
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and spanify to fix the errors.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

#include "net/quic/quic_session_pool.h"

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "base/test/simple_test_tick_clock.h"
#include "base/test/test_mock_time_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/base/features.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/http_user_agent_settings.h"
#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
#include "net/base/mock_network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/base/net_error_details.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/network_anonymization_key.h"
#include "net/base/proxy_chain.h"
#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
#include "net/base/schemeful_site.h"
#include "net/base/session_usage.h"
#include "net/base/test_proxy_delegate.h"
#include "net/cert/mock_cert_verifier.h"
#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
#include "net/dns/public/dns_query_type.h"
#include "net/dns/public/host_resolver_source.h"
#include "net/dns/public/secure_dns_policy.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "net/http/http_server_properties.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state.h"
#include "net/http/transport_security_state_test_util.h"
#include "net/quic/address_utils.h"
#include "net/quic/crypto/proof_verifier_chromium.h"
#include "net/quic/mock_crypto_client_stream_factory.h"
#include "net/quic/mock_quic_context.h"
#include "net/quic/mock_quic_data.h"
#include "net/quic/properties_based_quic_server_info.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_alarm_factory.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_client_session.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_chromium_client_session_peer.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_context.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_http_stream.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_http_utils.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_server_info.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_alias_key.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_key.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_pool_peer.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_session_pool_test_base.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_socket_data_provider.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_test_packet_maker.h"
#include "net/quic/quic_test_packet_printer.h"
#include "net/quic/test_task_runner.h"
#include "net/socket/next_proto.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_tag.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_test_util.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_session_test_util.h"
#include "net/spdy/spdy_test_util_common.h"
#include "net/ssl/test_ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/test/cert_test_util.h"
#include "net/test/gtest_util.h"
#include "net/test/test_data_directory.h"
#include "net/test/test_with_task_environment.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/common/http/http_header_block.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/common/quiche_data_writer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/http2/test_tools/spdy_test_utils.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/crypto/crypto_handshake.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_crypto_client_config.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_decrypter.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/crypto/quic_encrypter.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_constants.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/core/quic_utils.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/platform/api/quic_test.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_clock.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/mock_random.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_config_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_connection_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_path_validator_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_session_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_spdy_session_peer.h"
#include "net/third_party/quiche/src/quiche/quic/test_tools/quic_test_utils.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation_test_helper.h"
#include "net/url_request/static_http_user_agent_settings.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/scheme_host_port.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"


namespace net::test {

class QuicHttpStreamPeer {};

namespace {

// Run QuicSessionPoolTest instances with all value combinations of version
// and the `PriorityHeader` feature.
struct TestParams {};

// Used by ::testing::PrintToStringParamName().
std::string PrintToString(const TestParams& p) {}

std::vector<TestParams> GetTestParams() {}

class SessionAttemptHelper : public QuicSessionAttempt::Delegate {};

}  // namespace

// TestConnectionMigrationSocketFactory will vend sockets with incremental fake
// IPV4 address.
class TestConnectionMigrationSocketFactory : public MockClientSocketFactory {};

// TestPortMigrationSocketFactory will vend sockets with incremental port
// number.
class TestPortMigrationSocketFactory : public MockClientSocketFactory {};

class MockQuicSessionPool : public QuicSessionPool {};

class QuicSessionPoolTest : public QuicSessionPoolTestBase,
                            public ::testing::TestWithParam<TestParams> {};

void QuicSessionPoolTest::RunTestLoopUntilIdle() {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::InitializeConnectionMigrationV2Test(
    NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkList connected_networks) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::VerifyServerMigration(const quic::QuicConfig& config,
                                                IPEndPoint expected_address) {}

// Verifies that the QUIC stream factory is initialized correctly.
// If |vary_network_anonymization_key| is true, stores data for two different
// NetworkAnonymizationKeys, but the same server. If false, stores data for
// two different servers, using the same NetworkAnonymizationKey.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::VerifyInitialization(
    bool vary_network_anonymization_key) {}


TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CreateSyncQuicSession) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CreateAsyncQuicSession) {}

// This test uses synchronous QUIC session creation
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, SyncCreateZeroRtt) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, AsyncCreateZeroRtt) {}

// Regression test for
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, AsyncZeroRtt) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DefaultInitialRtt) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, FactoryDestroyedWhenJobPending) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireConfirmation) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireConfirmationAsyncQuicSession) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DontRequireConfirmationFromSameIP) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CachedInitialRtt) {}

