
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"
#include "util/shader_utils.h"


class GLSLTest : public ANGLETest<>

class GLSLTestNoValidation : public GLSLTest

class GLSLTest_ES3 : public GLSLTest

class GLSLTest_ES31 : public GLSLTest

// Tests the "init output variables" ANGLE shader translator option.
class GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables : public GLSLTest

std::string BuildBigInitialStackShader(int length)

// Tests a shader from conformance.olges/GL/build/build_017_to_024
// This shader uses chained assign-equals ops with swizzle, often reusing the same variable
// as part of a swizzle.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SwizzledChainedAssignIncrement)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, NamelessScopedStructs)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareEqualityOfArrayOfVectors)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareEqualityOfArrayOfMatrices)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareEqualityOfArrayOfFloats)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareInequalityOfArrayOfVectors)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareInequalityOfArrayOfMatrices)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CompareInequalityOfArrayOfFloats)

// Test that array of fragment shader outputs is processed properly and draws
// E.g. was issue with "out vec4 frag_color[4];"
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, FragmentShaderOutputArray)

// Test that inactive fragment shader outputs don't cause a crash.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InactiveFragmentShaderOutput)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, ScopedStructsOrderBug)

// Test that defining a struct together with an inactive uniform, then using it in a scope that has
// another struct with the same name declared works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ScopedStructsOrderBug2)

// Test that inactive uniforms of struct type don't cause any errors.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InactiveStructUniform)

// Test that struct with same name can be declared in inner scope.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SameNameStructInInnerScope)

// Regression test based on WebGL's conformance/glsl/misc/empty-declaration.html
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructEmptyDeclaratorBug)

// Regression test based on WebGL's conformance/ogles/GL/build/build_001_to_008.html
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructConstantFoldingBug)

// Test that constant folding doesn't remove struct declaration.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructConstantFoldingBug2)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, ScopedStructsBug)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, DxPositionBug)

// Draw an array of points with the first vertex offset at 0 using gl_VertexID
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDOffsetZeroDrawArray)

GLint GetFirstIntPixelRedValue()

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawElements)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawElementsU8)

void GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawElementsU8Line_Helper(size_t first, const GLubyte *indices)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawElementsU8Line)

// Test gl_VertexID works with lines
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawElementsU8LineIds)

// Helper function for the GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawArrays test
void GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawArrays_helper(int first, int count, GLenum err)

// Ensure gl_VertexID gets passed to an integer texture properly when drawArrays is called. This
// is based off the WebGL test:
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDIntegerTextureDrawArrays)

// Draw an array of points with the first vertex offset at 5 using gl_VertexID
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, GLVertexIDOffsetFiveDrawArray)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, ElseIfRewriting)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, TwoElseIfRewriting)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, FrontFacingAndVarying)

// Test that we can release the shader compiler and still compile things properly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ReleaseCompilerThenCompile)

// Verify that linking shaders declaring different shading language versions fails.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VersionMismatch)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant only in vertex shader fails in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantVaryingOut)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant only in vertex shader succeeds in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantVaryingOut)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant only in fragment shader fails in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantVaryingIn)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant only in fragment shader fails in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantVaryingIn)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant in both shaders succeeds in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantVaryingBoth)

// Verify that declaring varying as invariant in both shaders fails in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantVaryingBoth)

// Verify that declaring gl_Position as invariant succeeds in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantGLPosition)

// Verify that declaring gl_Position as invariant succeeds in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantGLPosition)

// Verify that using invariant(all) in both shaders fails in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantAllBoth)

// Verify that using a struct as both invariant and non-invariant output works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, StructBothInvariantAndNot)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnFloat)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnVec2)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnVec3)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnVec4)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnIVec4)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnMat4)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingReturnStruct)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MissingReturnArray)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MissingReturnArrayOfStructs)

// Verify that functions without return statements still compile
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MissingReturnStructOfArrays)

// Verify that non-const index used on an array returned by a function compiles
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ReturnArrayOfStructsThenNonConstIndex)

// Verify that using invariant(all) in both shaders fails in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantAllBoth)

// Verify that using invariant(all) only in fragment shader succeeds in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantAllIn)

// Verify that using invariant(all) only in fragment shader fails in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantAllIn)

// Verify that using invariant(all) only in vertex shader fails in ESSL 1.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvariantAllOut)

// Verify that using invariant(all) only in vertex shader succeeds in ESSL 3.00.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InvariantAllOut)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4)

// Verify we can pack registers with one builtin varying.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4_OneBuiltin)

// Verify we can pack registers with two builtin varyings.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4_TwoBuiltins)

// Verify we can pack registers with three builtin varyings.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4_ThreeBuiltins)

// This covers a problematic case in D3D9 - we are limited by the number of available semantics,
// rather than total register use.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingsSpecialCases)

// This covers a problematic case in D3D9 - we are limited by the number of available semantics,
// rather than total register use.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxMinusTwoVaryingVec2PlusOneSpecialVariable)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3)

TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3Array)

// Only fails on D3D9 because of packing limitations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3AndOneFloat)

// Only fails on D3D9 because of packing limitations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3ArrayAndOneFloatArray)

// Only fails on D3D9 because of packing limitations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, TwiceMaxVaryingVec2)

// Disabled because of a failure in D3D9
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec2Arrays)

// Verify max varying with feedback and gl_line enabled
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MaxVaryingWithFeedbackAndGLline)

// Verify shader source with a fixed length that is less than the null-terminated length will
// compile.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FixedShaderLength)

// Verify that a negative shader source length is treated as a null-terminated length.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NegativeShaderLength)

// Check that having an invalid char after the "." doesn't cause an assert.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InvalidFieldFirstChar)

// Verify that a length array with mixed positive and negative values compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MixedShaderLengths)

// Verify that zero-length shader source does not affect shader compilation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ZeroShaderLength)

// Tests that bad index expressions don't crash ANGLE's translator.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, BadIndexBug)

// Test that structs defined in uniforms are translated correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructSpecifiersUniforms)

// Test that structs declaration followed directly by an initialization is translated correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructWithInitializer)

// Test that structs without initializer, followed by a uniform usage works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, UniformStructWithoutInitializer)

// Test that structs declaration followed directly by an initialization in a uniform.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructWithUniformInitializer)

// Test that gl_DepthRange is not stored as a uniform location. Since uniforms
// beginning with "gl_" are filtered out by our validation logic, we must
// bypass the validation to test the behaviour of the implementation.
// (note this test is still Impl-independent)
TEST_P(GLSLTestNoValidation, DepthRangeUniforms)

std::string GenerateSmallPowShader(double base, double exponent)

