
// Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// WebGLFramebufferTest.cpp : Framebuffer tests for GL_ANGLE_webgl_compatibility.
// Based on WebGL 1 test renderbuffers/framebuffer-object-attachment.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"

namespace angle

class WebGLFramebufferTest : public ANGLETest<>

constexpr GLint ALLOW_COMPLETE              =;
constexpr GLint ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED           =;

void checkFramebufferForAllowedStatuses(GLbitfield allowedStatuses)

void checkBufferBits(GLenum attachment0, GLenum attachment1)

// Tests that certain required combinations work in WebGL compatiblity.
TEST_P(WebGLFramebufferTest, TestFramebufferRequiredCombinations)

void testAttachment(GLint width,
                    GLint height,
                    GLRenderbuffer *colorBuffer,
                    GLenum attachment,
                    GLRenderbuffer *buffer,
                    GLbitfield allowedStatuses)

void testAttachments(GLRenderbuffer &colorBuffer,
                     GLenum attachment0,
                     GLRenderbuffer &buffer0,
                     GLenum attachment1,
                     GLRenderbuffer &buffer1,
                     GLbitfield allowedStatuses)

void testColorRenderbuffer(GLint width,
                           GLint height,
                           GLenum internalformat,
                           GLbitfield allowedStatuses)

GLint getRenderbufferParameter(GLenum paramName)

void WebGLFramebufferTest::drawUByteColorQuad(GLuint program,
                                              GLint uniformLoc,
                                              const GLColor &color)

void WebGLFramebufferTest::testDepthStencilDepthStencil(GLint width, GLint height)

void WebGLFramebufferTest::testDepthStencilRenderbuffer(GLint width,
                                                        GLint height,
                                                        GLRenderbuffer *colorBuffer,
                                                        GLbitfield allowedStatuses)

// Test various attachment combinations with WebGL framebuffers.
TEST_P(WebGLFramebufferTest, TestAttachments)

bool tryDepth(GLRenderbuffer *depthBuffer,
              GLenum *depthFormat,
              GLenum *depthAttachment,
              GLenum try_format,
              GLenum try_attachment)

bool checkValidColorDepthCombination(GLenum *depthFormat, GLenum *depthAttachment)

// glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) should be either complete or (unsupported/expected).
void checkFramebuffer(GLenum expected)

void WebGLFramebufferTest::testRenderingAndReading(GLuint program)

// Test drawing or reading from an incomplete framebuffer
void WebGLFramebufferTest::testUsingIncompleteFramebuffer(GLenum depthFormat,
                                                          GLenum depthAttachment)

void testFramebufferIncompleteAttachment(GLenum depthFormat)

// No attachments should be INCOMPLETE_FRAMEBUFFER_MISSING_ATTACHMENT (OpenGL ES 2.0 4.4.5).
void testFramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment()

// Attachments of different sizes should be FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS (OpenGL ES 2.0 4.4.5).
void testFramebufferIncompleteDimensions(GLenum depthFormat, GLenum depthAttachment)

class NoColorFB final : angle::NonCopyable

// Test reading from a missing framebuffer attachment.
void TestReadingMissingAttachment(int size)

// Test drawing to a missing framebuffer attachment.
void WebGLFramebufferTest::testDrawingMissingAttachment()

// Determine if we can attach both color and depth or color and depth_stencil
TEST_P(WebGLFramebufferTest, CheckValidColorDepthCombination)

// Test to cover a bug in preserving the texture image index for WebGL framebuffer attachments
TEST_P(WebGLFramebufferTest, TextureAttachmentCommitBug)

// Test combinations of ordering in setting the resource format and attaching it to the depth
// stencil attacchment.  Covers
TEST_P(WebGLFramebufferTest, DepthStencilAttachmentOrdering)

// Only run against WebGL 1 validation, since much was changed in 2.

}  // namespace angle