// Test that QUIC sessions use the cached RTT from HttpServerProperties for the
// correct NetworkAnonymizationKey.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CachedInitialRttWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, 2gInitialRtt) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, 3gInitialRtt) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, GoAway) {}

// Makes sure that setting and clearing ServerNetworkStats respects the
// NetworkAnonymizationKey.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerNetworkStatsWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, PooledWithDifferentIpSession) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, PoolingSkipDns) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, Pooling) {}

// Regression test for
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, PoolingWithServerMigration) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoPoolingAfterGoAway) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, HttpsPooling) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, HttpsPoolingWithMatchingPins) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoHttpsPoolingWithDifferentPins) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, Goaway) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MaxOpenStream) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResolutionErrorInCreate) {}

// This test uses synchronous QUIC session creation.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, SyncConnectErrorInCreate) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, AsyncConnectErrorInCreate) {}

// This test uses synchronous QUIC session creation.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, SyncCancelCreate) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, AsyncCancelCreate) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CloseAllSessions) {}

// Regression test for Test a write error during the
// crypto handshake will not hang QuicSessionPool::Job and should
// report QUIC_HANDSHAKE_FAILED to upper layers. Subsequent
// QuicSessionRequest should succeed without hanging.
       WriteErrorInCryptoConnectWithAsyncHostResolutionSyncSessionCreation) {}

       WriteErrorInCryptoConnectWithAsyncHostResolutionAsyncSessionCreation) {}

       WriteErrorInCryptoConnectWithSyncHostResolutionSyncQuicSession) {}

       WriteErrorInCryptoConnectWithSyncHostResolutionAsyncQuicSession) {}

// Regression test for Test that OnCreateSessionComplete()
// will not crash if sessions are closed after FinishCreateSession runs.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CloseSessionDuringCreation) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CloseSessionsOnIPAddressChanged) {}

// Test that if goaway_session_on_ip_change is set, old sessions will be marked
// as going away on IP address change instead of being closed. New requests will
// go to a new connection.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, GoAwaySessionsOnIPAddressChanged) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, OnIPAddressChangedWithConnectionMigration) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnNetworkMadeDefaultWithSynchronousWrite) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnNetworkMadeDefaultWithAsyncWrite) {}

// Sets up a test which attempts connection migration successfully after probing
// when a new network is made as default and the old default is still available.
// |write_mode| specifies the write mode for the last write before
// OnNetworkMadeDefault is delivered to session.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnNetworkMadeDefault(IoMode write_mode) {}

// Regression test for http://859674.
// This test veries that a writer will not attempt to write packets until being
// unblocked on both socket level and network level. In this test, a probing
// writer is used to send two connectivity probes to the peer: where the first
// one completes successfully, while a connectivity response is received before
// completes sending the second one. The connection migration attempt will
// proceed while the probing writer is blocked at the socket level, which will
// block the writer on the network level. Once connection migration completes
// successfully, the probing writer will be unblocked on the network level, it
// will not attempt to write new packets until the socket level is unblocked.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigratedToBlockedSocketAfterProbing) {}

// This test verifies that session times out connection migration attempt
// with signals delivered in the following order (no alternate network is
// available):
// - default network disconnected is delivered: session attempts connection
//   migration but found not alternate network. Session waits for a new network
//   comes up in the next kWaitTimeForNewNetworkSecs seconds.
// - no new network is connected, migration times out. Session is closed.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrationTimeoutWithNoNewNetwork) {}

// This test verifies that connectivity probes will be sent even if there is
// a non-migratable stream. However, when connection migrates to the
// successfully probed path, any non-migratable streams will be reset.
       OnNetworkMadeDefaultNonMigratableStream_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

// This test verifies that connectivity probes will be sent even if there is
// a non-migratable stream. However, when connection migrates to the
// successfully probed path, any non-migratable stream will be reset. And if
// the connection becomes idle then, close the connection.
       OnNetworkMadeDefaultNonMigratableStream_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestOnNetworkMadeDefaultNonMigratableStream(
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, OnNetworkMadeDefaultConnectionMigrationDisabled) {}

       OnNetworkDisconnectedNonMigratableStream_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

       OnNetworkDisconnectedNonMigratableStream_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestOnNetworkDisconnectedNonMigratableStream(
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, OnNetworkDisconnectedConnectionMigrationDisabled) {}

