
    int offset,
    NetLogEventType expected_event) {}

::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEndEvent(
    const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
    int offset,
    NetLogEventType expected_event) {}

::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEntryWithType(
    const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
    int offset,
    NetLogEventType type) {}

::testing::AssertionResult LogContainsEntryWithTypeAfter(
    const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
    int start_offset,
    NetLogEventType type) {}

size_t ExpectLogContainsSomewhere(const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
                                  size_t min_offset,
                                  NetLogEventType expected_event,
                                  NetLogEventPhase expected_phase) {}

size_t ExpectLogContainsSomewhereAfter(const std::vector<NetLogEntry>& entries,
                                       size_t start_offset,
                                       NetLogEventType expected_event,
                                       NetLogEventPhase expected_phase) {}

std::optional<std::string> GetOptionalStringValueFromParams(
    const NetLogEntry& entry,
    std::string_view path) {}

std::optional<bool> GetOptionalBooleanValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
                                                      std::string_view path) {}

std::optional<int> GetOptionalIntegerValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
                                                     std::string_view path) {}

std::optional<int> GetOptionalNetErrorCodeFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry) {}

std::string GetStringValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
                                     std::string_view path) {}

int GetIntegerValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry, std::string_view path) {}

bool GetBooleanValueFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry,
                               std::string_view path) {}

int GetNetErrorCodeFromParams(const NetLogEntry& entry) {}

}  // namespace net