// Covers the WebGL test 'glsl/bugs/pow-of-small-constant-in-user-defined-function'
// See
TEST_P(GLSLTest, PowOfSmallConstant)

// Test fragment shaders which contain non-constant loop indexers
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopIndexingValidation)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count returned from querying GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// can actually be used.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxVertexUniformVectors)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count returned from querying GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// can actually be used along with the maximum number of texture samplers.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxVertexUniformVectorsWithSamplers)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count + 1 from querying GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// fails shader compilation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxVertexUniformVectorsExceeded)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count returned from querying GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// can actually be used.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxFragmentUniformVectors)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count returned from querying GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// can actually be used along with the maximum number of texture samplers.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxFragmentUniformVectorsWithSamplers)

// Tests that the maximum uniforms count + 1 from querying GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS
// fails shader compilation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifyMaxFragmentUniformVectorsExceeded)

// Test compiling shaders using the GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod extension
TEST_P(GLSLTest, TextureLOD)

// HLSL generates extra lod0 variants of functions. There was a bug that incorrectly reworte
// function calls to use them in vertex shaders.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, TextureLODRewriteInVertexShader)

// Test to verify the a shader can have a sampler unused in a vertex shader
// but used in the fragment shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VerifySamplerInBothVertexAndFragmentShaders)

// Test that array of structs containing array of samplers work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ArrayOfStructContainingArrayOfSamplers)

// Test that if a non-preprocessor token is seen in a disabled if-block then it does not disallow
// extension pragmas later
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NonPreprocessorTokensInIfBlocks)

// Test that two constructors which have vec4 and mat2 parameters get disambiguated (issue in
// HLSL).
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AmbiguousConstructorCall2x2)

// Test that two constructors which have mat2x3 and mat3x2 parameters get disambiguated.
// This was suspected to be an issue in HLSL, but HLSL seems to be able to natively choose between
// the function signatures in this case.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AmbiguousConstructorCall2x3)

// Test that two functions which have vec4 and mat2 parameters get disambiguated (issue in HLSL).
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AmbiguousFunctionCall2x2)

// Test that constructing matrices from non-float types works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstructMatrixFromNonFloat)

// Test that constructing vectors from non-float types works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstructVectorFromNonFloat)

// Test that constructing non-float vectors from matrix types works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstructNonFloatVectorFromMatrix)

// Test that == and != for vector and matrix types work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NonScalarEqualOperator)

// Test that == and != for structs and array types work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, StructAndArrayEqualOperator)

// Test that an user-defined function with a large number of float4 parameters doesn't fail due to
// the function name being too long.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeNumberOfFloat4Parameters)

// This test was written specifically to stress DeferGlobalInitializers AST transformation.
// Test a shader where a global constant array is initialized with an expression containing array
// indexing. This initializer is tricky to constant fold, so if it's not constant folded it needs to
// be handled in a way that doesn't generate statements in the global scope in HLSL output.
// Also includes multiple array initializers in one declaration, where only the second one has
// array indexing. This makes sure that the qualifier for the declaration is set correctly if
// transformations are applied to the declaration also in the case of ESSL output.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InitGlobalArrayWithArrayIndexing)

// Test that constant global matrix array with an initializer compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InitConstantMatrixArray)

// Test that index-constant sampler array indexing is supported.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, IndexConstantSamplerArrayIndexing)

// Test that the #pragma directive is supported and doesn't trigger a compilation failure on the
// native driver. The only pragma that gets passed to the OpenGL driver is "invariant" but we don't
// want to test its behavior, so don't use any varyings.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, PragmaDirective)

// Sequence operator evaluates operands from left to right (ESSL 3.00 section 5.9).
// The function call that returns the array needs to be evaluated after ++j for the expression to
// return the correct value (true).
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SequenceOperatorEvaluationOrderArray)

// Sequence operator evaluates operands from left to right (ESSL 3.00 section 5.9).
// The short-circuiting expression needs to be evaluated after ++j for the expression to return the
// correct value (true).
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SequenceOperatorEvaluationOrderShortCircuit)

// Sequence operator evaluates operands from left to right (ESSL 3.00 section 5.9).
// Indexing the vector needs to be evaluated after func() for the right result.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SequenceOperatorEvaluationOrderDynamicVectorIndexingInLValue)

// Test that using gl_PointCoord with GL_TRIANGLES doesn't produce a link error.
// From WebGL test conformance/rendering/point-specific-shader-variables.html
// See
TEST_P(GLSLTest, RenderTrisWithPointCoord)

// Convers a bug with the integer pow statement workaround.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedPowStatements)

// This test covers a crash seen in an application during SPIR-V compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedPowFromUniform)

// Test that -float calculation is correct.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UnaryMinusOperatorFloat)

// Test that atan(vec2, vec2) calculation is correct.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AtanVec2)

// Convers a bug with the unary minus operator on signed integer workaround.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UnaryMinusOperatorSignedInt)

// Convers a bug with the unary minus operator on unsigned integer workaround.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UnaryMinusOperatorUnsignedInt)

// Test a nested sequence operator with a ternary operator inside. The ternary operator is
// intended to be such that it gets converted to an if statement on the HLSL backend.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedSequenceOperatorWithTernaryInside)

// Test that nesting ternary and short-circuitting operators work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedTernaryAndShortCircuit)

// Test that uniform bvecN passed to functions work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UniformBoolVectorPassedToFunctions)

// Test that bvecN in storage buffer passed to functions work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, StorageBufferBoolVectorPassedToFunctions)

// Test that using a sampler2D and samplerExternalOES in the same shader works
// (
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ExternalAnd2DSampler)

// Tests that monomorphizing functions does not crash if there is a main prototype.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MonomorphizeMainPrototypeNoCrash)

// Test that using a varying matrix array is supported.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VaryingMatrixArray)

// Test that using a centroid varying matrix array is supported.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, CentroidVaryingMatrixArray)

// Test that using a flat varying matrix array is supported.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, FlatVaryingMatrixArray)

// Test that literal infinity can be written out from the shader translator.
// A similar test can't be made for NaNs, since ESSL 3.00.6 requirements for NaNs are very loose.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LiteralInfinityOutput)

// Test that literal negative infinity can be written out from the shader translator.
// A similar test can't be made for NaNs, since ESSL 3.00.6 requirements for NaNs are very loose.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LiteralNegativeInfinityOutput)

// The following MultipleDeclaration* tests are testing TranslatorHLSL specific simplification
// passes. Because the interaction of multiple passes must be tested, it is difficult to write
// a unittest for them. Instead we add the tests as end2end so will in particular test
// TranslatorHLSL when run on Windows.