       OnNetworkMadeDefaultNoOpenStreams_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

       OnNetworkMadeDefaultNoOpenStreams_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestOnNetworkMadeDefaultNoOpenStreams(
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

       OnNetworkDisconnectedNoOpenStreams_DoNotMigateIdleSessions) {}

       OnNetworkDisconnectedNoOpenStreams_MigateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestOnNetworkDisconnectedNoOpenStreams(
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

// This test verifies session migrates to the alternate network immediately when
// default network disconnects with a synchronous write before migration.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnDefaultNetworkDisconnectedSync) {}

// This test verifies session migrates to the alternate network immediately when
// default network disconnects with an asynchronously write before migration.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnDefaultNetworkDisconnectedAsync) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnNetworkDisconnected(
    bool async_write_before) {}

// This test verifies a direct session carrying a proxied session migrates when
// the default network disconnects, but the proxied session does not migrate.
       MigrateOnDefaultNetworkDisconnectedWithProxiedSession) {}

// This test verifies a direct session carrying a proxied session migrates when
// the default network disconnects, but the proxied session does not migrate.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnPathDegradingWithProxiedSession) {}

// This test receives NCN signals in the following order:
// - default network disconnected
// - after a pause, new network is connected.
// - new network is made default.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NewNetworkConnectedAfterNoNetwork) {}

// Regression test for
// This test verifies that migrate to the probing socket will not trigger
// new packets being read synchronously and generate ACK frame while
// processing the initial connectivity probe response, which may cause a
// connection being closed with INTERNAL_ERROR as pending ACK frame is not
// allowed when processing a new packet.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateToProbingSocket) {}

// This test verifies that the connection migrates to the alternate network
// early when path degrading is detected with an ASYNCHRONOUS write before
// migration.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateEarlyOnPathDegradingAsync) {}

// This test verifies that the connection migrates to the alternate network
// early when path degrading is detected with a SYNCHRONOUS write before
// migration.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateEarlyOnPathDegradingSync) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnPathDegrading(
    bool async_write_before) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionEarlyProbingWriterError) {}

       MigrateSessionEarlyProbingWriterErrorThreeNetworks) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MultiPortSessionWithMigration) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, SuccessfullyMigratedToServerPreferredAddress) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, FailedToValidateServerPreferredAddress) {}

       MigratePortOnPathDegrading_WithoutNetworkHandle_PathValidator) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, PortMigrationDisabledOnPathDegrading) {}

       PortMigrationProbingReceivedStatelessReset_PathValidator) {}

       MigratePortOnPathDegrading_WithNetworkHandle_PathValidator) {}

       MigratePortOnPathDegrading_WithMigration_PathValidator) {}

    TestPostNetworkOnMadeDefaultWhileConnectionMigrationFailOnUnexpectedErrorTwoDifferentSessions) {}

       TestPostNetworkMadeDefaultWhileConnectionMigrationFailBeforeHandshake) {}

// See crbug/1465889 for more details on what scenario is being tested.
    TestPostNetworkOnMadeDefaultWhileConnectionMigrationFailOnNoActiveStreams) {}

// See crbug/1465889 for more details on what scenario is being tested.
    TestPostNetworkOnMadeDefaultWhileConnectionMigrationFailOnUnexpectedError) {}

// See crbug/1465889 for more details on what scenario is being tested.
       TestPostNetworkOnMadeDefaultWhileConnectionMigrationIsFailing) {}

// Regression test for
// Note: This test can be deleted once every instance of
// CloseSessionOnErrorLater has been deleted.
       TestCloseSessionOnErrorLaterThenConnectionMigrationMigrateToSocket) {}

// Regression test for
// Note: This test can be deleted once every instance of
// CloseSessionOnErrorLater has been deleted.
       TestCloseSessionOnErrorLaterThenConnectionMigrationMigrate) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::
        bool is_blackhole_disabled_after_disconnecting) {}
// When the feature is disabled, the blackhole detector should stay enabled
// when there is no available network. resumed once a new network has been
// connected to.
    VerifyThatBlackHoleIsDisabledOnNoAvailableNetworkThenResumedAfterConnectingToNewNetwork_FeatureDisabled) {}

