
// Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// APPLE_clip_distance_test.cpp:
//   Test for APPLE_clip_distance

#include "tests/test_utils/ShaderExtensionTest.h"

const char EXTPragma[] =;

// Shader using gl_ClipDistance
const char ESSL100_APPLEClipDistanceShader1[] =;

// Shader redeclares gl_ClipDistance
const char ESSL100_APPLEClipDistanceShader2[] =;

// ESSL 3.00 Shader using gl_ClipDistance
const char ESSL300_APPLEClipDistanceShader1[] =;

// ESSL 3.00 Shader redeclares gl_ClipDistance
const char ESSL300_APPLEClipDistanceShader2[] =;

class APPLEClipDistanceTest : public sh::ShaderExtensionTest

// Extension flag is required to compile properly. Expect failure when it is
// not present.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileFailsWithoutExtension)

// Extension directive is required to compile properly. Expect failure when
// it is not present.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileFailsWithExtensionWithoutPragma)

// With extension flag and extension directive, compiling succeeds.
// Also test that the extension directive state is reset correctly.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileSucceedsWithExtensionAndPragma)

// With extension flag and extension directive, compiling using TranslatorVulkan succeeds.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileSucceedsVulkan)

// Test that the SPIR-V gen path can compile a shader when this extension is not supported.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileSucceedsWithoutExtSupportVulkan)

// With extension flag and extension directive, compiling using TranslatorMSL succeeds.
TEST_P(APPLEClipDistanceTest, CompileSucceedsMetal)
    mResources.APPLE_clip_distance = 1;
    mResources.MaxClipDistances    = 8;


// The SL #version 100 shaders that are correct work similarly
// in both GL2 and GL3, with and without the version string.


}  // anonymous namespace