// Test that passes splitting multiple declarations and comma operators are correctly ordered.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MultipleDeclarationWithCommaOperator)

// Test that passes splitting multiple declarations and comma operators and for loops are
// correctly ordered.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MultipleDeclarationWithCommaOperatorInForLoop)

// Test that splitting multiple declaration in for loops works with no loop condition
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MultipleDeclarationInForLoopEmptyCondition)

// Test that splitting multiple declaration in for loops works with no loop expression
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MultipleDeclarationInForLoopEmptyExpression)

// Test that dynamic indexing of a matrix inside a dynamic indexing of a vector in an l-value works
// correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedDynamicIndexingInLValue)

class WebGLGLSLTest : public GLSLTest

class WebGL2GLSLTest : public GLSLTest

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4PlusFragCoord)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec4PlusPointCoord)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec3)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec3Array)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3AndOneVec2)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxPlusOneVaryingVec2)

TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, MaxVaryingVec3ArrayAndMaxPlusOneFloatArray)

// Test that FindLSB and FindMSB return correct values in their corner cases.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, FindMSBAndFindLSBCornerCases)

// Test that writing into a swizzled vector that is dynamically indexed succeeds.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, WriteIntoDynamicIndexingOfSwizzledVector)

// Test including Ternary using a uniform block is correctly
// expanded.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NamelessUniformBlockTernary)

// Test that uniform block variables work as comma expression results.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UniformBlockCommaExpressionResult)

// Test that the length() method is correctly translated in Vulkan atomic counter buffer emulation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, AtomicCounterArrayLength)

// Test that inactive images don't cause any errors.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, InactiveImages)

// Test that inactive atomic counters don't cause any errors.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, InactiveAtomicCounters)

// Test that inactive samplers in structs don't cause any errors.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, InactiveSamplersInStructCS)

// Test that array indices for arrays of arrays of basic types work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysBasicType)

// Test that array indices for arrays of arrays of basic types work as expected
// inside blocks.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysBlockBasicType)

// Test that arrays of arrays of samplers work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysSampler)

// Test that arrays of arrays of images work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysImage)

// Test that multiple arrays of arrays of images work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ConsecutiveArraysOfArraysImage)

// Test that arrays of arrays of images of r32f format work when passed to functions.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysOfR32fImages)

// Check that imageLoad gives the correct color after clearing the texture --
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ImageLoadAfterClear)

// Check that writeonly image2D handles can be passed as function args.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, WriteOnlyImage2DAsFunctionArg)

// Check that readonly image2D handles can be passed as function args.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ReadOnlyImage2DAsFunctionArg)

// Check that the volatile keyword combined with memoryBarrierImage() allow load/store from
// different aliases of the same image --
// ES 3.1 requires most image formats to be either readonly or writeonly. (It appears that this
// limitation exists due to atomics, since we still have the volatile keyword and the built-in
// memoryBarrierImage(), which ought to allow us to load and store different aliases of the same
// image.) To test this, we create two aliases of the same image -- one for reading and one for
// writing.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, AliasedLoadStore)

// Test that structs containing arrays of samplers work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, StructArraySampler)

// Test that arrays of arrays of samplers inside structs work as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, StructArrayArraySampler)

// Test that an array of structs with arrays of arrays of samplers works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayStructArrayArraySampler)

// Test that a complex chain of structs and arrays of samplers works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ComplexStructArraySampler)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysStructDifferentTypesSampler)

// Test that arrays of arrays of samplers as parameters works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ParameterArraysOfArraysSampler)

// Test that structs with arrays of arrays of samplers as parameters works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ParameterStructArrayArraySampler)

// Test that arrays of arrays of structs with arrays of arrays of samplers
// as parameters works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ParameterArrayArrayStructArrayArraySampler)

// Test that 3D arrays with sub-arrays passed as parameters works as expected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ParameterArrayArrayArraySampler)

// Test that names do not collide when translating arrays of arrays of samplers.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArraysOfArraysNameCollisionSampler)

// Test that regular arrays are unmodified.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, BasicTypeArrayAndArrayOfSampler)

// This test covers a bug (and associated workaround) with nested sampling operations in the HLSL
// compiler DLL.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedSamplingOperation)

// Tests that using a constant declaration as the only statement in a for loop without curly braces
// doesn't crash.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstantStatementInForLoop)

// Tests that using a constant declaration as a loop init expression doesn't crash. Note that this
// test doesn't work on D3D9 due to looping limitations, so it is only run on ES3.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstantStatementAsLoopInit)

// Tests that using a constant condition guarding a discard works
// Covers a failing case in the Vulkan backend:
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstantConditionGuardingDiscard)

// Tests that nesting a discard in unconditional blocks works
// Covers a failing case in the Vulkan backend:
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedUnconditionalDiscards)

// Test that uninitialized local variables are initialized to 0.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, InitUninitializedLocals)

// Test that uninitialized structs containing arrays of structs are initialized to 0. This
// specifically tests with two different struct variables declared in the same block.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, InitUninitializedStructContainingArrays)

// Verify that two shaders with the same uniform name and members but different structure names will
// not link.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructureNameMatchingTest)

// Test that an uninitialized nameless struct inside a for loop init statement works.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, UninitializedNamelessStructInForInitStatement)

// Test that uninitialized global variables are initialized to 0.
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, InitUninitializedGlobals)

// Test that an uninitialized nameless struct in the global scope works.
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, UninitializedNamelessStructInGlobalScope)

// Test that uninitialized output arguments are initialized to 0.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, InitOutputParams)

// Tests nameless struct uniforms.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, EmbeddedStructUniform)

// Tests nameless struct uniform arrays.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, EmbeddedStructUniformArray)

// Test that samplers in structs can be extracted if the first reference to the struct does not
// select an attribute.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SamplerInStructNoMemberIndexing)

// Similar test to SamplerInStructNoMemberIndexing, but the struct variable is an array.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SamplerInStructArrayNoMemberIndexing)

// Tests that rewriting samplers in structs doesn't mess up indexing.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SamplerInStructMemberIndexing)

// Tests that rewriting samplers in structs works when passed as function argument.  In this test,
// the function references another struct, which is not being modified.  Regression test for AST
// validation applied to a multipass transformation, where references to declarations were attempted
// to be validated without having the entire shader.  In this case, the reference to S2 was flagged
// as invalid because S2's declaration was not visible.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, SamplerInStructAsFunctionArg)

// Test that structs with samplers are not allowed in interface blocks.  This is forbidden per
// GLES3:
// > Types and declarators are the same as for other uniform variable declarations outside blocks,
// > with these exceptions:
// > * opaque types are not allowed
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, StructWithSamplersDisallowedInInterfaceBlock)

// Tests two nameless struct uniforms.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, TwoEmbeddedStructUniforms)