// When the feature is enabled, the blackhole detector should be disabled
// when there is no available network. resumed once a new network has been
// connected to.
    VerifyThatBlackHoleIsDisabledOnNoAvailableNetworkThenResumedAfterConnectingToNewNetwork_FeatureEnabled) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestSimplePortMigrationOnPathDegrading() {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MultiplePortMigrationsExceedsMaxLimit_iQUICStyle) {}

       MigratePortOnPathDegrading_MigrateIdleSession_PathValidator) {}

// This test verifies that the connection will not migrate to a bad socket
// when path degrading is detected.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DoNotMigrateToBadSocketOnPathDegrading) {}

// Regression test for
// This test verifies that the connection migrates to the alternate network
// early when there is no active stream but a draining stream.
// The first packet being written after migration is a synchrnous write, which
// will cause a PING packet being sent.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionWithDrainingStreamSync) {}

// Regression test for
// This test verifies that the connection migrates to the alternate network
// early when there is no active stream but a draining stream.
// The first packet being written after migration is an asynchronous write, no
// PING packet will be sent.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionWithDrainingStreamAsync) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrateSessionWithDrainingStream(
    IoMode write_mode_for_queued_packet) {}

// Regression test for
// This test verifies that the connection migrates to the alternate network
// when the alternate network is connected after path has been degrading.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnNewNetworkConnectAfterPathDegrading) {}

// This test verifies that multiple sessions are migrated on connection
// migration signal.
       MigrateMultipleSessionsToBadSocketsAfterDisconnected) {}

// This test verifies that session attempts connection migration with signals
// delivered in the following order (no alternate network is available):
// - path degrading is detected: session attempts connection migration but no
//   alternate network is available, session caches path degrading signal in
//   connection and stays on the original network.
// - original network backs up, request is served in the orignal network,
//   session is not marked as going away.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnPathDegradingWithNoNewNetwork) {}

// This test verifies that session with non-migratable stream will probe the
// alternate network on path degrading, and close the non-migratable streams
// when probe is successful.
       MigrateSessionEarlyNonMigratableStream_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

       MigrateSessionEarlyNonMigratableStream_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrateSessionEarlyNonMigratableStream(
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionEarlyConnectionMigrationDisabled) {}

// Regression test for
// This test verifies that the old packet writer which encountered an
// asynchronous write error will be blocked during migration on write error. New
// packets would not be written until the one with write error is rewritten on
// the new network.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnAsyncWriteError) {}

// Verify session is not marked as going away after connection migration on
// write error and migrate back to default network logic is applied to bring the
// migrated session back to the default network. Migration singals delivered
// in the following order (alternate network is always availabe):
// - session on the default network encountered a write error;
// - session successfully migrated to the non-default network;
// - session attempts to migrate back to default network post migration;
// - migration back to the default network is successful.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateBackToDefaultPostMigrationOnWriteError) {}

// This test verifies that the connection will not attempt connection migration
// (send connectivity probes on alternate path) when path degrading is detected
// and handshake is not confirmed.
       NoMigrationOnPathDegradingBeforeHandshakeConfirmed) {}

// This test verifies that if a connection is closed with
// QUIC_NETWORK_IDLE_TIMEOUT before handshake is completed and there is no
// alternate network, no new connection will be created.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoAlternateNetworkBeforeHandshakeOnIdleTimeout) {}

// This test verifies that if a connection is closed with QUIC_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
// and there is no alternate network, no new connection will be created.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoAlternateNetworkOnHandshakeTimeout) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestNoAlternateNetworkBeforeHandshake(
    quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NewConnectionBeforeHandshakeAfterIdleTimeout) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NewConnectionAfterHandshakeTimeout) {}

// Sets up a test to verify that a new connection will be created on the
// alternate network after the initial connection fails before handshake with
// signals delivered in the following order (alternate network is available):
// - the default network is not able to complete crypto handshake;
// - the original connection is closed with |quic_error|;
// - a new connection is created on the alternate network and is able to finish
//   crypto handshake;
// - the new session on the alternate network attempts to migrate back to the
//   default network by sending probes;
// - default network being disconnected is delivered: session will stop probing
//   the original network.
// - alternate network is made by default.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestNewConnectionOnAlternateNetworkBeforeHandshake(
    quic::QuicErrorCode quic_error) {}

// Test that connection will be closed with PACKET_WRITE_ERROR if a write error
// is triggered before handshake is confirmed and connection migration is turned
// on.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrationOnWriteErrorBeforeHandshakeConfirmed) {}

