
# Network Error Logging (NEL)

Network Error Logging (NEL) provides out-of-band reporting of network errors
via the Reporting API (see `//net/reporting`). Site operators can specify a
NEL policy that defines the Reporting endpoint(s) on which they wish to receive
reports about client-side errors encountered while connecting to the site. The
draft spec can be found [here](

This directory contains the core implementation of NEL.

## Implementation overview

Most of the action takes place in
which handles receiving/processing `NEL:` response headers and
generating/queueing reports about network requests. The
`NetworkErrorLoggingService` is owned by the `URLRequestContext`.

Information about network requests comes directly from
which informs `NetworkErrorLoggingService` of the details of the request such
as the remote IP address and outcome (a `net::Error` code).

The `NetworkErrorLoggingService` finds a NEL policy applicable to the request
(previously set by a `NEL` header), and if one exists, potentially queues a
NEL report to be uploaded out-of-band to the policy's specified Reporting
endpoint via the

Received NEL policies are persisted to disk by a `PersistentNelStore`, whose
main implementation is the