// Test that a loop condition that has an initializer declares a variable.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConditionInitializerDeclaresVariable)

// Test that a variable hides a user-defined function with the same name after its initializer.
// GLSL ES 1.00.17 section 4.2.2: "A variable declaration is visible immediately following the
// initializer if present, otherwise immediately following the identifier"
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VariableHidesUserDefinedFunctionAfterInitializer)

// Test that structs with identical members are not ambiguous as function arguments.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructsWithSameMembersDisambiguatedByName)

// Test that an inactive varying in vertex shader but used in fragment shader can be linked
// successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InactiveVaryingInVertexActiveInFragment)

// Test that a varying struct that's not statically used in the fragment shader works.
// GLSL ES 3.00.6 section 4.3.10.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructNotStaticallyUsedInFragmentShader)

// Test that inactive shader IO block varying are ok.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, InactiveVaryingIOBlock)

// Test that a shader IO block varying that's not declared in the fragment shader links
// successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VaryingIOBlockNotDeclaredInFragmentShader)

// Test that a shader IO block varying that's not declared in the vertex shader links
// successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VaryingIOBlockNotDeclaredInVertexShader)

// Test that a shader with sample in / sample out can be linked successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VaryingTessellationSampleInAndOut)

// Test that `smooth sample` and `flat sample` pass the validation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AliasedSampleQualifiers)

// Test that `noperspective centroid` passes the validation and compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NoPerspectiveCentroid)

// Test that `noperspective sample` passes the validation and compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NoPerspectiveSample)

// Test that a shader with sample in / sample out can be used successfully when the varying
// precision is different between VS and FS.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VaryingSampleInAndOutDifferentPrecision)

// Test that a shader IO block varying whose block name is declared multiple(in/out) time links
// successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VaryingIOBlockDeclaredAsInAndOut)

void GLSLTest_ES31::testTessellationTextureBufferAccess(const APIExtensionVersion usedExtension)

// Test that texture buffers can be accessed in a tessellation stage (using EXT)
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TessellationTextureBufferAccessEXT)

// Test that texture buffers can be accessed in a tessellation stage (using OES)
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TessellationTextureBufferAccessOES)

// Test that a varying struct that's not declared in the fragment shader links successfully.
// GLSL ES 3.00.6 section 4.3.10.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructNotDeclaredInFragmentShader)

// Test that a varying struct that's not declared in the vertex shader, and is unused in the
// fragment shader links successfully.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructNotDeclaredInVertexShader)

// Test that a varying struct that's not initialized in the vertex shader links successfully.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, VaryingStructNotInitializedInVertexShader)

// Test that a varying struct that gets used in the fragment shader works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructUsedInFragmentShader)

// This is a regression test to make sure a red quad is rendered without issues
// when a passthrough function with a vec3 input parameter is used in the fragment shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, SamplerPassthroughFailedLink)

// This is a regression test to make sure a red quad is rendered without issues
// when a passthrough function with a vec4 input parameter is used in the fragment shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, SamplerPassthroughIncorrectColor)

// Test that multiple multi-field varying structs that get used in the fragment shader work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ComplexVaryingStructsUsedInFragmentShader)

// Test that an inactive varying array that doesn't get used in the fragment shader works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InactiveVaryingArrayUnusedInFragmentShader)

// Test that an inactive varying struct that doesn't get used in the fragment shader works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InactiveVaryingStructUnusedInFragmentShader)

// Test that multiple varying matrices that get used in the fragment shader work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingMatrices)

// This test covers passing a struct containing a sampler as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)

// This test covers passing a struct containing a sampler as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArgWithPrototype)

// This test covers passing a struct containing a sampler as a function argument, where the function
// has non-return branch statements.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, StructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArgWithBranch)

// This test covers passing an array of structs containing samplers as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ArrayOfStructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)

// This test covers passing a struct containing an array of samplers as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructWithSamplerArrayAsFunctionArg)

// This test covers passing nested structs containing a sampler as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedStructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)

// This test covers passing a compound structs containing a sampler as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, CompoundStructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)

// This test covers passing nested compound structs containing a sampler as a function argument.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedCompoundStructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)

// Same as the prior test but with reordered struct members.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MoreNestedCompoundStructsWithSamplersAsFunctionArg)
// Test that a global variable declared after main() works. This is a regression test for an issue
// in global variable initialization.
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, GlobalVariableDeclaredAfterMain)

// Test calling array length() with a "this" expression having side effects inside a loop condition.
// The spec says that sequence operator operands need to run in sequence.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthOnExpressionWithSideEffectsInLoopCondition)

// Test calling array length() with a "this" expression having side effects that interact with side
// effects of another operand of the same sequence operator. The spec says that sequence operator
// operands need to run in order from left to right (ESSL 3.00.6 section 5.9).
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthOnExpressionWithSideEffectsInSequence)

// Test calling array length() with a "this" expression that also contains a call of array length().
// Both "this" expressions also have side effects.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedArrayLengthMethodsWithSideEffects)

// Test calling array length() with a "this" expression having side effects inside an if condition.
// This is an issue if the the side effect can be short circuited.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthOnShortCircuitedExpressionWithSideEffectsInIfCondition)

// Test calling array length() with a "this" expression having side effects in a statement where the
// side effect can be short circuited.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthOnShortCircuitedExpressionWithSideEffectsInStatement)

// Test that array length inside vector constructor works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthInVectorConstructor)

// Test that array length inside vector constructor works in complex expression.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthInVectorConstructorComplex)

// Test that array length inside matrix constructor works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthInMatrixConstructor)

// Test that array length inside vector constructor inside matrix constructor works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayLengthInVectorInMatrixConstructor)

// Test that statements inside switch() get translated to correct HLSL.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DifferentStatementsInsideSwitch)

// Test that switch fall-through works correctly.
// This is a regression test for
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchFallThroughCodeDuplication)

// Test switch/case where default is last.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchWithDefaultAtTheEnd)

// Test that a switch statement with an empty block inside as a final statement compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchFinalCaseHasEmptyBlock)

// Test that a switch statement with an empty declaration inside as a final statement compiles.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchFinalCaseHasEmptyDeclaration)

// Test switch/case where break/return statements are within blocks.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchBreakOrReturnInsideBlocks)

// Test switch/case where a variable is declared inside one of the cases and is accessed by a
// subsequent case.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchWithVariableDeclarationInside)

// Test nested switch/case where a variable is declared inside one of the cases and is accessed by a
// subsequent case.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedSwitchWithVariableDeclarationInside)

// Test that an empty switch/case statement is translated in a way that compiles and executes the
// init-statement.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, EmptySwitch)