// Test that if the original connection is closed with QUIC_PACKET_WRITE_ERROR
// before handshake is confirmed and new connection before handshake is turned
// on, a new connection will be retried on the alternate network.
       RetryConnectionOnWriteErrorBeforeHandshakeConfirmed) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteError(IoMode write_error_mode) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorSynchronous) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorAsync) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorNoNewNetwork(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNoNewNetworkSynchronous) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNoNewNetworkAsync) {}

       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithMultipleRequestsSync) {}

       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithMultipleRequestsAsync) {}

// Sets up a test which verifies that connection migration on write error can
// eventually succeed and rewrite the packet on the new network with *multiple*
// migratable streams.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorWithMultipleRequests(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnWriteErrorWithMixedRequestsSync) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnWriteErrorWithMixedRequestsAsync) {}

// Sets up a test that verifies connection migration manages to migrate to
// alternate network after encountering a SYNC/ASYNC write error based on
// |write_error_mode| on the original network.
// Note there are mixed types of unfinished requests before migration: one
// migratable and one non-migratable. The *migratable* one triggers write
// error.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorMixedStreams(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnWriteErrorWithMixedRequests2Sync) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateOnWriteErrorWithMixedRequests2Async) {}

// The one triggers write error is a non-migratable stream.
// Sets up a test that verifies connection migration manages to migrate to
// alternate network after encountering a SYNC/ASYNC write error based on
// |write_error_mode| on the original network.
// Note there are mixed types of unfinished requests before migration: one
// migratable and one non-migratable. The *non-migratable* one triggers write
// error.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorMixedStreams2(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

// This test verifies that when a connection encounters a packet write error, it
// will cancel non-migratable streams, and migrate to the alternate network.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorNonMigratableStream(
    IoMode write_error_mode,
    bool migrate_idle_sessions) {}

    MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNonMigratableStreamSync_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

    MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNonMigratableStreamAsync_DoNotMigrateIdleSessions) {}

       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNonMigratableStreamSync_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorNonMigratableStreamAsync_MigrateIdleSessions) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorMigrationDisabled(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorMigrationDisabledSynchronous) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorMigrationDisabledAsync) {}

// For IETF QUIC, this test the following scenario:
// - original network encounters a SYNC/ASYNC write error based on
//   |write_error_mode_on_old_network|, the packet failed to be written is
//   cached, session migrates immediately to the alternate network.
// - an immediate SYNC/ASYNC write error based on
//   |write_error_mode_on_new_network| is encountered after migration to the
//   alternate network, session migrates immediately to the original network.
// - After a new socket for the original network is created and starts to read,
//   connection migration fails due to lack of unused connection ID and
//   connection is closed.
// TODO(zhongyi): once is fixed, this test should be
// modified to test that session is closed early if hopping between networks
// with consecutive write errors is detected.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnMultipleWriteErrors(
    IoMode write_error_mode_on_old_network,
    IoMode write_error_mode_on_new_network) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnMultipleWriteErrorsSyncSync) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnMultipleWriteErrorsSyncAsync) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnMultipleWriteErrorsAsyncSync) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MigrateSessionOnMultipleWriteErrorsAsyncAsync) {}

// Verifies that a connection is closed when connection migration is triggered
// on network being disconnected and the handshake is not confirmed.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoMigrationBeforeHandshakeOnNetworkDisconnected) {}

// Sets up the connection migration test where network change notification is
// queued BEFORE connection migration attempt on write error is posted.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::
        bool disconnected) {}

// This test verifies that session attempts connection migration successfully
// with signals delivered in the following order (alternate network is always
// available):
// - a notification that default network is disconnected is queued.
// - write error is triggered: session posts a task to attempt connection
//   migration, |migration_pending_| set to true.
// - default network disconnected is delivered: session immediately migrates to
//   the alternate network, |migration_pending_| set to false.
// - connection migration on write error attempt aborts: writer encountered
//   error is no longer in active use.
       MigrateOnNetworkDisconnectedWithWriteErrorQueuedLater) {}

// This test verifies that session attempts connection migration successfully
// with signals delivered in the following order (alternate network is always
// available):
// - a notification that alternate network is made default is queued.
// - write error is triggered: session posts a task to attempt connection
//   migration, block future migrations.
// - new default notification is delivered: migrate back timer spins and task is
//   posted to migrate to the new default network.
// - connection migration on write error attempt proceeds successfully: session
// is
//   marked as going away, future migrations unblocked.
// - migrate back to default network task executed: session is already on the
//   default network, no-op.
       MigrateOnWriteErrorWithNetworkMadeDefaultQueuedEarlier) {}

