
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest.cpp : Test functions which read the framebuffer (readPixels,
// copyTexSubImage2D, copyTexImage2D) on areas outside the framebuffer.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"


class PixelRect

}  // namespace

namespace angle

class WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest : public ANGLETest<>

class WebGL2ReadOutsideFramebufferTest : public WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest

// Check that readPixels does not set a destination pixel when
// the corresponding source pixel is outside the framebuffer.
TEST_P(WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest, ReadPixels)

// Check that copyTexSubImage2D does not set a destination pixel when
// the corresponding source pixel is outside the framebuffer.
TEST_P(WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest, CopyTexSubImage2D)

// Check that copyTexImage2D sets (0,0,0,0) for pixels outside the framebuffer.
TEST_P(WebGLReadOutsideFramebufferTest, CopyTexImage2D)

// Check that copyTexSubImage3D does not set a destination pixel when
// the corresponding source pixel is outside the framebuffer.
TEST_P(WebGL2ReadOutsideFramebufferTest, CopyTexSubImage3D)



}  // namespace angle