
// Copyright 2015 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ReadPixelsTest:
//   Tests calls related to glReadPixels.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include <array>

#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"
#include "util/random_utils.h"



class ReadPixelsTest : public ANGLETest<>

// Test out of bounds framebuffer reads.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTest, OutOfBounds)

class ReadPixelsPBONVTest : public ReadPixelsTest

// Test basic usage of PBOs.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBONVTest, Basic)

// Test that calling SubData preserves PBO data.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBONVTest, SubDataPreservesContents)

// Test that calling ReadPixels with GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW buffer works
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBONVTest, DynamicPBO)

TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBONVTest, ReadFromFBO)

// Test calling ReadPixels with a non-zero "data" param into a PBO
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBONVTest, ReadFromFBOWithDataOffset)

class ReadPixelsPBOTest : public ReadPixelsPBONVTest

// Test basic usage of PBOs.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, Basic)

// Test copy to snorm
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, Snorm)

// Test an error is generated when the PBO is too small.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, PBOTooSmall)

// Test an error is generated when the PBO is mapped.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, PBOMapped)

// Test that binding a PBO to ARRAY_BUFFER works as expected.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, ArrayBufferTarget)

// Test that using a PBO does not overwrite existing data.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, ExistingDataPreserved)

// Test that calling SubData preserves PBO data.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, SubDataPreservesContents)

// Same as the prior test, but with an offset.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, SubDataOffsetPreservesContents)

// Test that uploading data to buffer that's in use then writing to it as PBO works.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, UseAsUBOThenUpdateThenReadFromFBO)

// Test PBO readback with row length smaller than area width.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBOTest, SmallRowLength)

class ReadPixelsPBODrawTest : public ReadPixelsPBOTest

// Test that we can draw with PBO data.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBODrawTest, DrawWithPBO)

// Test that we can correctly update a buffer bound to the vertex stage with PBO.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsPBODrawTest, UpdateVertexArrayWithPixelPack)

class ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest : public ReadPixelsTest

// Test PBO RGBA readback for RGBA16 color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RGBA16_RGBA)

// Test PBO RGBA readback for RG16 color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RG16_RGBA)

// Test PBO RG readback for RG16 color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RG16_RG)

// Test PBO RGBA readback for R16 color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, R16_RGBA)

// Test PBO RED readback for R16 color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, R16_RED)

// Test PBO RGBA readback for RGBA16_SNORM color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RGBA16_SNORM_RGBA)

// Test PBO RGBA readback for RG16_SNORM color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RG16_SNORM_RGBA)

// Test PBO RG readback for RG16_SNORM color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, RG16_SNORM_RG)

// Test PBO RGBA readback for R16_SNORM color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, R16_SNORM_RGBA)

// Test PBO RED readback for R16_SNORM color buffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureNorm16PBOTest, R16_SNORM_RED)

class ReadPixelsMultisampleTest : public ReadPixelsTest

// Test ReadPixels from a multisampled framebuffer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsMultisampleTest, BasicClear)

class ReadPixelsTextureTest : public ANGLETest<>

// Test 3D attachment readback.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, BasicAttachment3D)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipAttachment3D)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, LayerAttachment3D)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip and layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipLayerAttachment3D)

// Test 2D array attachment readback.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, BasicAttachment2DArray)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipAttachment2DArray)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, LayerAttachment2DArray)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip and layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipLayerAttachment2DArray)

// Test 3D attachment PBO readback.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, BasicAttachment3DPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipAttachment3DPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, LayerAttachment3DPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip and layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipLayerAttachment3DPBO)

// Test 2D array attachment readback.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, BasicAttachment2DArrayPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipAttachment2DArrayPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, LayerAttachment2DArrayPBO)

// Test 3D attachment readback, non-zero mip and layer.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsTextureTest, MipLayerAttachment2DArrayPBO)

// a test class to be used for error checking of glReadPixels
class ReadPixelsErrorTest : public ReadPixelsTest

//  The test verifies that glReadPixels generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION error
//  when the read buffer is GL_NONE.
//  Reference: GLES 3.0.4, Section 4.3.2 Reading Pixels
TEST_P(ReadPixelsErrorTest, ReadBufferIsNone)

// The test verifies that glReadPixels generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION
// error when reading signed 8-bit color buffers using incompatible types.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsErrorTest, ColorBufferSnorm8)

// The test verifies that glReadPixels generates a GL_INVALID_OPERATION
// error when reading signed 16-bit color buffers using incompatible types.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsErrorTest, ColorBufferSnorm16)

// a test class to be used for error checking of glReadPixels with WebGLCompatibility
class ReadPixelsWebGLErrorTest : public ReadPixelsTest

// Test that WebGL context readpixels generates an error when reading GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 type.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsWebGLErrorTest, TypeIsUnsignedInt24_8)

// Test that WebGL context readpixels generates an error when reading GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT format.
TEST_P(ReadPixelsWebGLErrorTest, FormatIsDepthComponent)

}  // anonymous namespace

// Use this to select which configurations (e.g. which renderer, which GLES major version) these
// tests should be run against.