// Sets up the connection migration test where network change notification is
// queued AFTER connection migration attempt on write error is posted.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorWithNotificationQueuedLater(
    bool disconnected) {}

// This test verifies that session attempts connection migration successfully
// with signals delivered in the following order (alternate network is always
// available):
// - write error is triggered: session posts a task to complete connection
//   migration.
// - a notification that alternate network is made default is queued.
// - connection migration attempt proceeds successfully, session is marked as
//   going away.
// - new default notification is delivered after connection migration has been
//   completed.
       MigrateOnWriteErrorWithNetworkMadeDefaultQueuedLater) {}

// This test verifies that session attempts connection migration successfully
// with signals delivered in the following order (alternate network is always
// available):
// - write error is triggered: session posts a task to complete connection
//   migration.
// - a notification that default network is diconnected is queued.
// - connection migration attempt proceeds successfully, session is marked as
//   going away.
// - disconnect notification is delivered after connection migration has been
//   completed.
       MigrateOnWriteErrorWithNetworkDisconnectedQueuedLater) {}

// This tests connection migration on write error with signals delivered in the
// following order:
// - a synchronous/asynchronous write error is triggered base on
//   |write_error_mode|: connection migration attempt is posted.
// - old default network disconnects, migration waits for a new network.
// - after a pause, new network is connected: session will migrate to new
//   network immediately.
// - migration on writer error is exectued and aborts as writer passed in is no
//   longer active in use.
// - new network is made default.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorPauseBeforeConnected(
    IoMode write_error_mode) {}

       MigrateSessionOnSyncWriteErrorPauseBeforeConnected) {}

       MigrateSessionOnAsyncWriteErrorPauseBeforeConnected) {}

// This test verifies that when session successfully migrate to the alternate
// network, packet write error on the old writer will be ignored and will not
// trigger connection migration on write error.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, IgnoreWriteErrorFromOldWriterAfterMigration) {}

// This test verifies that when session successfully migrate to the alternate
// network, packet read error on the old reader will be ignored and will not
// close the connection.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, IgnoreReadErrorFromOldReaderAfterMigration) {}

// This test verifies that after migration on network is executed, packet
// read error on the old reader will be ignored and will not close the
// connection.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, IgnoreReadErrorOnOldReaderDuringMigration) {}

// This test verifies that when connection migration on path degrading is
// enabled, and no custom retransmittable on wire timeout is specified, the
// default value is used.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DefaultRetransmittableOnWireTimeoutForMigration) {}

// This test verifies that when connection migration on path degrading is
// enabled, and a custom retransmittable on wire timeout is specified, the
// custom value is used.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CustomRetransmittableOnWireTimeoutForMigration) {}

// This test verifies that when no migration is enabled, but a custom value for
// retransmittable-on-wire timeout is specified, the ping alarm is set up to
// send retransmittable pings with the custom value.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CustomRetransmittableOnWireTimeout) {}

// This test verifies that when no migration is enabled, and no custom value
// for retransmittable-on-wire timeout is specified, the ping alarm will not
// send any retransmittable pings.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoRetransmittableOnWireTimeout) {}

// This test verifies that when only migration on network change is enabled, and
// a custom value for retransmittable-on-wire is specified, the ping alarm will
// send retransmittable pings to the peer with custom value.
       CustomRetransmittableOnWireTimeoutWithMigrationOnNetworkChangeOnly) {}

// This test verifies that when only migration on network change is enabled, and
// no custom value for retransmittable-on-wire is specified, the ping alarm will
// NOT send retransmittable pings to the peer with custom value.
       NoRetransmittableOnWireTimeoutWithMigrationOnNetworkChangeOnly) {}

// This test verifies that after migration on write error is posted, packet
// read error on the old reader will be ignored and will not close the
// connection.
       IgnoreReadErrorOnOldReaderDuringPendingMigrationOnWriteError) {}

// Migrate on asynchronous write error, old network disconnects after alternate
// network connects.
       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithDisconnectAfterConnectAsync) {}

// Migrate on synchronous write error, old network disconnects after alternate
// network connects.
       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithDisconnectAfterConnectSync) {}

