
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_info.h"

#include "net/proxy_resolution/proxy_retry_info.h"

namespace net {

// static
ProxyInfo ProxyInfo::Direct() {}

ProxyInfo::ProxyInfo() = default;

ProxyInfo::ProxyInfo(const ProxyInfo& other) = default;

ProxyInfo::~ProxyInfo() = default;

void ProxyInfo::Use(const ProxyInfo& other) {}

void ProxyInfo::UseDirect() {}

void ProxyInfo::UseDirectWithBypassedProxy() {}

void ProxyInfo::UseNamedProxy(const std::string& proxy_uri_list) {}

void ProxyInfo::UseProxyChain(const ProxyChain& proxy_chain) {}

void ProxyInfo::UsePacString(const std::string& pac_string) {}

void ProxyInfo::UseProxyList(const ProxyList& proxy_list) {}

void ProxyInfo::OverrideProxyList(const ProxyList& proxy_list) {}

bool ProxyInfo::ContainsMultiProxyChain() const {}

std::string ProxyInfo::ToPacString() const {}

bool ProxyInfo::is_for_ip_protection() const {}

std::string ProxyInfo::ToDebugString() const {}

bool ProxyInfo::Fallback(int net_error, const NetLogWithSource& net_log) {}

void ProxyInfo::DeprioritizeBadProxyChains(
    const ProxyRetryInfoMap& proxy_retry_info) {}

void ProxyInfo::RemoveProxiesWithoutScheme(int scheme_bit_field) {}

void ProxyInfo::Reset() {}

bool ProxyInfo::AllChainProxiesAreHttps() const {}

}  // namespace net