
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_span.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/base/address_list.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/http/http_auth_controller.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_factory.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_handle.h"
#include "net/socket/client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/socket/datagram_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_performance_watcher.h"
#include "net/socket/socket_tag.h"
#include "net/socket/ssl_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/transport_client_socket.h"
#include "net/socket/transport_client_socket_pool.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_config_service.h"
#include "net/ssl/ssl_info.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace base {
class RunLoop;

namespace net {

struct CommonConnectJobParams;
class NetLog;
struct NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag;
class X509Certificate;

const handles::NetworkHandle kDefaultNetworkForTests =;
const handles::NetworkHandle kNewNetworkForTests =;

enum {};

class AsyncSocket;
class MockClientSocket;
class MockTCPClientSocket;
class MockSSLClientSocket;
class SSLClientSocket;
class StreamSocket;

enum IoMode {};

// Used to delay MockClientSocket::Connect.
// Example usage:
// TEST(FooTest, Test) {
//   MockClientSocketFactory socket_factory;
//   MockConnectCompleter completer;
//   SequencedSocketData data;
//   data.set_connect_data(MockConnect(&completer));
//   socket_factory.AddSocketDataProvider(&data);
//   // Create a MockClientSocket somehow.
//   std::unique_ptr<StreamSocket> stream = CreateStreamSocket();
//   std::optional<int> delayed_result;
//   int rv = stream->Connect(base::BindLambdaForTesting([&](int result){
//      delayed_result = result;
//   }));
//   // Connect() returns ERR_IO_PENDING.
//   RunUntilIdle();
//   // Connect() is still blocked.
//   ASSERT_FALSE(delayed_result.has_value());
//   completer.Complete(OK);
//   RunUntilIdle();
//   EXPECT_THAT(delayed_result, Optional(IsOk()));
// }
class MockConnectCompleter {};

struct MockConnect {};

struct MockConfirm {};

// MockRead and MockWrite shares the same interface and members, but we'd like
// to have distinct types because we don't want to have them used
// interchangably. To do this, a struct template is defined, and MockRead and
// MockWrite are instantiated by using this template. Template parameter |type|
// is not used in the struct definition (it purely exists for creating a new
// type).
// |data| in MockRead and MockWrite has different meanings: |data| in MockRead
// is the data returned from the socket when MockTCPClientSocket::Read() is
// attempted, while |data| in MockWrite is the expected data that should be
// given in MockTCPClientSocket::Write().
enum MockReadWriteType {};

template <MockReadWriteType type>
struct MockReadWrite {};


struct MockWriteResult {};

class SocketDataPrinter {};

// The SocketDataProvider is an interface used by the MockClientSocket
// for getting data about individual reads and writes on the socket.  Can be
// used with at most one socket at a time.
// TODO(mmenke):  Do these really need to be re-useable?
class SocketDataProvider {};

// The AsyncSocket is an interface used by the SocketDataProvider to
// complete the asynchronous read operation.
class AsyncSocket {};

// StaticSocketDataHelper manages a list of reads and writes.
class StaticSocketDataHelper {};

// SocketDataProvider which responds based on static tables of mock reads and
// writes.
class StaticSocketDataProvider : public SocketDataProvider {};

// SSLSocketDataProviders only need to keep track of the return code from calls
// to Connect().
struct SSLSocketDataProvider {};

// Uses the sequence_number field in the mock reads and writes to
// complete the operations in a specified order.
class SequencedSocketData : public SocketDataProvider {};

// Holds an array of SocketDataProvider elements.  As Mock{TCP,SSL}StreamSocket
// objects get instantiated, they take their data from the i'th element of this
// array.
template <typename T>
class SocketDataProviderArray {};

class MockUDPClientSocket;
class MockTCPClientSocket;
class MockSSLClientSocket;

// ClientSocketFactory which contains arrays of sockets of each type.
// You should first fill the arrays using Add{SSL,}SocketDataProvider(). When
// the factory is asked to create a socket, it takes next entry from appropriate
// array. You can use ResetNextMockIndexes to reset that next entry index for
// all mock socket types.
class MockClientSocketFactory : public ClientSocketFactory {};

class MockClientSocket : public TransportClientSocket {};

class MockTCPClientSocket : public MockClientSocket, public AsyncSocket {};

class MockSSLClientSocket : public AsyncSocket, public SSLClientSocket {};

class MockUDPClientSocket : public DatagramClientSocket, public AsyncSocket {};

class TestSocketRequest : public TestCompletionCallbackBase {};

class ClientSocketPoolTest {};

class MockTransportSocketParams
    : public base::RefCounted<MockTransportSocketParams> {};

class MockTransportClientSocketPool : public TransportClientSocketPool {};

// WrappedStreamSocket is a base class that wraps an existing StreamSocket,
// forwarding the Socket and StreamSocket interfaces to the underlying
// transport.
// This is to provide a common base class for subclasses to override specific
// StreamSocket methods for testing, while still communicating with a 'real'
// StreamSocket.
class WrappedStreamSocket : public TransportClientSocket {};

// StreamSocket that wraps another StreamSocket, but keeps track of any
// SocketTag applied to the socket.
class MockTaggingStreamSocket : public WrappedStreamSocket {};

// Extend MockClientSocketFactory to return MockTaggingStreamSockets and
// keep track of last socket produced for test inspection.
class MockTaggingClientSocketFactory : public MockClientSocketFactory {};

// Host / port used for SOCKS4 test strings.
extern const char kSOCKS4TestHost[];
extern const int kSOCKS4TestPort;

// Constants for a successful SOCKS v4 handshake (connecting to kSOCKS4TestHost
// on port kSOCKS4TestPort, for the request).
extern const char kSOCKS4OkRequestLocalHostPort80[];
extern const int kSOCKS4OkRequestLocalHostPort80Length;

extern const char kSOCKS4OkReply[];
extern const int kSOCKS4OkReplyLength;

// Host / port used for SOCKS5 test strings.
extern const char kSOCKS5TestHost[];
extern const int kSOCKS5TestPort;

// Constants for a successful SOCKS v5 handshake (connecting to kSOCKS5TestHost
// on port kSOCKS5TestPort, for the request)..
extern const char kSOCKS5GreetRequest[];
extern const int kSOCKS5GreetRequestLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5GreetResponse[];
extern const int kSOCKS5GreetResponseLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5OkRequest[];
extern const int kSOCKS5OkRequestLength;

extern const char kSOCKS5OkResponse[];
extern const int kSOCKS5OkResponseLength;

// Helper function to get the total data size of the MockReads in |reads|.
int64_t CountReadBytes(base::span<const MockRead> reads);

// Helper function to get the total data size of the MockWrites in |writes|.
int64_t CountWriteBytes(base::span<const MockWrite> writes);

// Returns whether the device supports calling GetTaggedBytes().
bool CanGetTaggedBytes();

// Query the system to find out how many bytes were received with tag
// |expected_tag| for our UID.  Return the count of received bytes.
uint64_t GetTaggedBytes(int32_t expected_tag);

}  // namespace net