// Migrate on asynchronous write error, old network disconnects before alternate
// network connects.
       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithDisconnectBeforeConnectAsync) {}

// Migrate on synchronous write error, old network disconnects before alternate
// network connects.
       MigrateSessionOnWriteErrorWithDisconnectBeforeConnectSync) {}

// Sets up test which verifies that session successfully migrate to alternate
// network with signals delivered in the following order:
// *NOTE* Signal (A) and (B) can reverse order based on
// |disconnect_before_connect|.
// - (No alternate network is connected) session connects to
//   kDefaultNetworkForTests.
// - An async/sync write error is encountered based on |write_error_mode|:
//   session posted task to migrate session on write error.
// - Posted task is executed, miration moves to pending state due to lack of
//   alternate network.
// - (A) An alternate network is connected, pending migration completes.
// - (B) Old default network disconnects, no migration will be attempted as
//   session has already migrate to the alternate network.
// - The alternate network is made default.
void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestMigrationOnWriteErrorWithMultipleNotifications(
    IoMode write_error_mode,
    bool disconnect_before_connect) {}

// This test verifies after session migrates off the default network, it keeps
// retrying migrate back to the default network until successfully gets on the
// default network or the idle migration period threshold is exceeded.
// The default threshold is 30s.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DefaultIdleMigrationPeriod) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CustomIdleMigrationPeriod) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigration) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigrationNonMigratableStream) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigrationIPv4ToIPv4) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigrationIPv6ToIPv6) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigrationIPv6ToIPv4Fails) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ServerMigrationIPv4ToIPv6Fails) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, OnCertDBChanged) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, OnCertVerifierChanged) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, SharedCryptoConfig) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CryptoConfigWhenProofIsInvalid) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EnableNotLoadFromDiskCache) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ReducePingTimeoutOnConnectionTimeOutOpenStreams) {}

// Verifies that the QUIC stream factory is initialized correctly.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MaybeInitialize) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MaybeInitializeWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

// Without NetworkAnonymizationKeys enabled for HttpServerProperties, there
// should only be one global CryptoCache.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CryptoConfigCache) {}

// With different NetworkAnonymizationKeys enabled for HttpServerProperties,
// there should only be one global CryptoCache per NetworkAnonymizationKey.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CryptoConfigCacheWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

// Makes Verifies MRU behavior of the crypto config caches. Without
// NetworkAnonymizationKeys enabled, behavior is uninteresting, since there's
// only one cache, so nothing is ever evicted.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CryptoConfigCacheMRUWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

// Similar to above test, but uses real requests, and doesn't keep Handles
// around, so evictions happen immediately.
       CryptoConfigCacheMRUWithRealRequestsAndWithNetworkAnonymizationKey) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, YieldAfterPackets) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, YieldAfterDuration) {}

// Pool to existing session with matching quic::QuicServerId
// even if destination is different.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, PoolByOrigin) {}

namespace {

enum DestinationType {};

// Run QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest instances with all value
// combinations of version and destination_type.
struct PoolingTestParams {};

// Used by ::testing::PrintToStringParamName().
std::string PrintToString(const PoolingTestParams& p) {}

std::vector<PoolingTestParams> GetPoolingTestParams() {}

}  // namespace

class QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest
    : public QuicSessionPoolTestBase,
      public ::testing::TestWithParam<PoolingTestParams> {};


// A single QUIC request fails because the certificate does not match the origin
// hostname, regardless of whether it matches the alternative service hostname.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, InvalidCertificate) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is pooled based on |destination| if certificate matches.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, SharedCertificate) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is not pooled if PrivacyMode differs.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, DifferentPrivacyMode) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is not pooled if the secure_dns_policy field differs.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, DifferentSecureDnsPolicy) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is not pooled if the ProxyChain field differs.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, DifferentProxyChain) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is not pooled if the SessionUsage field differs.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, DifferentSessionUsage) {}

// QuicSessionRequest is not pooled if certificate does not match its origin.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolWithDestinationTest, DisjointCertificate) {}

// This test verifies that QuicSessionPool::ClearCachedStatesInCryptoConfig
// correctly transform an origin filter to a ServerIdFilter. Whether the
// deletion itself works correctly is tested in QuicCryptoClientConfigTest.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ClearCachedStatesInCryptoConfig) {}

