
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// VulkanExternalImageTest.cpp : Tests of images allocated externally using Vulkan.

#include "test_utils/ANGLETest.h"

#include "common/debug.h"
#include "test_utils/VulkanHelper.h"
#include "test_utils/gl_raii.h"

namespace angle


constexpr int kInvalidFd =;

constexpr VkImageUsageFlags kDefaultImageUsageFlags =;
constexpr VkImageCreateFlags kDefaultImageCreateFlags =;

constexpr VkImageUsageFlags kNoStorageImageUsageFlags =;
constexpr VkImageCreateFlags kMutableImageCreateFlags =;

// List of VkFormat/internalformat combinations Chrome uses.
// This is compiled from the maps in
// components/viz/common/resources/
const struct ImageFormatPair
{} kChromeFormats[] =;

struct OpaqueFdTraits

struct FuchsiaTraits

VkImageLayout GetPostReleaseVulkanLayout(GLenum glLayout)

void AdjustCreateFlags(bool useMemoryObjectFlags, VkImageCreateFlags *createFlags)

constexpr uint32_t kWidth  =;
constexpr uint32_t kHeight =;

}  // namespace

class VulkanExternalImageTest : public ANGLETest<>

class VulkanExternalImageTestES31 : public VulkanExternalImageTest

template <typename Traits>
void RunShouldImportMemoryTest(VkImageCreateFlags createFlags,
                               VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags,
                               bool isSwiftshader,
                               bool enableDebugLayers)

// glImportMemoryFdEXT must be able to import a valid opaque fd.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldImportMemoryOpaqueFd)

// glImportMemoryZirconHandleANGLE must be able to import a valid vmo.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldImportMemoryZirconVmo)

template <typename Traits>
void RunShouldImportSemaphoreTest(bool isSwiftshader, bool enableDebugLayers)

// glImportSemaphoreFdEXT must be able to import a valid opaque fd.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldImportSemaphoreOpaqueFd)

// glImportSemaphoreZirconHandleANGLE must be able to import a valid handle.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldImportSemaphoreZirconEvent)

template <typename Traits>
void RunShouldClearTest(bool useMemoryObjectFlags,
                        VkImageCreateFlags createFlags,
                        VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags,
                        bool isSwiftshader,
                        bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture in an opaque fd.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueFdRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture in an opaque fd, using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueWithFlagsFdRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage in an opaque fd.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearNoStorageUsageOpaqueFdRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage but with MUTABLE in an
// opaque fd.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearMutableNoStorageUsageOpaqueFdRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture in a zircon vmo.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconVmoRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture in a zircon vmo, using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconWithFlagsVmoRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage in a zircon vmo.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearNoStorageUsageZirconVmoRGBA8)

// Test creating and clearing a simple RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage but with MUTABLE in a
// zircon vmo.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearMutableNoStorageUsageZirconVmoRGBA8)

template <typename Traits>
void RunTextureFormatCompatChromiumTest(bool useMemoryObjectFlags,
                                        VkImageCreateFlags createFlags,
                                        VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags,
                                        bool isSwiftshader,
                                        bool enableDebugLayers,
                                        bool isES3)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (opaque fd).
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumFd)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (opaque fd), using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumWithFlagsFd)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (opaque fd), without STORAGE
// usage.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumNoStorageFd)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (opaque fd), without STORAGE
// usage but with MUTABLE.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumMutableNoStorageFd)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (fuchsia).
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumZirconVmo)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (fuchsia), using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumWithFlagsZirconVmo)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (fuchsia), without STORAGE usage.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumNoStorageZirconVmo)

// Test all format combinations used by Chrome import successfully (fuchsia), without STORAGE usage
// but with MUTABLE.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, TextureFormatCompatChromiumMutableNoStorageZirconVmo)

template <typename Traits>
void RunShouldClearWithSemaphoresTest(bool useMemoryObjectFlags,
                                      VkImageCreateFlags createFlags,
                                      VkImageUsageFlags usageFlags,
                                      bool isSwiftshader,
                                      bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture in opaque fd with acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueFdWithSemaphores)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture in opaque fd with acquire/release, using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueFdWithSemaphoresWithFlags)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage in opaque fd with acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueFdWithSemaphoresNoStorage)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage but with MUTABLE in opaque fd with
// acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearOpaqueFdWithSemaphoresMutableNoStorage)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture in zircon vmo with acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconVmoWithSemaphores)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture in zircon vmo with acquire/release, using
// GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconVmoWithSemaphoresWithFlags)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage in zircon vmo with
// acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconVmoWithSemaphoresNoStorage)

// Test creating and clearing RGBA8 texture without STORAGE usage but with MUTABLE in zircon vmo
// with acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldClearZirconVmoWithSemaphoresMutableNoStorage)

template <typename Traits>
void VulkanExternalImageTest::runShouldDrawTest(bool isSwiftshader, bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test drawing to RGBA8 texture in opaque fd with acquire/release.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldDrawOpaqueFdWithSemaphores)

// Test drawing to RGBA8 texture in zircon vmo with acquire/release multiple times.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldDrawZirconVmoWithSemaphores)

template <typename Traits>
void VulkanExternalImageTest::runWaitSemaphoresRetainsContentTest(bool isSwiftshader,
                                                                  bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test drawing to RGBA8 texture in opaque fd with acquire/release multiple times.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, WaitSemaphoresRetainsContentOpaqueFd)

// Test drawing to RGBA8 texture in zircon vmo with acquire/release multiple times.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, WaitSemaphoresRetainsContentZirconVmo)

// Support for Zircon handle types is mandatory on Fuchsia.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, ShouldSupportExternalHandlesFuchsia)

template <typename Traits>
void RunPreInitializedOnGLImportTest(bool useMemoryObjectFlags,
                                     VkImageTiling tiling,
                                     bool isSwiftshader,
                                     bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be considered pre-initialized in GL.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, PreInitializedOnGLImport)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be considered pre-initialized in GL.
// Uses linear tiling.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, PreInitializedOnGLImportLinear)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be considered pre-initialized in GL,
// using GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, PreInitializedOnGLImportWithFlags)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be considered pre-initialized in GL,
// using GL_ANGLE_memory_object_flags.  Uses linear tiling.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, PreInitializedOnGLImportLinearWithFlags)

template <typename Traits>
void RunUninitializedOnGLImportTest(bool useMemoryObjectFlags,
                                    std::function<GLenum(GLuint)> useTexture,
                                    const uint32_t *expectInVulkan,
                                    bool isSwiftshader,
                                    bool enableDebugLayers)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be imported as uninitialized in GL.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, UninitializedOnGLImport)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be imported as uninitialized in GL and
// released without being touched.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, UninitializedOnGLImportAndExport)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be imported as uninitialized in GL and
// then used as the target of a copy.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, UninitializedOnGLImportAndCopy)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be imported as uninitialized in GL and
// then used as sampler.  Because the image is initialized, sampled results would be garbage, so
// this test is primarily ensuring no validation errors are generated.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTest, UninitializedOnGLImportAndSample)

// Test that texture storage created from VkImage memory can be imported as uninitialized in GL and
// then used as storage image.
TEST_P(VulkanExternalImageTestES31, UninitializedOnGLImportAndStorageWrite)

}  // namespace angle