// Test that an switch over a constant with mismatching cases works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SwitchWithConstantExpr)

// Test that basic infinite loops are either rejected or are pruned in WebGL
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, BasicInfiniteLoop)

// Test that while(true) loops with break/return are not rejected
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, NotInfiniteLoop)

// Test that a constant struct inside an expression is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ConstStructInsideExpression)

// Test that a varying struct that's defined as a part of the declaration is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructWithInlineDefinition)

// Test that multi variables struct should not crash in separated struct expressions.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStructWithInlineDefinition2)

// Test mismatched precision in varying is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MismatchPrecisionFloat)

// Test mismatched precision in varying is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MismatchPrecisionlowpFloat)

// Test mismatched precision in varying is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MismatchPrecisionVec2UnusedVarying)

// Test mismatched precision in varying is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MismatchPrecisionMedToHigh)

// Test vector/scalar arithmetic (in this case multiplication and addition).
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorScalarMultiplyAndAddInLoop)

// Test vector/scalar arithmetic (in this case compound division and addition).
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorScalarDivideAndAddInLoop)

// Test a fuzzer-discovered bug with the VectorizeVectorScalarArithmetic transformation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorScalarArithmeticWithSideEffectInLoop)

// Test that packing of excessive 3-column variables does not overflow the count of 3-column
// variables in VariablePacker
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, ExcessiveMat3UniformPacking)

// Test that a varying with a flat qualifier that is used as an operand of a folded ternary operator
// is handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, FlatVaryingUsedInFoldedTernary)

// Verify that the link error message from last link failure is cleared when the new link is
// finished.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ClearLinkErrorLog)

// Verify that a valid program still draws correctly after a shader link error
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DrawAfterShaderLinkError)

// Validate error messages when the link mismatch occurs on the type of a non-struct varying.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ErrorMessageOfVaryingMismatch)

// Validate error messages when the link mismatch occurs on the name of a varying field.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ErrorMessageOfVaryingStructFieldNameMismatch)

// Validate error messages when the link mismatch occurs on the type of a varying field.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ErrorMessageOfVaryingStructFieldMismatch)

// Validate error messages when the link mismatch occurs on the name of a struct member of a uniform
// field.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ErrorMessageOfLinkUniformStructFieldNameMismatch)

// Validate error messages  when the link mismatch occurs on the type of a non-struct uniform block
// field.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ErrorMessageOfLinkInterfaceBlockFieldMismatch)

// Validate error messages  when the link mismatch occurs on the type of a member of a uniform block
// struct field.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ErrorMessageOfLinkInterfaceBlockStructFieldMismatch)

// Test a vertex shader that doesn't declare any varyings with a fragment shader that statically
// uses a varying, but in a statement that gets trivially optimized out by the compiler.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, FragmentShaderStaticallyUsesVaryingMissingFromVertex)

// Test a varying that is statically used but not active in the fragment shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VaryingStaticallyUsedButNotActiveInFragmentShader)

// Test that linking varyings by location works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, LinkVaryingsByLocation)

// Test nesting floor() calls with a large multiplier inside.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NestedFloorWithLargeMultiplierInside)

// Verify that a link error is generated when the sum of the number of active image uniforms and
// active shader storage blocks in a rendering pipeline exceeds
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ExceedCombinedShaderOutputResourcesInVSAndFS)

// Test that assigning an assignment expression to a swizzled vector field in a user-defined
// function works correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AssignToSwizzled)

// Similar to AssignToSwizzled, but uses other assignment operators than `=`.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AssignToSwizzled2)

// Test a fragment shader that returns inside if (that being the only branch that actually gets
// executed). Regression test for
TEST_P(GLSLTest, IfElseIfAndReturn)

// Test that if-else blocks whose contents get pruned due to compile-time constant conditions work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, IfElsePrunedBlocks)

// Tests that PointCoord behaves the same betweeen a user FBO and the back buffer.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, PointCoordConsistency)

bool SubrectEquals(const std::vector<GLColor> &bigArray,
                   const std::vector<GLColor> &smallArray,
                   int bigSize,
                   int offset,
                   int smallSize)

// Tests that FragCoord behaves the same betweeen a user FBO and the back buffer.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FragCoordConsistency)

// Ensure that using defined in a macro works in this simple case. This mirrors a dEQP test.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DefinedInMacroSucceeds)

// Validate the defined operator is evaluated when the macro is called, not when defined.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DefinedInMacroWithUndef)

// Validate the defined operator is evaluated when the macro is called, not when defined.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DefinedAfterMacroUsage)

// Test generating "defined" by concatenation when a macro is called. This is not allowed.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DefinedInMacroConcatenationNotAllowed)

// Test using defined in a macro parameter name. This is not allowed.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, DefinedAsParameterNameNotAllowed)

// Ensure that defined in a macro is no accepted in WebGL.
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, DefinedInMacroFails)

// Simple test using a define macro in WebGL.
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, DefinedGLESSymbol)

// Test that inactive output variables compile ok in combination with initOutputVariables
// (which is enabled on WebGL).
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, InactiveOutput)

// Test that clamp applied on non-literal indices is correct on es 100 shaders.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ValidIndexClampES100)

// Test that clamp applied on non-literal indices is correct on es 300 shaders.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ValidIndexClampES300)

// Tests constant folding of non-square 'matrixCompMult'.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NonSquareMatrixCompMult)

// Test initializing an array with the same name of previously declared array
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InitSameNameArray)

// Tests using gl_FragData[0] instead of gl_FragColor.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FragData)

// Tests using gl_FragData[0] instead of gl_FragColor with GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE
// Regression test for
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FragData_AlphaToCoverage)

// Test angle can handle big initial stack size with dynamic stack allocation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MemoryExhaustedTest)

// Test that inactive samplers in structs don't cause any errors.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, InactiveSamplersInStruct)

// Helper functions for MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices* tests

// Round up to alignment, assuming it's a power of 2
uint32_t RoundUpPow2(uint32_t value, uint32_t alignment)

void CreateOutputBuffer(GLBuffer *buffer, uint32_t binding)

// Fill provided buffer with matrices based on the given dimensions.  The buffer should be large
// enough to accomodate the data.
uint32_t FillBuffer(const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> matrixDims[],
                    const bool matrixIsColMajor[],
                    size_t matrixCount,
                    float data[],
                    bool isStd430,
                    bool isTransposed)

// Initialize and bind the buffer.
template <typename T>
void InitBuffer(GLuint program,
                const char *name,
                GLuint buffer,
                uint32_t bindingIndex,
                const T data[],
                uint32_t dataSize,
                bool isUniform)