// Passes connection options and client connection options to QuicSessionPool,
// then checks that its internal quic::QuicConfig is correct.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ConfigConnectionOptions) {}

// Verifies that the host resolver uses the request priority passed to
// QuicSessionRequest::Request().
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, HostResolverUsesRequestPriority) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, HostResolverRequestReprioritizedOnSetPriority) {}

// Verifies that the host resolver uses the disable secure DNS setting and
// NetworkAnonymizationKey passed to QuicSessionRequest::Request().
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, HostResolverUsesParams) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ConfigMaxTimeBeforeCryptoHandshake) {}

// Verify ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallback behavior when the crypto
// handshake fails.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallbackFail) {}

// Verify ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallback behavior when the crypto
// handshake succeeds synchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallbackSuccessSync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallback behavior when the crypto
// handshake succeeds asynchronously.
       ResultAfterQuicSessionCreationCallbackSuccessAsync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution
// succeeds asynchronously, then crypto handshake fails synchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackAsyncSync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution
// succeeds asynchronously, then crypto handshake fails asynchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackAsyncAsync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution
// succeeds synchronously, then crypto handshake fails synchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackSyncSync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution
// succeeds synchronously, then crypto handshake fails asynchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackSyncAsync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution fails
// synchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackFailSync) {}

// Verify ResultAfterHostResolutionCallback behavior when host resolution fails
// asynchronously.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ResultAfterHostResolutionCallbackFailAsync) {}

// Test that QuicSessionRequests with similar and different tags results in
// reused and unique QUIC streams using appropriately tagged sockets.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, Tag) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ReadErrorClosesConnection) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, MessageTooBigReadErrorDoesNotCloseConnection) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ZeroLengthReadDoesNotCloseConnection) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DnsAliasesCanBeAccessedFromStream) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, NoAdditionalDnsAliases) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, DoNotUseDnsAliases) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, ConnectErrorInCreateWithDnsAliases) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsAlpnNoHttpsRecord) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsAlpnMatch) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsAlpnUnknownAlpn) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsAlpnUnknownAndSupportedAlpn) {}

// QUIC has many string representations of versions. Only the ALPN name is
// acceptable in HTTPS/SVCB records.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsNotAlpnName) {}

// If the only routes come from HTTPS/SVCB records (impossible until
// is implemented), we should still pick up the
// address from the HTTPS record.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, RequireDnsHttpsRecordOnly) {}

void QuicSessionPoolTest::TestRequireDnsHttpsAlpn(
    std::vector<HostResolverEndpointResult> endpoints,
    bool expect_success) {}

namespace {

// Run QuicSessionPoolDnsAliasPoolingTest instances with all value
// combinations of version, H2 stream dependency or not, DNS alias use or not,
// and example DNS aliases. `expected_dns_aliases*` params are dependent on
// `use_dns_aliases`, `dns_aliases1`, and `dns_aliases2`.
struct DnsAliasPoolingTestParams {};

std::string PrintToString(const std::set<std::string>& set) {}

// Used by ::testing::PrintToStringParamName().
std::string PrintToString(const DnsAliasPoolingTestParams& p) {}

std::vector<DnsAliasPoolingTestParams> GetDnsAliasPoolingTestParams() {}

}  // namespace

class QuicSessionPoolDnsAliasPoolingTest
    : public QuicSessionPoolTestBase,
      public ::testing::TestWithParam<DnsAliasPoolingTestParams> {};


TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolDnsAliasPoolingTest, IPPooling) {}

// Test that, even if DNS does not provide ECH keys, ECH GREASE is enabled.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchGrease) {}

// Test that, connections where we discover QUIC from Alt-Svc (as opposed to
// HTTPS-RR), ECH is picked up from DNS.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchWithQuicFromAltSvc) {}

// Test that, connections where we discover QUIC from HTTPS-RR (as opposed to
// Alt-Svc), ECH is picked up from DNS.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchWithQuicFromHttpsRecord) {}

// Test that, when ECH is disabled, neither ECH nor ECH GREASE are configured.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchDisabled) {}

// Test that, when the server supports ECH, the connection should use
// SVCB-reliant behavior.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchSvcbReliant) {}

// Test that, when ECH is disabled, SVCB-reliant behavior doesn't trigger.
TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, EchDisabledSvcbOptional) {}

TEST_P(QuicSessionPoolTest, CreateSessionAttempt) {}

}  // namespace net::test