
// Copyright 2009 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_config_service_common_unittest.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "net/base/proxy_string_util.h"
#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_config.h"

#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace net {

namespace {

// Helper to verify that |expected_proxy| matches the first proxy conatined in
// |actual_proxies|, and that |actual_proxies| contains exactly one proxy. If
// either condition is untrue, then |*did_fail| is set to true, and
// |*failure_details| is filled with a description of the failure.
void MatchesProxyServerHelper(const char* failure_message,
                              const char* expected_proxy,
                              const ProxyList& actual_proxies,
                              ::testing::AssertionResult* failure_details,
                              bool* did_fail) {}

std::string FlattenProxyBypass(const ProxyBypassRules& bypass_rules) {}

}  // namespace

    ProxyConfig::ProxyRules::Type type,
    const char* single_proxy,
    const char* proxy_for_http,
    const char* proxy_for_https,
    const char* proxy_for_ftp,
    const char* fallback_proxy,
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules,
    bool reverse_bypass)

::testing::AssertionResult ProxyRulesExpectation::Matches(
    const ProxyConfig::ProxyRules& rules) const {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::Empty() {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::EmptyWithBypass(
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules) {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::Single(
    const char* single_proxy,
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules) {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::PerScheme(
    const char* proxy_http,
    const char* proxy_https,
    const char* proxy_ftp,
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules) {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::PerSchemeWithSocks(
    const char* proxy_http,
    const char* proxy_https,
    const char* proxy_ftp,
    const char* socks_proxy,
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules) {}

// static
ProxyRulesExpectation ProxyRulesExpectation::PerSchemeWithBypassReversed(
    const char* proxy_http,
    const char* proxy_https,
    const char* proxy_ftp,
    const char* flattened_bypass_rules) {}

}  // namespace net