// Verify that buffer data is written by the shader as expected.
template <typename T>
bool VerifyBuffer(GLuint buffer, const T data[], uint32_t dataSize)

// Verify that the success output of the shader is as expected.
bool VerifySuccess(GLuint buffer)

// Test reading from UBOs and SSBOs and writing to SSBOs with mixed row- and colum-major layouts in
// both std140 and std430 layouts.  Tests many combinations of std140 vs std430, struct being used
// as row- or column-major in different UBOs, reading from UBOs and SSBOs and writing to SSBOs,
// nested structs, matrix arrays, inout parameters etc.
// Some very specific corner cases that are not covered here are tested in the subsequent tests.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices)

// Test that array UBOs are transformed correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, RowMajorMatrix_ReadMat4Test)

// Test that array UBOs are transformed correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, RowMajorMatrix_ReadMat2x3Test)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, RowMajorMatrix_ReadMat3x2Test)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, RowMajorMatrix_NestedExpression)

// Test that array UBOs are transformed correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ArrayBufferDeclaration)

// Test that side effects when transforming read operations are preserved.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ReadSideEffect)

// Test that side effects respect the order of logical expression operands.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ReadSideEffectOrder)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ReadSideEffectOrderSurroundedByLoop)

TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ReadSideEffectOrderInALoop)

// Test that side effects respect short-circuit.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_ReadSideEffectShortCircuit)

// Test that indexing swizzles out of bounds fails
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, OutOfBoundsIndexingOfSwizzle)

// Test that indexing l-value swizzles work
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, IndexingOfSwizzledLValuesShouldWork)

// Test that indexing r-value swizzles work
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, IndexingOfSwizzledRValuesShouldWork)

// Test that dynamic indexing of swizzled l-values should work.
// A simple porting of sdk/tests/conformance2/glsl3/vector-dynamic-indexing-swizzled-lvalue.html
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DynamicIndexingOfSwizzledLValuesShouldWork)

// Another test for dynamic indexing of swizzled l-values.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DynamicIndexingOfSwizzledLValuesShouldWork2)

// Test that dead code after discard, return, continue and branch are pruned.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DeadCodeIsPruned)

// Regression test based on fuzzer issue.  If a case has statements that are pruned, and those
// pruned statements in turn have branches, and another case follows, a prior implementation of
// dead-code elimination doubly pruned some statements.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DeadCodeBranchInPrunedStatementsInCaseBeforeAnotherCase)

// Test shader with all resources (default uniform, UBO, SSBO, image, sampler and atomic counter) to
// make sure they are all linked ok.  The front-end sorts these resources and traverses the list of
// "uniforms" to find the range for each resource.  A bug there was causing some resource ranges to
// be empty in the presence of other resources.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MixOfAllResources)

// Test that sending mixture of resources to functions works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MixOfResourcesAsFunctionArgs)

// Test that array of array of samplers used as function parameter with an index that has a
// side-effect works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerAsFunctionParameterIndexedWithSideEffect)

void GLSLTest_ES31::testArrayOfArrayOfSamplerDynamicIndex(const APIExtensionVersion usedExtension)

// Test that array of array of samplers can be indexed correctly with dynamic indices.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerDynamicIndexEXT)

// Test that array of array of samplers can be indexed correctly with dynamic indices.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerDynamicIndexOES)

// Test that array of array of samplers can be indexed correctly with dynamic indices.  Uses
// samplers in structs.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerInStructDynamicIndex)

// Test that array of array of samplers work when indexed with an expression that's derived from an
// array of array of samplers.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ArrayOfArrayOfSamplerIndexedWithArrayOfArrayOfSamplers)

// Test that multiple nested assignments are handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_WriteSideEffect)

// Test that assignments to array of array of matrices are handled correctly.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MixedRowAndColumnMajorMatrices_WriteArrayOfArray)

// Verify that types used differently (in different block storages, differently qualified etc) work
// when copied around.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TypesUsedInDifferentBlockStorages)

// Verify that bool in interface blocks work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, BoolInInterfaceBlocks)

// Verify that ternary operator works when the operands are matrices used in different block
// storage.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TernaryOnMatricesInDifferentBlockStorages)

// Verify that ternary operator works when the operands are structs used in different block
// storage.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TernaryOnStructsInDifferentBlockStorages)

// Verify that uint in interface block cast to bool works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UintCastToBoolFromInterfaceBlocks)

// Test that the precise keyword is not reserved before ES3.1.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, PreciseNotReserved)

// Test that the precise keyword is reserved on ES3.0 without GL_EXT_gpu_shader5.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, PreciseReservedWithoutExtension)

// Test that reusing the same variable name for different uses across stages links fine.  The SPIR-V
// transformation should ignore all names for non-shader-interface variables and not get confused by
// them.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, VariableNameReuseAcrossStages)

// Test that reusing the same uniform variable name for different uses across stages links fine.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, UniformVariableNameReuseAcrossStages)

// Verify that precision match validation of uniforms is performed only if they are statically used
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, UniformPrecisionMatchValidation)

// Validate that link fails when two instanceless interface blocks with different block names but
// same field names are present.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, AmbiguousInstancelessInterfaceBlockFields)

// Verify I/O block array locations
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, IOBlockLocations)

// Test using builtins that can only be redefined with gl_PerVertex
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, PerVertexRedefinition)

// Negative test using builtins that can only be used when redefining gl_PerVertex
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, PerVertexNegativeTest)

// Negative test using builtins that can only be used when redefining gl_PerVertex
// but have the builtins in a differently named struct
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, PerVertexRenamedNegativeTest)

// Test varying packing in presence of multiple I/O blocks
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, MultipleIOBlocks)

// Test varying packing in presence of I/O block arrays
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, IOBlockArray)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member name mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberNameMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member array size mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberArraySizeMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member type mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberTypeMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block location mismatches
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkLocationMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member location mismatches
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberLocationMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member struct name mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberStructNameMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member struct member name mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberStructMemberNameMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member struct member type mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberStructMemberTypeMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member struct member array size mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberStructMemberArraySizeMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member struct member count mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberStructMemberCountMismatch)

// Validate that link fails with I/O block member nested struct mismatches.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, NegativeIOBlocksLinkMemberNestedStructMismatch)

// Test that separating declarators works with structs that have been separately defined.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, SeparateDeclaratorsOfStructType)

// Test that separating declarators works with structs that are simultaneously defined.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, SeparateDeclaratorsOfStructTypeBeingSpecified)

// Test that separating declarators works with structs that are simultaneously defined and that are
// nameless.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, SeparateDeclaratorsOfNamelessStructType)

// Regression test for transformation bug which separates struct declarations from uniform
// declarations.  The bug was that the uniform variable usage in the initializer of a new
// declaration (y below) was not being processed.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, UniformStructBug)

// Regression test for transformation bug which separates struct declarations from uniform
// declarations.  The bug was that the arrayness of the declaration was not being applied to the
// replaced uniform variable.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, UniformStructBug2)

// Regression test based on fuzzer issue resulting in an AST validation failure.  Struct definition
// was not found in the tree.  Tests that struct declaration in function return value is visible to
// instantiations later on.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingStructDeclarationBug)

// Regression test based on fuzzer issue resulting in an AST validation failure.  Struct definition
// was not found in the tree.  Tests that struct declaration in function return value is visible to
// other struct declarations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MissingStructDeclarationBug2)

// Regression test for bug in HLSL code generation where the for loop init expression was expected
// to always have an initializer.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, HandleExcessiveLoopBug)

// Regression test for a validation bug in the translator where func(void, int) was accepted even
// though it's illegal, and the function was callable as if the void parameter isn't there.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NoParameterAfterVoid)

// Similar to NoParameterAfterVoid, but tests func(void, void).
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NoParameterAfterVoid2)

// Test that providing more components to a matrix constructor than necessary works.  Based on a
// clusterfuzz test that caught an OOB array write in glslang.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MatrixConstructor)

// Test constructors without precision
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstructFromBoolVector)

// Test constructing vector from matrix
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorConstructorFromMatrix)

// Test constructing matrix from vectors
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MatrixConstructorFromVectors)

// Test that constructing vector and matrix inside multiple declarations preserves the correct order
// of operations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstructorinSequenceOperator)

// Test that constructing vectors inside multiple declarations preserves the correct order
// of operations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorConstructorsInMultiDeclaration)

// Test complex constructor usage.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ComplexConstructor)

// Test that scalar(nonScalar) constructors work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ScalarConstructor)

// Test that initializing global variables with non-constant values work
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InitGlobalNonConstant)

// Test that initializing global variables with complex constants work
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InitGlobalComplexConstant)

// Test that built-ins with out parameters work
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, BuiltInsWithOutParameters)

// Test that interpolateAt* work with swizzle.  This test is disabled as swizzled interpolants are
// only allowed in desktop GLSL.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, InterpolateAtWithSwizzle)

class GLSLTestLoops : public GLSLTest

// Test basic for loops
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, BasicFor)

// Test for loop without condition
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForNoCondition)

// Test for loop without init and expression
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForNoInitConditionOrExpression)

// Test for loop with continue
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForContinue)

// Test for loop with continue at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForUnconditionalContinue)

// Test for loop with break at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForUnconditionalBreak)

// Test for loop with break and continue
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForBreakContinue)

// Test basic while loops
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, BasicWhile)

// Test while loops with continue
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, WhileContinue)

// Test while loops with continue at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, WhileUnconditionalContinue)

// Test while loops with break
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, WhileBreak)

// Test while loops with continue at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, WhileUnconditionalBreak)

// Test basic do-while loops
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, BasicDoWhile)

// Test do-while loops with continue
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, DoWhileContinue)

// Test do-while loops with continue at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, DoWhileUnconditionalContinue)

// Test do-while loops with break
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, DoWhileBreak)

// Test do-while loops with break at the end of block
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, DoWhileUnconditionalBreak)

// Test for loop with continue inside switch.
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, ForContinueInSwitch)

// Test while loop with continue inside switch
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, WhileContinueInSwitch)

// Test do-while loops with continue in switch
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, DoWhileContinueInSwitch)

// Test prune-able loop with side effect in statements.
TEST_P(GLSLTestLoops, SideEffectsInPrunableFor)

// Test that precision is retained for constants (which are constant folded).  Adapted from a WebGL
// test.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstantFoldedConstantsRetainPrecision)

// Test that vector and matrix scalarization does not affect rendering.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, VectorAndMatrixScalarizationDoesNotAffectRendering)

// Tests initializing a shader IO block using the shader translator option.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlock)

// Tests initializing a nameless shader IO block using the shader translator option.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlockNameless)

// Tests initializing a shader IO block with an array using the shader translator option.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlockWithArray)

// Tests initializing a shader IO block array using the shader translator option.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlockArray)

// Tests initializing a shader IO block with a struct using the shader translator option.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlockWithStruct)

// Tests initializing an IO block with a complicated set of types, using the shader translator.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31_InitShaderVariables, InitIOBlockWithComplexTypes)

// Tests an unsuccessful re-link using glBindAttribLocation.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UnsuccessfulRelinkWithBindAttribLocation)

// Tests an unsuccessful re-link using glBindAttribLocation under WebGL.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, UnsuccessfulRelinkWithBindAttribLocation)

// Covers a HLSL compiler bug.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ComplexCrossExpression)

// Regression test for a crash in SPIR-V output when faced with an array of struct constant.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ArrayOfStructConstantBug)

// Regression test for a bug in SPIR-V output where float+matrix was mishandled.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, FloatPlusMatrix)

// Regression test for a bug in SPIR-V output where a transformation creates float(constant) without
// folding it into a TIntermConstantUnion.  This transformation is clamping non-constant indices in
// WebGL.  The |false ? i : 5| as index caused the transformation to consider this a non-constant
// index.
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, IndexClampConstantIndexBug)

// Test robustness of out-of-bounds lod in texelFetch
TEST_P(WebGL2GLSLTest, TexelFetchLodOutOfBounds)

// Test that framebuffer fetch transforms gl_LastFragData in the presence of gl_FragCoord without
// failing validation (adapted from a Chromium test, see
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FramebufferFetchWithLastFragData)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch1)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch2)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch3)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch4)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch5)

// Test that loop body ending in a branch doesn't fail compilation
TEST_P(GLSLTest, LoopBodyEndingInBranch6)

// Test that aliasing function out parameters work.  The GLSL spec says:
// > Because the function works with local copies of parameters, there are no issues regarding
// > aliasing of variables within a function.
// In the test below, while the value of x is unknown after the function call, the result of the
// function must deterministically be true.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, AliasingFunctionOutParams)

// Test that aliasing function out parameters work even when multiple params are aliased.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, AliasingFunctionOutParamsMultiple)

// Test that aliasing function inout parameters work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, AliasingFunctionInOutParams)

// Test coverage of some matrix/scalar ops which Metal translation was missing.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MatrixScalarOps)

// Test coverage of some matrix ops which Metal translation was missing.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, MatrixNegate)

// Test coverage of the mix(float, float, bool) overload which was missing in Metal translation
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MixFloatFloatBool)

// Test that aliasing function inout parameters work when more than one param is aliased.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, AliasingFunctionInOutParamsMultiple)

// Test that aliasing function out parameter with a global works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, AliasingFunctionOutParamAndGlobal)

// Make sure const sampler parameters work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstSamplerParameter)

// Make sure passing const sampler parameters to another function work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ConstSamplerParameterAsArgument)

// Test for a driver bug with matrix multiplication in the tessellation control shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TessellationControlShaderMatrixMultiplicationBug)

// Test for a driver bug with matrix copy in the tessellation control shader.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, TessellationControlShaderMatrixCopyBug)

// Tests the generation of HLSL functions with uint/int parameters that may be ambiguous.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, AmbiguousHLSLIntegerFunctionParameters)

// Tests adding a struct definition inline in a shader.
// Metal backend contains a pass that separates struct definition and declaration.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, StructInShader)

// Issue: A while loop's expression, and a branch
// condition with EOpContinue were being deep
// copied as part of monomorphize functions,
// causing a crash, as they were not null-checked.
// Tests transforming a function that will be monomorphized.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, MonomorphizeForAndContinue)

// Tests inout parameters with array references.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, InoutWithArrayRefs)

// Test that sample variables compile.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, SampleVariables)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms across compute shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheComputeWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks across shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheComputeWithUniformBlocks)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheVertexWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheVertexWithUniformBlock)

// Test that shader caching maintains SSBOs across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheVertexWithSSBO)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheFragmentWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheFragmentWithUniformBlock)

// Test that shader caching maintains SSBOs across vertex shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheFragmentWithSSBO)

// Test that shader caching maintains whether GL_ARB_sample_shading is enabled across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheFragmentWithARBSampleShading)

// Test that shader caching maintains which advanced blending equations (provided by
// GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced) are used across shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheFragmentWithKHRAdvancedBlendEquations)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms in geometry shaders across shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheGeometryWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks in geometry shaders across shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheGeometryWithUniformBlock)

// Test that shader caching maintains SSBO in geometry shaders across shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheGeometryWithSSBO)

// Test that shader caching maintains the number of invocations in geometry shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheGeometryWithInvocations)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms in tessellation control shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationControlWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks in tessellation control shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationControlWithUniformBlock)

// Test that shader caching maintains SSBOs in tessellation control shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationControlWithSSBO)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniforms in tessellation evaluation shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationEvalWithUniform)

// Test that shader caching maintains uniform blocks in tessellation evaluation shaders across
// shader compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationEvalWithUniformBlock)

// Test that shader caching maintains SSBOs in tessellation evaluation shaders across shader
// compilations.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ShaderCacheTessellationEvalWithSSBO)

// Test that only macros for ESSL 1.0 compatible extensions are defined
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ESSL1ExtensionMacros)

// Test that only macros for ESSL 3.0 compatible extensions are defined
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ESSL3ExtensionMacros)

// Test that only macros for ESSL 3.1 compatible extensions are defined
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, ESSL31ExtensionMacros)

// Make sure names starting with webgl_ work.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NameWithWebgl)

// Make sure webgl_FragColor works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, NameWithWebglFragColor)

// Test that the ScalarizeVecAndMatConstructorArgs workaround works correctly with constructors that
// have no precision.  Regression test for a bug where the generated helper has no precision
// specified on the parameters and return value.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ScalarizeVectorWorkaroundVsPrecisionlessConstructor)

// Test that Metal compiler doesn't inline non-const globals
TEST_P(WebGLGLSLTest, InvalidGlobalsNotInlined)

// Test that a struct can have lots of fields.  Regression test for an inefficient O(n^2) check for
// fields having unique names.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LotsOfFieldsInStruct)

// Test that structs with too many fields are rejected.  In SPIR-V, the instruction that defines the
// struct lists the fields which means the length of the instruction is a function of the field
// count.  Since SPIR-V instruction sizes are limited to 16 bits, structs with more fields cannot be
// represented.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, TooManyFieldsInStruct)

// Same as TooManyFieldsInStruct, but with samplers in the struct.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, TooManySamplerFieldsInStruct)

// More complex variation of ManySamplerFieldsInStruct.  This one compiles fine.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, ManySamplerFieldsInStructComplex)

// Make sure a large array of samplers works.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ManySamplers)

// Make sure a large array of samplers works when declared in a struct.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, ManySamplersInStruct)

// Test that passing large arrays to functions are compiled correctly.  Regression test for the
// SPIR-V generator that made a copy of the array to pass to the function, by decomposing and
// reconstructing it (in the absence of OpCopyLogical), but the reconstruction instruction has a
// length higher than can fit in SPIR-V.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockArrayPassedToFunction)

// Make sure the shader in LargeInterfaceBlockArrayPassedToFunction works if the large local is
// avoided.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockArray)

// Similar to LargeInterfaceBlockArrayPassedToFunction, but the array is nested in a struct.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockNestedArrayPassedToFunction)

// Make sure the shader in LargeInterfaceBlockNestedArrayPassedToFunction works if the large local
// is avoided.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockNestedArray)

// Similar to LargeInterfaceBlockArrayPassedToFunction, but the large array is copied to a local
// variable instead.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockArrayCopiedToLocal)

// Similar to LargeInterfaceBlockArrayCopiedToLocal, but the array is nested in a struct
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeInterfaceBlockNestedArrayCopiedToLocal)

// Test that too large varyings are rejected.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeArrayVarying)

// Regression test for const globals losing const qualifiers during MSL
// translation and exceeding available temporary registers on Apple GPUs.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, LargeConstGlobalArraysOfStructs)

// Test that framebuffer fetch emulation does not add a user-visible uniform.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, FramebufferFetchDoesNotAddUniforms)

// Test that framebuffer fetch emulation does not add a user-visible uniform.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, FramebufferFetchDoesNotAddUniforms)

// Test that advanced blend emulation does not add a user-visible uniform.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES31, AdvancedBlendEquationsDoesNotAddUniforms)

// Tests struct in function return type.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructInFunctionDefinition)

// Tests struct definition in function return type.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructDefinitionInFunctionDefinition)

// Test struct definition in forward declaration of function return type.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructDefinitionInFunctionPrototype)

// Test that struct declarations are introduced into the correct scope.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, StructDefinitionInFunctionPrototypeScope)

// Test that struct declarations are introduced into the correct scope.
TEST_P(GLSLTest, NestedReturnedStructs)

// Test that double underscores user defined name is allowed
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, DoubleUnderscoresName)

// Test that user defined name starts with "ANGLE" or "ANGLE_"
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, VariableNameStartsWithANGLE)

// Test that underscores in array names work with out arrays.
TEST_P(GLSLTest_ES3, UnderscoresWorkWithOutArrays)

}  // anonymous namespace